Silver Eclipse Parrot

Clad in plumage that dazzles the eye with its metallic silver brilliance and captivates the soul with its deep, matte black hues, the Silver Eclipse Parrot stands not merely as a visual spectacle but as a being steeped in the annals of legend. Its feathers, catching the light in a dance of shimmer and shadow, are said to be imbued with an extraordinary ability: the power to peer into the Ethereal Plane, a realm beyond the ken of ordinary beings.   Such a mystical trait has made the Silver Eclipse Parrot an object of intense desire among magic-users. Wizards and sorcerers, drawn by tales of its unique vision, seek to form a bond with this enigmatic bird, aspiring to make it their familiar. In the realms of magic, where knowledge is power and the unseen forces govern the balance of the world, the ability to glimpse into the Ethereal Plane is an invaluable asset. It is said that a wizard who successfully bonds with a Silver Eclipse Parrot gains not only a companion but a window into the mysteries of the universe.   Yet, the rarity of this splendid bird renders it a treasure few can hope to attain. Native to the remote and mystical Stargazer Island, the Silver Eclipse Parrot thrives amidst the isle's enchanted forests and starlit skies. The island itself is a bastion of mystery, shrouded in ancient magic, making it a daunting destination for those who dare seek its secrets. Capturing these parrots from their natural habitat is a feat that few can boast of, not only due to the island's treacherous terrain but also because of the birds' innate wariness and mystical protections.   As a result, the Silver Eclipse Parrots that find their way to the market are typically those bred in captivity. These birds, though still rare and valuable, are said to possess a lesser connection to the ethereal realm compared to their wild counterparts. The process of breeding and raising them in captivity is a guarded secret, known only to a few skilled aviary magicians who dedicate their lives to understanding and nurturing these otherworldly creatures.   The price for a Silver Eclipse Parrot reflects its rarity and the mystical prowess it represents. For many magic-users, obtaining one is a lifelong dream, a pursuit that requires not only considerable wealth but also a deep understanding of the arcane. The bird's ethereal connection, combined with its striking beauty, makes it more than just a familiar; it is a symbol of prestige and power in the magical community.   In whispered tales and shadowed corners of magical gatherings, stories are told of the Silver Eclipse Parrot - of its enigmatic gaze that pierces the veil between worlds, of its silent understanding of the mysteries of the cosmos, and of the rare few who have forged a bond with this magnificent creature, forever changing the course of their magical journey.

Basic Information


Size and Body Shape: This very large parrot has a robust, yet streamlined body shape, conducive to agile flight and maneuverability in varied environments. Males are between 32 - 36 inches tall, while females are between 34-38 inches tall. Their tails are equally as long as their bodies are tall, making this an impressively large parrot.   Plumage: Its most striking feature, the plumage, consists of iridescent, metallic silver feathers interspersed with deep, matte black sections. This plumage plays a role in communication, mating displays, or camouflage, depending on how the light reflects off the silver parts.   Beak: Like other parrots, the Silver Eclipse Parrot has a strong, curved beak, adept for cracking nuts, seeds, and perhaps foraging on tree bark or hard fruits. Chicks and juvenile parrots exhibit beaks with a gradient of silver to black, complementing its plumage. Upon reaching sexual maturity, their beak turns into a solid matte black color.   Eyes: Bright and expressive with a silver iris which provides excellent vision, essential for navigation and foraging.   Feet and Talons: Zygodactyl feet (two toes facing forward and two backward) provide a strong grip for perching and climbing. The talons are sharp and strong, aiding in grasping food and branches.   Wings: The wings are strong and broad, designed for both long-distance flight and quick, darting movements in dense foliage. The wing feathers show a striking pattern when extended, with the silver feathers creating a shimmering effect. A viewer standing underneath this parrot as it flies over would matte black coverts and secondary feathers; its primary feathers gradually shift from black to silver as they move from the secondaries to its outermost primary feather.   Tail: A long, broad tail for balance and steering during flight. The tail feathers continue the silver and black color scheme, with intricate patterns. Males have a particularly bright silver plumage in their tails, which is likely for purposes of attracting a mate.   Vocalization and Sound Production: Like many parrots, it might have a complex vocalization system, capable of mimicking sounds and producing a range of calls. Its vocal ability could be a significant aspect of its social interactions.

Genetics and Reproduction

Nesting behaviors typical of parrots, with both parents involved in raising the young. The metallic and black plumage play a role in mating rituals and displays. The female of this species chooses her mate based on how "impressed" she is by a complex "dance" the male displays during the mating ritual. Each male creates his own unique "song" that he sings to the female during this time. The "song" often consists of clucking, clicking, and screeching patterns he orchestrates to try and impress a potential mate.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Its diet includes fruits, nuts, seeds, and insects. They forage using their beak and feet to explore tree bark and foliage.


Social Behavior: Parrots are generally social creatures, and the Silver Eclipse Parrot is no exception. They live in small flocks or family groups, engaging in social activities like mutual preening and cooperative feeding. The bird's striking plumage plays a significant role in social interactions, such as establishing hierarchies or attracting mates.   Communication: This species has a complex system of vocalizations and body language. Its calls include a variety of whistles, squawks, and mimicry of environmental sounds. Body language, such as feather display, wing positions, and posture, are essential for non-verbal communication within the flock.   Intelligence and Problem-Solving: Parrots are known for their intelligence. The Silver Eclipse Parrot exhibits advanced cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving skills, memory retention, and even the ability to use simple tools. This intelligence aids in foraging, navigating complex environments, and social interactions.   Emotional Complexity: Like many parrots, this species displays a range of emotions such as joy, anger, or sadness. They form strong bonds with other parrots and even with humanoid caregivers if they were kept in captivity. This emotional depth requires mental stimulation and social interaction to prevent boredom and stress.   Playfulness and Curiosity: Parrots often engage in playful behavior, which is a sign of intelligence and curiosity. The Silver Eclipse Parrot plays with objects in its environment, explores new areas with enthusiasm, and engages in playful interactions with other parrots.   Territoriality and Defense: These parrots exhibit territorial behaviors, defending its nesting area or food sources from intruders. They use both physical displays and vocalizations to ward off potential threats.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

These parrots are equal in intelligence to a 4-year old human child.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Silver Eclipse parrot has highly developed vision and hearing, which are crucial for survival in its natural habitat. They can see both in the visible and ultra-violet spectrums. It is said that some of these parrots have a limited view into the Ethereal Plane as well, although this has not been fully confirmed.
Silver Eclipse Parrot by Chad Watson
Scientific Name
Argentea eclipsii
110 years
Average Height
32-38 inches
Average Length
6 ft
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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