Terzak slays Haldron

General Summary

In the aftermath of a hard-won duel between himself and Haldron Frostmountain, Terzak stood before Emperor Huron VII, his demeanor embodying the humility of a true warrior. With the dust of combat still clinging to his armor, he implored the Emperor to honor a long-standing promise. Huron VII, taken aback by the solemnity of the request, regarded Terzak with a questioning gaze.   "My word is not merely a matter of honor; it is the essence of my soul," Terzak declared, his voice resounding with unwavering conviction. "Through all my 486 years, not once have I faltered in my loyalty to you. My ancestors may have strayed, but my allegiance has been steadfast. You once inquired how you might reward such service. Today, I ask for my release."   At a discreet distance, Duventar Stovana observed the exchange. At the crucial moment, their eyes met, and Terzak offered a knowing smile before returning his focus to Huron VII. With one knee bent in fealty, Terzak continued, "You vowed to grant me freedom upon Haldron's demise. By my hand, he has been vanquished for your cause. It is done. I beseech you, let me marry the woman who carries my child, that my heirs may know legitimacy, a right they are denied solely by my bond to your command."   Witnessing the sincerity in Terzak's plea, Huron VII was overcome with emotion. He knelt before Terzak, tears streaming down his face, an emperor brought to humility by the plight of his servant. "Forgive me, Ambrellus, for my oversight, for the pain my demands have wrought upon you. I have been a fool," he cried.   As Terzak locked eyes with the weeping emperor, his own tears began to fall, a wellspring of relief and shared sorrow.   "Rise, my loyal Terzak," urged Huron VII, as they both stood, shoulders squared. "I will absolve you of your obligations, and your life shall be your own once more. But before I do so," the Emperor paused, a final decree on his lips.   Terzak braced himself for what might come, a flicker of tension crossing his face. Yet he remained silent, awaiting the emperor's words.   "Marry your beloved, and do so swiftly!" Huron VII commanded with a joyous fervor. "As the sovereign of this land, I shall stand beside you as the best man and be the godfather to your offspring!"   And so, in a celebration marked by haste but no less heartfelt, Terzak and Sharrila were united in matrimony. The emperor himself graced their union, fulfilling his role with honor and pride.   Time flowed like a gentle river until eight months later, when Sharrila brought forth not one, but four precious lives into the world. They named the identical quadruplets with names as precious as their existence: Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, and Sapphire.

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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