Sea of Stars

The Sea of Stars is a mysterious and formidable body of water located to the south of the island continent of Lankhmar, marking a transition from the known Outer Sea and The Sea of the East into realms of enigmatic allure and peril. It is an area scarcely frequented by mariners, with only a few intrepid traders daring to skirt its edges in their quest for the distant lands of Klesh, Tovilyis, and Tisinilit. These sailors, motivated by the promise of new trade routes and riches, seldom venture far from the safety of the coast. This caution stems from the Sea of Stars' reputation as a place where the ordinary laws of nature and reality seem to fray and unravel.   Beyond the sight of land, the sea transforms into a domain of otherworldly phenomena, where the line between reality and illusion blurs. It is rumored to be inhabited by entities that exist in the twilight between dream and nightmare, spectral beings that prey upon the unwary, luring sailors to their doom with visions and promises too mesmerizing to resist. The few adventurers who have ventured deeper into its expanse speak of a realm where navigation and survival become feats of unimaginable difficulty.   One of the most formidable obstacles reported by those few who return is a colossal field of waterspouts, a phenomenon so vast and chaotic that it renders the sea beyond it virtually impassable. These towering columns of water, constantly shifting and moving, create a barrier that has thwarted the most determined efforts to explore the Sea of Stars fully. As a result, this body of water remains one of Nehwon's most enigmatic and untouched frontiers, a place of beauty and terror that continues to beckon the brave and the curious, even as it warns them of the dangers that lie in venturing too far from the familiar shores of the known world.
Sea of Stars by Chad Watson
Sea of Stars with Waterspouts by Chad Watson

Articles under Sea of Stars

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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