Lysi'ander Vae'khyll

Lysi'ander Vae'khyll (a.k.a. Lev)

His full name is Lysi'ander El'rorion Vae'khyll and goes simply by Lev. He rarely speaks of his homeland nor answers questions about it. The response you get will depend on his mood. For some reason, he rarely changes out of his Winter form.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Extremely Athletic

Body Features


Facial Features

Define and Chiesled with piercing eyes

Identifying Characteristics

That his appearance changes. He stays mostly in his winter state here on the prime. His hair is White with blue eyes in Winter.

Physical quirks

No matter his hair color he always has black eyebrows and eye lashes.

Special abilities

Has visions of the arrival of dragons and the doom and destruction it could bring.

Apparel & Accessories

A signet ring made from the Feywild worth 10gp. An ornate Holy Symbol from the Feywild. A Cresent Moon Lyre from the Feywild.

Specialized Equipment


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lysiander was born into the noble Eladrin court of the Feywild, a realm of eternal seasons and whimsical magic. As a young noble, he was known for his quick wit and mischievous nature, traits that often led him into trouble but also endeared him to many. During his early years, Lysiander befriended an unusual creature - a fairy dragon named Zephyr. This tiny, iridescent dragon became his constant companion and confidant. Through their friendship, Lysiander learned to speak Draconic, a skill rare among the Eladrin. Zephyr often regaled him with tales of the greater dragons and their significant role in shaping various realms.   As Lysiander grew older, his spring/summer aspect became more prominent, amplifying his impulsive and playful nature. It was during one of these moods that he made a fateful mistake. At a grand feast in the Fey Court, Lysiander, got caught up in his emotions and slipped a love potion into the drink of Titaina.   The consequences were immediate and severe. The court was thrown into chaos, and Lysiander's actions were deemed a serious breach of trust and decorum. As punishment, he was banished from the FeyCourt for 100 years.   Exiled from the court, he went to the mortal realm of Nehwon, Lysiander found himself unwanting to change his winter aspect, his sadness and regret manifesting physically. His once vibrant demeanor gave way to a more melancholic state, his hair turning white and his eyes a piercing blue.   However, fate had more in store for him. The Fey Court, recognizing the potential value of Lysiander's unique skills and connection to dragon lore, gave him a mission. They had foreseen the coming of dragons to Nehwon and tasked Lysiander with aiding the mortal realm in preparation for this event.   Now, at 80 years old - still young for an Eladrin - Lysiander walks the lands of Nehwon. He serves as a Warcleric, using his divine powers and fey heritage to gather information and prepare for the dragons' arrival. His knowledge of Draconic and the lore learned from Zephyr prove invaluable in this task.   Lysiander's journey is one of redemption and growth. He seeks to prove his worth, not only to his former court but to himself. Each day, he performs small rituals that remind him of his home and heritage, while also embracing his new role in this unfamiliar realm.   As he navigates the complexities of mortal life and the looming draconic prophecy, Lysiander hopes that his actions will not only aid Nehwon but perhaps, one day, earn him forgiveness and a return to his beloved Feywild's Noble Court.

Gender Identity





Is schooled extensively on the religions of the world. Proper Seelie Etiquette. Started training at a young age in the arts of war both physical and mentatly. Well-versed in the different types of dragons. Was in an elite force of protectors of the Feywild from outside forces called the Twilight Wardens.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Not only is he a noble by right and blood, but earned his place in an elite fighting force that protects the Feywild from outer sources. He was a mere fledgling but he was among the elite to be trained.

Failures & Embarrassments

Ashamed that he dishonored the family name the way he did. Embarrassed that he got banished from court and what the other nobles think of him now. He failed to take up the family place on the Courts Council. Being an only child he wanted to make his family proud but instead, he dishonored their name.

Intellectual Characteristics

Planar Knowledge: Unique understanding of both the Feywild and the material plane. Seasonal Perspective: Sees patterns and changes in the world through the lens of shifting seasons. Draconic Lore Expert: Extensive knowledge of dragon history, behavior, and culture.

Morality & Philosophy

Cultural Relativism: His experience in different realms has lead him to be non-judgmental about differing cultural practices. Harmony with Nature: As a fey being, he values living in harmony with natural forces. Intellectual Curiosity as Virtue: His fascination with his new surroundings suggests he values the pursuit of knowledge and new experiences.


Revealing sensitive information about the Fey Court to outsiders. Deliberately damaging natural environments or fey-touched areas. Betraying the trust of those who have accepted him despite his outsider status.

Personality Characteristics


Redemption: Seeking to make amends for his past mistake and regain his standing in the Fey Court. Knowledge: Satisfying his curiosity about the mortal realm and its inhabitants. Protection: Safeguarding both his new home in Nehwon and his connections to the Feywild. Self-discovery: Understanding his place between two worlds and growing from his experiences. Connection: Forming new bonds and friendships in Nehwon while maintaining ties to his fey heritage.   Mastery: Developing his skills as a Warcleric and his understanding of draconic lore.   Purpose: Finding meaning in his role as a bridge between the fey, mortal, and draconic realms.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies: Draconic lore and language Fey magic and rituals Diplomatic interactions, especially in formal settings Understanding and manipulating seasonal energies   Ineptitudes: Controlling impulsive behavior, especially when emotionally charged Understanding or participating in common mortal pastimes Maintaining a low profile or blending in with mortal society Handling situations that require a "common touch" or street smarts

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: He appreciates art and beauty of all forms Witnessing acts of kindness or redemption Listening to music, particularly ethereal or nature-inspired melodies Studying ancient texts, especially those related to dragons Tasting exotic cuisines and beverages Observing and participating in seasonal festivals Collecting unusual trinkets or artifacts   Dislikes: Unnecessary cruelty or destruction of nature Rigid, inflexible thinking or systems Being reminded of his exile and separation from the Fey Court Betrayal or breaking of promises Prejudice against fey or other magical beings Being underestimated or dismissed due to his otherworldly nature

Virtues & Personality perks

Virtues: Adaptability: Able to adjust to new situations and environments with relative ease. Loyalty: Steadfast in his commitments, both to his mission and to those he considers friends. Curiosity: Maintains a keen interest in learning about the world around him. Empathy: Capable of understanding and relating to others, even across cultural divides. Open-mindedness: Willing to consider new ideas and perspectives. Responsibility: Takes his duties and the consequences of his actions seriously.

Vices & Personality flaws

Vices: Impulsiveness: Can act rashly, especially when emotionally charged (as evidenced by the love potion incident). Melancholy: Tendency to dwell on his exile and past mistakes. Pride: Remnants of his noble upbringing can lead to arrogance or a sense of superiority. Obsessiveness: Can become overly focused on his rituals or prophecies.   Flaws: Naivety: Despite his age, he can be naive about certain aspects of mortal life. Easily Distracted: His fascination with the exotic beauty of Nehwon can lead him astray from his mission. Overconfidence: Might overestimate his ability to handle unfamiliar situations. Difficulty with Practicality: Struggles with mundane, practical tasks in favor of the magical or philosophical. Trust Issues: His exile might make it hard for him to fully trust others, especially authority figures. Perfectionism: Strives for unattainable perfection, leading to frustration or delays. Indecisiveness: When faced with choices that significantly impact his mission or personal redemption. Escapism: Might use his rituals or focus on his mission to avoid dealing with personal issues. Inflexibility: Can be stubborn about changing his views or admitting when he's wrong. Guilt Complex: Carries a heavy burden of guilt over his past actions, which can cloud his judgment.

Personality Quirks

While in deep thought he will twirl with his hair with his left hand. Mutters in Sylvan under his breath when frustrated or surprised. Reflexively reaches for a non-existent crown or circlet when startled. Has a habit of collecting small, seemingly insignificant objects that catch his eye.


Proud of looking his best. Keeps his armor oiled and clean. Believes in looking the best that you can. Appearance after all is the first impression.


Contacts & Relations

Zephyr: His fairy dragon friend, likely still in the Feywild but possibly a source of information. A sympathetic member of the Fey Court: Someone who secretly keeps him informed about Feywild matters. Fellow exiles: Other fey creatures living in Nehwon, forming a small support network.

Family Ties

Family connections throughout the Feywild. Zephyr, a fairy dragon was his best friend growing up. The Fey Court.+

Religious Views

Follows Titania and Freya but keeps an open mind about the Religions of the Mortal Realm.

Social Aptitude

Strengths: Empathetic listener: Able to understand and relate to others' emotions. Charismatic presence: His fey nature lends him a certain allure. Cultural adaptability: Capable of learning and respecting new customs.   Challenges: Cultural misunderstandings: May sometimes misinterpret mortal customs. Otherworldly demeanor: Can be perceived as aloof or strange by some. Prone to melancholy: His winter aspect can affect his social energy.


Speaks with a lilting accent that becomes more pronounced when emotional. Tends to bow slightly when greeting others, a remnant of his noble upbringing. Frequently glances at the sky, as if reading signs in the clouds or stars. Has a habit of trailing off mid-sentence when struck by a new thought or vision. Often stands with perfect, almost unnatural stillness when observing. Has a distant look in his eyes when recalling memories of the Feywild. Often pauses before answering questions, as if consulting some unseen source. Habitually adjusts his clothing or hair, ensuring a regal appearance. I watch over my friends as if they were a litter of newborn pups. I begin or end my day with small traditional rituals that are unfamiliar to those around me. 1)Dawn/Dusk Light Collection: He captures the first ray of dawn or the last ray of dusk in a small prism or crystal, whispering words in Sylvan. 2)Shadow Naming: At noon, he names his shadow, believing this keeps his fey essence intact in the mortal realm. 3)Whisper Exchange: He whispers secrets to plants or stones, sometimes appearing to receive whispers in return. 4)Dream Weaving: Before sleep, weaving strands of colorful thread into intricate patterns, then unraveling them upon waking. 5)Emotion Crystallization: "Capturing" his strongest emotion of the day in a small, colorful crystal. 6)Seasonal Blood Offering: Pricking his finger to offer a drop of blood to the earth at each solstice and equinox. 7)Star Pattern Alignment: He picks a constellation at night, then arranges rocks to mimic the constellation, and that is where he rests for the night. 8)Weapon and Armor Attunement: Before he dons his armor or sword for the day. He will clean and sharpen, then lay his armor and sword on the ground in front of him. He then kneels and mediates, projecting his thoughts into them

Hobbies & Pets

Loves to draw maps, paint, and calligraphy. Enjoys playing the lyre, of music from his homeland and learning new music from this new land.


Man of few words

Lysiander, an Eladrin Warcleric exiled from the Fey Court, now resides in Nehwon. This 80-year-old fey speaks Draconic and has prophetic visions.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Noble Birth within the Fey Court
Date of Birth
31st Schwarzhexe @ Midnight of 2942
Feywild exactly at midnight
Blue in Winter / Red in Summer / Green in Spring / Golden in Fall
White in Winter / Black in Summer / Blonde in Spring / Honey in Fall
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair in Winter / Fall Tan in Summer / Spring
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Even in winter's grasp, summer's warmth lingers in memory." "Home is where the heart is, even when the heart beats in exile." "Curiosity is the first step on the path to wisdom."
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Sylvan

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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