
This island region contains the nations of :     Lankhmaria, an island region soaked in the history of Nehwon, is a place where power, magic, and intrigue intertwine like the threads of a dark tapestry. Amidst its craggy shores and mist-laden forests, four major polities carve out their domains, each distinct, harboring its own secrets and ambitions.   The Kingdom of Lankhmar At the heart of Lankhmaria lies the Kingdom of Lankhmar, a realm synonymous with shadowy alleys and the gleam of danger lurking around every corner. It is a place where thieves' guilds operate with the efficiency of shadowy corporations, and dark sorcery is as common as the daggers hidden beneath cloaks. The kingdom's capital, Lankhmar known as the City of Sevenscore Thousand Smokes, is a sprawling metropolis of commerce, deceit, and clandestine power struggles. The rulers of Lankhmar adeptly navigate the delicate balance of keeping the peace and exploiting the chaos, making it a haven for adventurers, mercenaries, and those with the cunning to survive its harsh laws and harsher streets.   The Quarmallian Empire To the southwest of Lankhmar, buried beneath the earth and its own twisted ambitions, lies the Quarmallian Empire. A realm where the sun's light seldom reaches, its people dwell in vast subterranean cities, their society structured around dark rituals and the worship of ancient, unfathomable deities. The Quarmallians are masters of sorcery and intrigue, their spies weaving through Nehwon like silent shadows. The empire is a place of mystery, feared and respected in equal measure, its rulers plotting expansion with cold, calculating precision.   The Kingdom of Klesh South of the Quarmallian Empire lies the Kingdom of Klesh, a land of lush jungles and steaming rivers, where the air is thick with the promise of adventure and the peril of the unknown. The Kleshites, a people as vibrant and fierce as the land they call home, are renowned for their warrior skills and their deep connection to the natural world. The kingdom is a patchwork of tribes united under a single banner, their culture a rich tapestry of ancient traditions and the relentless pursuit of personal honor and glory.   The Independent State of Kokgnab On the southeastern fringe of Lankhmaria, the Independent State of Kokgnab stands as a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of its people. A rocky, inhospitable land buffeted by the cold winds of the Outer Sea, Kokgnab has turned its isolation into its greatest strength. The Kokgnabians are a hardy folk, skilled sailors, and fishermen who ply the treacherous waters for the bounty of the sea. Their independence is fiercely guarded, their state a network of fortified villages and towns, each a bastion against the encroaching ambitions of their more powerful neighbors.   Lankhmaria, with its diverse realms and myriad challenges, is a microcosm of the larger world of Nehwon. Here, alliances are as shifting as the tides, and survival depends on strength, wit, and the occasional whisper of magic. It is a region ripe for exploration, where the stories of tomorrow are waiting to be forged in the trials of today.
Lankhmaria by Chad Watson

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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