
In the vast expanses of the New World, surrounded by mysterious seas, lies the island nation of Nepan. Hidden to the south of the realms of Thesendarium, Minethol, Tôp, and The Empire of Kang, Nepan is a land wrapped in mystery and awe. The island, with its lush forests, steep mountains, and secluded valleys, harbors a secret few beyond its shores know.   Within Nepan, there exists a province unlike any other in the New World - Yakuza. Here reside the nation’s most elite and feared individuals: assassins and warriors of unmatched skill. These masters of stealth and combat train from a young age, honing their abilities in espionage, martial combat, and subterfuge.   Yakuza's reputation is legendary. Tales of their exploits travel far and wide, borne on winds of fear and respect. It is said that their eyes and ears are everywhere, their spy network so vast and efficient that even a derogatory mention of their name can invite unseen and lethal retribution.   The Yakuza live by a creed as old as Nepan itself. It is a code of silence, loyalty, and precision. Being chosen as a member is the highest honor in Nepanese society, however those who are chosen are never publicly known. Anyone who finds out the identity of a Yakuzan is assassinated... anyone. Including family.   The training is merciless, designed to eliminate the weak and forge the strongest into instruments of precision. They learn to move like the wind, strike like lightning, and disappear like mist. Their allegiance is to Nepan and the creed, above all else.   Beyond Nepan's shores, the world is in turmoil. Kingdoms and empires wage wars, forge and break alliances, and trade secrets for power. In this chaos, the Yakuza are the unseen players, tipping the scales for those who can afford their loyalty.   Yet, their true loyalty always remains with Nepan. The Yakuza's interventions are calculated moves in a grand strategy by Nepan's unseen rulers to keep the island safe and its power intact.   Among the Yakuza, a legend emerges - a warrior known as the Silent Blade. His identity is a mystery, his exploits, legendary. He can infiltrate any fortress, eliminate any target, and vanish without a trace. His loyalty to the creed is absolute, his skill unmatched.   The Silent Blade becomes a symbol of the Yakuza’s power and the fear they instill in the hearts of rulers across the New World.   As time passes, the influence of the Yakuza grows. They are not just assassins; they are keepers of balance. Their actions, unseen, are felt across continents. They are the shadow hand guiding history, ensuring no power rises enough to threaten Nepan.   At the heart of Yakuza exists a council, the Guardians of Shadows. They are the oldest and wisest of the Yakuza, guiding the creed and making decisions that affect Nepan and the world. Their meetings are secret, their decisions impactful yet invisible.   In the New World, the name Yakuza is spoken in hushed tones, a name that commands both awe and fear. They are the unseen force, the guardians of a nation hidden in sight. And as long as the winds whisper their name, the legacy of the Yakuza continues to shape the destiny of nations in the shadows of Nepan.

Strength in Shadows, Prosperity in Silence

Geopolitical, Country
Neighboring Nations

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character flag image: by Chad Watson


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