Noble District

It is rare for anyone to move into the noble district. It is not so uncommon for someone to move out. All estates are inherited properties belonging to the ruling families of Lankhmar.   A nobleman must have money and a title to live in the Noble district. The title is a position granted by the Overlord. Most current titles were granted centuries ago. The head of a family usually inherits the title, with lesser titles doled out to other family members.   Although all the large estates are owned by nobles, not all nobles live in this region. Owners of lesser titles and bankrupt nobles are occasionally forced from their lofty positions to seek accommodation in far more ignoble locations such as the Merchant District, or even the Tenderloin. Such individuals are not rare; many are the miserable refuse who still dress in rags of noble finery, put on ludicrous airs, and expect instant obedience from commoners even though they themselves are living only a step or two above the gutter.   Simply walking through the Noble District without permission is a crime in Lankhmar, although the city guards in the region are usually lax in their duties. If a trespasser makes himself obvious, they chase him off. If a visitor has a plausible excuse he is usually left alone.   However, the guards grow wary at night, maintaining a strong vigil against thieves and other trespassers. Guards who are found negligent risk severe punishment up to and including execution. Nobles dislike being victimized by the Thieves' Guild, and the Overlord is usually merciless in his enforcement of the laws. Radomix Kistomerces tended to be fairly lenient in this regard, but he was an exception.   Player characters venturing into the noble district must exercise caution. During the day, there is only a 25% chance of a city guard encounter each turn, and they will generally not trouble PCs unless the party is blatantly breaking the law.   At night, the chance of an encounter with city guards rises to 50% per turn. Guards generally stick to the streets of the district and will not necessarily spot characters if they try to hide. Patrols include 3-12 guards. If seven or more guards are encountered, they are accompanied by a sergeant or captain.

All handwritten notes are from original building assignments as assigned ca. 1985. If there is a map pin on the Lankhmar Map that describes the building otherwise, the information from the Lankhmar Map is to prevail. If the DM desires to change the building's purpose in any way, the DM's desire prevails. I am primarily placing these notes here for historical and nostalgic purposes.

Articles under Noble District

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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