Session 0002 - The Broken Tower

General Summary

Pre-Game Session 2 (24 Ernte 3022)
Email   You sleep soundly well into the early afternoon, awakening to the scents of roast pig and potatoes that waft up the Black Swan Inn's stairwell and under your doorways. You feel extremely refreshed, especially considering that you have had a long hard journey capped off with an extremely difficult day that involved killing your employer, Marja. Tara still sleeps into early evening, arising only to have a bowl of soup before returning back to sleep. Pranax the archaeologist visits with you during dinner, for which he pays. "I have visited with Vex Aspar this morn", Pranax informs you during dinner. "She is the head of the Convent I informed you of... the one that Tara should go to". Cathylynn raises her right eyebrow, both inquisitively and suspiciously at the same time. "Oh? And? " "... and she wants to meet with Tara, to make sure it's a right "fit", if you will". He continues "If so, they believe they can put Tara to good use in the vegetable garden and teach her the ways of healing the local villagers, in return for her room and board. In the meantime, whilst we explore the ruins, she has agreed to take her in if only for the short time we are gone. I of course made a small donation to cover any expenses and account for the sudden imposition caused".
*Verbena only - No action taken
Earn an additional XP if you write a song about your journey to Karja Tal or about any of the adventures along the way. In the game, you'll be playing/reading your song, story or poem to the patrons at the Black Swan Inn. Song must be at least 20 seconds long in real time. If the song is more than 1 minute you will get rewarded bonus XP, depending on how long the song is. In real life, record and play this song on one of your instruments, preferably a stringed instrument, and send it to me via text before our next session. :)
*Cathylynn only - No action taken
Tell me of your Pantheon and who your primary deity(ies) is/are and why. Write this as though you were writing a letter to these gods where you are telling them why they are important to you. This letter doesn't have to be very long, maybe just a paragraph but feel free to write anything longer if you wish. In-game, you'll be sitting alone at a table, writing your "pledge/dedication" to your deities over breakfast. Earn additional XP if you do so. Email me this "dedication" before our next session *Matteau only - Action Taken While enjoying breakfast in the Black Swan Inn's pub area, you notice two different opportunities where you can pick someone's pockets. Both opportunities appear to be local merchants and they both are wearing finer clothing than the general population. Target 1: a middle-aged Human male is sitting at the bar eating breakfast. He is engrossed in reading some sort of ledger during his breakfast, taking his attention entirely away from everyone/everything around him. He appears to have a somewhat heavy coinpurse tied to the back of his belt. Target 2: a female Human in her mid 20's clumsily spilled her orange juice all over her table. While she and the waitress are cleaning it up, you notice that a ring slips from her finger, falls to the floor, and rolls away from the table and lands underneath a nearby table. You are sitting at the table where you and your party had attacked Marja the night before (circled in red). Being a rogue, you are tempted to go after one or both of these targets. What do you do? (see map below). Email or text me and let me know what you'd like to do, if anything. You'll earn additional XP if you go after one or both of these targets. After gaining your agreement, Pranax asks that you ready yourselves for your journey toward the tower's ruins within the next 48 hours. As he stated the night before, he bids that you go to the local general store and ensure that you have the proper equipment for your journey. Again, he offered to pay your tab, so gather whatever you might need.  
Pre-Game Session 2 (25 Ernte 3022)
Email   You sleep soundly well into the early afternoon, awakening to the scents of roast pig and potatoes that waft up the Black Swan Inn's stairwell and under your doorways. You feel extremely refreshed, especially considering that you have had a long hard journey capped off with an extremely difficult day that involved killing your employer, Marja. Tara still sleeps into early evening, arising only to have a bowl of soup before returning back to sleep. Pranax the archaelogist visits with you during dinner, for which he pays. "I have visited with Vex Aspar this morn", Pranax informs you during dinner. "She is the head of the Convent I informed you of... the one that Tara should go to". Cathylynn raises her right eyebrow, both inquisitively and suspiciously at the same time. "Oh? And? " "... and she wants to meet with Tara, to make sure it's a right "fit", if you will". He continues "If so, they believe they can put Tara to good use in the vegetable garden and teach her the ways of healing the local villagers, in return for her room and board. In the meantime, whilst we explore the ruins, she has agreed to take her in if only for the short time we are gone. I of course made a small donation to cover any expenses and account for the sudden imposition caused".
*Verbena only - No action taken
Earn an additional XP if you write a song about your journey to Karja Tal or about any of the adventures along the way. In game, you'll be playing/reading your song, story or poem to the patrons at the Black Swan Inn. Song must be at least 20 seconds long in real time. If the song is more than 1 minute you will get rewarded bonus XP, depending on how long the song is. In real life, record and play this song on one of your instruments, preferably a stringed instrument, and send it to me via text before our next session. :)
*Cathylynn only - No action taken
Tell me of your Pantheon and who your primary deity(ies) is/are and why. Write this as though you were writing a letter to these gods where you are telling them why they are important to you. This letter doesn't have to be very long, maybe just a paragraph but feel free to write anything longer if you wish. In-game, you'll be sitting alone at a table, writing your "pledge/dedication" to your deities over breakfast. Earn additional XP if you do so. Email me this "dedication" before our next session  
*Matteau only - Action Taken
While enjoying breakfast in the Black Swan Inn's pub area, you notice two different opportunities where you can pick someone's pockets. Both opportunities appear to be local merchants and they both are wearing finer clothing than the general population. Target 1: a middle-aged Human male is sitting at the bar eating breakfast. He is engrossed in reading some sort of ledger during his breakfast, taking his attention entirely away from everyone/everything around him. He appears to have a somewhat heavy coinpurse tied to the back of his belt. Target 2: a female Human in her mid 20's clumsily spilled her orange juice all over her table. While she and the waitress are cleaning it up, you notice that a ring slips from her finger, falls to the floor, and rolls away from the table and lands underneath a nearby table. You are sitting at the table where you and your party had attacked Marja the night before (circled in red). Being a rogue, you are tempted to go after one or both of these targets. What do you do? (see map below). Email or text me and let me know what you'd like to do, if anything. You'll earn additional XP if you go after one or both of these targets. After gaining your agreement, Lord Pranax asks that you ready yourselves for your journey toward the tower's ruins within the next 48 hours. As he stated the night before, he bids that you go to the local general store and ensure that you have the proper equipment for your journey. Again, he offered to pay your tab, so gather whatever you might need.  
Black Swann pigeon positions by Chad Watson via Roll20
Matteu's Decision:
You watch the female patron and the waitress quickly dab at the orange juice, attempting to clean it up before it reaches the floor. You move your eyes to the ring, noticing that it seems to be made of copper, brass and silver and has an intricate design that appears to be braided.  
  Waiting for the perfect moment when both women's eyes are turned away from the table that the ring sits under, you stand up slowly and walk very casually over to see if you can somehow grab it. Unfortunately, just as you bend down to collect the ring, the young women looks right at you, spotting her ring at the same time. "Ah there it is! Thank you kind sir!", she exclaims. You assess the situation, and the value of the ring, quickly and realize that this is not a ring worth stealing or worth causing any trouble over. You hand the ring back, bowing slightly as you do. "Of course, madame" you say. (( out of character: you rolled an 11 and a 3 on a roll that is called a "disadvantaged roll". Disadvantaged rolls are rolled when a situation presents as particularly difficult to accomplish successfully. Instead of 1d20 being rolled, 2d20 are rolled and the lower of the two scores is the final score.. in your case, a 3. There are also situations that call for an "advantaged roll", when the situation gives a natural advantage to you. Same thing in reverse, in advantaged rolls you would roll 2d20 and take the higher die as your score ))  
Game Session 2 (26 Ernte 3022)
Roll20   The party heads west on mounts provided by Lord Pranax . Lord Pranax leads the party to the base of a hill located about 50 meters east of the tower's location. Lord Pranax bids the party good luck and informs them that if he does not see them back at the Black Swan within 48-72 hours, he will presume them to either be dead or that they've abandoned the job and will hire replacements. Lord Pranax then leaves back towards Karja Tal Trading Post. The party walks to the summit of the hill to observe the tower. They spot two Winter Wolves that seem to be guarding the tower Cathlynn casts "Speak with Animals" as she approaches the wolf guarding the south face of the tower. While she does this, Matteau circles the tower counterclockwise until he gets to the eastern face of the tower. He notices Cathlynn's failed attempt to calm the wolf and he quickly joins her to defend her after seeing a second wolf round the corner of the tower from its western face. Although he didn't process it during the time, he recalls later seeing from his peripheral vision a female Dwarf off to The North of the tower near the river just as he was closing in to defend Cathlynn.   This Dwarf wore clothing that nearly camouflaged her perfectly into the colors of the landscape she hid within. She had dark skin and there seemed to be some sort of facial paint, or perhaps tattoos, that formed geometric patterns around her eyes and across her forehead. This "paint" was a bright silver that stood out splendidly in contrast with her dark skin. That silver paint is what caught Matteu's eye to begin with,. Matteu didn't recall seeing any weaponry on her, only that she seemed just to be watching Matteu.  
Dwarven Female with Silver Paint by Chad Watson via Midjourney
  Verbena, also seeing the second wolf come into view, rushs to Cathlynn's aid. Verbena pulls out her ukelele that she calls "baby Dave" and begins to cast "polymorph" on the second wolf by playing the ukelele. She successfully transforms this wolf into an inch-worm, after which Matteu stomps on it and kills it. Matteu and Cathlynn manage to kill the other wolf in just a few rounds.

Character(s) interacted with

Lord Pranax
Report Date
24 Sep 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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