The Avowed

The Avowed

Roughly three hundred Avowed live in Candlekeep. The majority of them are low-level assistants, newcomers to the order, or scribes who handle the everyday work in the keep (use the commoner stat block to represent them).   High-ranking members of the Avowed include the individuals described below.  

Keeper of Tomes

The Keeper is the highest-ranking member of the Avowed and the governor of Candlekeep, who selects scholars to fill vacant leadership positions. The Keeper’s word is law, and each Keeper’s edicts are recorded for the edification of future Keepers.   A Keeper of Tomes chooses their own replacement. If a Keeper dies or departs before making that choice, the council of Great Readers votes to determine who among them is elevated to the position. Tie votes are broken by the First Reader.   The Keeper of Tomes is the human archmage Janussi, a devoted follower of Deneir.  


The Keeper of Tomes appoints individuals to fill key roles, as described in the sections that follow.  

First Reader

The First Reader constantly expands Candlekeep’s literary resources and base of knowledge. Acquiring unique tomes and scrolls falls under the First Reader’s purview.   Currently, the First Reader is Bookwyrm, a dragonborn master sage of green dragon ancestry. Bookwyrm’s real name is Skoda Valanaster.  

Great Readers

Candlekeep maintains a council of eight Great Readers, senior Avowed who oversee day-to-day operations. These erudite scholars and gifted spellcasters are chosen from the ranks of Master Readers. Each is acknowledged as Candlekeep’s foremost expert on a particular area of study. Many of them use the master sage stat block presented earlier in this section.   Currently, the Great Readers are:  
  • A’lai Aivenmore, a human master sage and worshiper of Oghma (god of knowledge). Primary expertise: divinity (the gods and the nature of the divine).
  • Alkrist, a dragonborn master sage of bronze dragon ancestry. Primary expertise: politics, military strategy, and significant battles of Nehwon.
  • Daral Yashenti, a human master sage and poet. Primary expertise: music, poetry, and literature.
  • Fheminor Scrivenbark, a lightfoot halfling master sage. Primary expertise: history, folklore, and the cultures of Nehwon (past and present).
  • Kazryn Nyantani, a human master sage. Primary expertise: the natural world and celestial navigation.
  • Sylvira Savikas, a tiefling archmage. Primary expertise: the Great Wheel of the planes.
  • Teles Ahvoste, a human archmage. Primary expertise: magic items, curses, and the Weave.
  • V’ziir-Ag, a githzerai master sage. Primary expertise: all things unnatural (including aberrations, undead, and the Far Realm).

Master Readers

Master Readers (sages and master sages) oversee the scribes and teach the adjutants. These learned Avowed possess tremendous institutional knowledge.  


A chosen group of Avowed maintains a constant recitation of the prophecies of Alaundo the Seer. The Endless Chant, as it is called, travels throughout the keep day and night. It’s led by either the Chanter or a hand-picked subordinate.   Currently, the Chanter is a middle-aged shield dwarf priest of Milil (god of poetry and song) named Benedora Stoneforge.  


The Gatewarden maintains security at the front gates, through which all visitors must enter.   The Gatewarden is Kalan Strongbranch, a human archmage.
Guild, Professional
Controlled Territories

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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