Jessa the Storyteller

Jessa Myriad (a.k.a. Jessa the Weave)

Jessa of Klesh, a female griot or storyteller, is 42 years old with a timeless presence. She has long, wavy dark hair streaked with silver, usually braided loosely to one side. Her eyes are a deep, expressive brown, reflecting wisdom and kindness. Her skin is sun-kissed with faint laugh lines around her eyes and mouth, hinting at a life filled with joy and sorrow. She wears flowing, earth-toned robes adorned with intricate embroidery of Kleshite patterns, and a necklace of small charms and trinkets collected from her travels. She often carries a wooden staff carved with storytelling symbols, and her expressions are animated, bringing her stories to life.  


Jessa hails from Kernath, a small village in the Kingdom of Klesh. Known for her storytelling prowess, Jessa was a well-known griot in Kernath, earning her keep by enchanting villagers with tales of history, mythology, and folklore. Her skill in weaving stories made her an integral part of village life, where storytelling was a cherished tradition.  

The Plague and Departure:

When Jessa was 25 years old, a devastating plague struck Kernath, killing two-thirds of its population. The surviving villagers, including Jessa, were barred from entering other villages or cities due to fear of spreading the disease. Forced to leave her home, Jessa took to the road, bringing her stories to new audiences.  


Jessa continued her profession as a storyteller, now sharing the rich and mysterious tales of Klesh with those who knew little about its reclusive culture. Her stories, a mix of truth, embellishment, and fabrication, captivated audiences far and wide. Through her tales, she provided a glimpse into the traditions, legends, and history of her homeland, earning her a kind of localized fame. Jessa can be found telling her stories from Kokgnab to Lankhmar and anywhere in between. In each city along her travels, Jessa has a preferred spot where she shares her captivating tales. When stopping for the night between cities, she warmly invites passersby to join her by the fire to listen to her stories. Rather than charging a fixed fee, she gratefully accepts whatever her audience can offer, if anything. Her humble approach ensures she is always provided for, never going hungry or lacking necessities. This generosity and her enchanting storytelling have endeared her to many across Lankhmaria.  

Living Conditions:

Jessa lives a nomadic life out of her traveling cart. The cart is modest but well-organized, with compartments for her storytelling props, personal belongings, and provisions for both her and Branwen. Jessa’s cart is often adorned with trinkets and gifts from appreciative villagers, adding to its charm.  

Traveling Companion:

Jessa travels with a small cart pulled by a donkey named Branwen. Branwen, a gentle and sturdy female donkey, is a beloved companion and a reliable partner in Jessa's travels. Of course, Branwen is often depicted in many of Jessa's stories.  


Traveling alone on the roads of Nehwon can be dangerous, but Jessa is no ordinary traveler. She carries a sturdy staff and a small, concealed dagger for protection. More importantly, she has a keen sense of people and can often read the intentions of those she meets. Her storytelling charm also serves as a shield, winning over potential threats with her captivating tales. Additionally, she has made many friends along her travels, and word of her reputation often precedes her, deterring would-be troublemakers.  

Why She Stays in Lankhmaria:

Despite numerous invitations from wealthy and noble individuals across Western Nehwon, Jessa chooses to stay on the island of Lankhmaria. Her reasons are rooted in her deep connection to her homeland and the personal mission she has undertaken. The memories of Vernath and the duty she feels to keep the stories of Klesh alive compel her to remain. She believes her presence is needed on the island, where her tales can bridge the gap between her lost village and the wider world. Leaving Lankhmaria feels like abandoning the last remnants of her home and the people she loved.  

The Captivating Stories of Jessa the Storyteller

Jessa's tales have become a beloved staple along the King's Road, with people eagerly gathering to hear her weave her magical stories. Her patrons have their favorite stories, often requesting them repeatedly. Despite hearing them so many times they could recite them by heart, they choose to hear them from Jessa herself. Her expressive storytelling, animated gestures, and captivating presence make each retelling a unique and immersive experience. While she has hundreds, here are four of her most popular and requested stories:  

The Legend of the Serpent King

In the heart of the Klesh River, a mighty Serpent King named Sszar ruled with wisdom and power. Sszar's scales shimmered like precious gems under the moonlight, making him an awe-inspiring sight. Known for his deep knowledge of ancient magic and control over the waters, he maintained balance and harmony in his realm.   One day, a group of treasure hunters arrived, lured by tales of Sszar's hidden riches. Driven by greed, they planned to capture the Serpent King and plunder his treasures. They set traps and cast enchanted nets, hoping to ensnare Sszar. However, the wise Serpent King sensed their intentions and summoned a great storm. The river roared and surged, sweeping the hunters away, their greed leading to their demise.   The storm left the river tranquil once more, but the legend of Sszar grew stronger. Villagers revered him, offering gifts and prayers to ensure his favor. As the tale spread, it became a warning against greed and a testament to the Serpent King's might.   Years passed, and Sszar's legend became an integral part of Klesh's folklore. Bards and storytellers, like Jessa, recounted the tale with vivid imagery. Her audience felt the power of the river and the might of the Serpent King, leaving them on the edge of their seats. Jessa's storytelling kept Sszar's memory alive, teaching future generations to respect nature and avoid unchecked greed.   The legend inspired songs, paintings, and plays, each adding to Klesh's cultural heritage. Sszar's story symbolized the balance between man and nature. Jessa's retellings ensured that the guardian of the Klesh River was remembered, weaving his tale into Nehwon's rich history.  

The Tale of the Brave Fisherman

Arin, a humble fisherman from a small village by the River Klesh, was known for his kindness and bravery. His life was simple but fulfilling, filled with the sounds of the river and the joy of providing for his family. One night, as he cast his nets under the moonlight, he overheard a plot by river pirates, led by the ruthless Ragnor, to attack his village at dawn.   Determined to protect his home, Arin devised a clever plan. He set traps along the riverbank and scattered his nets to create a maze. Arin alerted the villagers, urging them to prepare. Trusting in Arin's wisdom, they readied themselves for battle.   As dawn approached, the pirates advanced, unprepared for Arin's obstacles. Traps ensnared their feet, and nets tangled their movements. Arin led the villagers in a fierce counterattack, using the river to their advantage. The battle was intense, but the villagers' unity and determination overwhelmed the pirates.   Ragnor tried to flee but was captured by Arin, who bound him with the nets. The remaining pirates surrendered, and peace was restored. Jessa's recounting of Arin’s tale was dramatic and vivid, leaving the audience cheering for Arin's triumph.   Through this story, Jessa conveyed that even the humble could become heroes with bravery and ingenuity. Arin's tale taught the importance of community and standing up for what is right. The story spread across Nehwon, inspiring others to stand strong in adversity.  

The Tragic Love of Elara and Tharn

Elara, a noble maiden, and Tharn, a skilled hunter, shared a love as pure as spring blossoms. Their happiness was marred by Lord Grelak, a jealous nobleman who desired Elara. Grelak sought the help of a witch, who cast a curse on the lovers, binding their fates to tragedy.   Whenever Elara and Tharn tried to meet, nature conspired against them. Storms raged, animals turned violent, and the earth trembled. Despite these obstacles, their love grew stronger. Desperate to break the curse, they sought the guidance of an ancient forest spirit.   The spirit offered them a quest to retrieve the Tear of the Moon, a relic hidden deep in the forest. Their journey was fraught with danger, from treacherous terrain to mystical creatures. Elara's compassion and Tharn's bravery saw them through each trial.   Reaching the sacred grove, they faced a guardian spirit who challenged them to prove their worth. Passing the tests with their unyielding love, they obtained the Tear of the Moon, breaking the curse. Jessa's telling of their journey captivated her audience, her voice trembling with emotion.   Their story ends in bittersweet tragedy, with Elara and Tharn sacrificing themselves to lift the curse. Their love transcended time, inspiring belief in true love. The Tear of the Moon became a symbol of their sacrifice, immortalizing their love in the stars above Klesh.  

The Adventures of Tik and Tok

Tik and Tok, mischievous brothers from Vernath, were known for their playful antics. Their adventures were legendary, filled with humor and unexpected twists. One day, they accidentally stole the village elder's magical staff, thinking it was a simple walking stick.   The staff caused chaos wherever they went. They were transported to strange realms, chased by magical creatures, and involved in bizarre mishaps. Despite the chaos, their quick wits and teamwork always saw them through.   They made friends with some magical beings they encountered, turning potential foes into allies. Their adventures exemplified their curiosity and courage. Each escapade was filled with laughter and unexpected lessons.   One notable adventure involved them being transported to a realm of mischievous spirits. Tik and Tok had to outwit the spirits to return home, using the staff's magic to solve puzzles and overcome challenges. Their cleverness impressed the spirits, who allowed them to leave.   Jessa's storytelling brought the brothers' antics to life, her voice animated and expressions comical. Children and adults alike laughed at their misadventures. Tik and Tok's story taught the importance of curiosity, courage, and family bonds.   As Jessa traveled, the tale of Tik and Tok spread, bringing joy to all who heard it. Their adventures reminded people that even in chaos, there was room for laughter and learning. Each retelling by Jessa kept the spirit of their mischief alive, ensuring that Tik and Tok's legacy would continue to entertain and inspire.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jessa was born on a stormy night in Kernath, a small village in the Kingdom of Klesh. Her birth was marked by a sudden calm in the storm as she took her first breath, which villagers took as a sign of her special destiny. Her mother, Liora, was the village herbalist, and her father, Eamon, was a skilled hunter. Both instilled in her a deep respect for nature and the power of stories.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Respected Storyteller:

Jessa has gained widespread recognition as a master storyteller along the King's Road between Kokgnab and Lankhmar. Her ability to captivate diverse audiences with tales from Klesh has earned her a dedicated following.  

Cultural Ambassador:

Through her storytelling, Jessa has become a cultural ambassador for Klesh, preserving and sharing the rich traditions and folklore of her homeland with people who might otherwise never know them.  

Language Mastery:

Following an embarrassing mistranslation incident, Jessa dedicated herself to mastering both Kleshite and Lankhmarian languages, ensuring her stories are accurately and vividly conveyed.  

Community Unifier:

Jessa's stories often bring communities together, creating a shared experience that fosters understanding and unity. Her presence is often requested at local gatherings, festivals, and special events.  

Survivor and Advocate:

Having survived the plague that devastated her village, Jessa uses her platform to advocate for compassion and support for those who have faced similar tragedies. Her personal story of resilience inspires many.  

Mentor and Teacher:

Jessa has taken on the role of a mentor, teaching young aspiring storytellers the art of weaving tales. Her guidance helps preserve the storytelling tradition and ensures it thrives in future generations.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed Storytelling Attempt:

Early in her career, Jessa once told a story at a noble's banquet in Lankhmar, misjudging the audience's preferences. The tale was too rustic and unfamiliar for the sophisticated crowd, leading to awkward silence and polite dismissal. This incident taught her the importance of adapting her stories to suit different audiences.  

Mistranslation Incident:

While recounting a complex tale from her homeland to a group of scholars in Lankhmar, Jessa once made a significant translation error, altering the story's meaning. The word in question meant "protector" in Kleshite, but she mistranslated it to the word "coward" in Lankhmarian. The mistranslation changed the entire context of the story, turning the revered warrior into a figure of ridicule and weakness. The scholars, well-versed in both languages, immediately noticed the error and corrected her. Jessa was deeply embarrassed by the mistake, feeling that she had dishonored her cultural heritage.   This incident was a turning point for Jessa. She realized the importance of precision in translation and storytelling, especially when dealing with cultural nuances. She dedicated herself to mastering the subtleties of both languages, ensuring that such a mistake would never happen again. This experience also made her more empathetic towards others who might struggle with language barriers, further enriching her storytelling by adding layers of understanding and depth.  

Misplaced Trust:

Jessa once shared a deeply personal and tragic story from her past with a seemingly kind stranger. Unfortunately, the person later used this information to discredit her in another village, causing her emotional pain and teaching her to be more cautious about whom she trusts with her personal history.   Despite these setbacks, Jessa views her failures and embarrassments as valuable lessons, helping her grow as a storyteller and as an individual. She incorporates these experiences into her tales, often using them to convey themes of resilience and personal growth.

Mental Trauma

Survivor's Guilt:

Jessa carries deep survivor's guilt from the plague that decimated her village, Vernath. The loss of two-thirds of her community, including close friends and family members, left her feeling immense guilt for surviving when so many did not.  

Nightmares and Flashbacks:

She often experiences nightmares and flashbacks related to the horrific scenes of the plague and its aftermath. These intrusions can disrupt her sleep and affect her emotional well-being.  

Isolation and Rejection:

The rejection she faced from other villages and cities, fearing the spread of the plague, contributed to a sense of isolation and abandonment. This trauma affects her ability to fully trust new communities she encounters.  

Fear of Loss:

The trauma has instilled a deep fear of losing loved ones, making her protective and sometimes overly cautious in forming new relationships. She is often haunted by the memory of those she couldn't save.   Despite these traumas, Jessa channels her pain into her storytelling, using it as a means to process her grief and connect with others, offering them solace and wisdom through her tales.

Intellectual Characteristics


Jessa possesses an insatiable curiosity about the world around her. She is constantly seeking new stories, knowledge, and experiences to enrich her repertoire and understanding.  

Keen Observation:

Her sharp observational skills allow her to notice the smallest details in her surroundings and in people’s behaviors. This helps her create vivid and relatable stories.  

Analytical Thinking:

Jessa has a strong analytical mind, capable of dissecting complex narratives and understanding their underlying themes and morals. This skill enables her to weave intricate tales with deep meaning.  


She is highly adaptable, able to modify her storytelling style to suit different audiences and circumstances. Her intellectual flexibility helps her connect with diverse groups of people.  


Jessa has an exceptional memory, allowing her to recall and recount a vast array of stories, facts, and cultural details with accuracy and richness.  


Her intellectual empathy enables her to understand and convey a wide range of emotions and perspectives, making her stories more engaging and impactful.  


Rooted in her cultural heritage and personal experiences, Jessa's wisdom guides her storytelling, ensuring each tale imparts valuable life lessons and ethical guidance.

Morality & Philosophy


Jessa is guided by a strong moral compass rooted in kindness, empathy, and integrity. She believes in the inherent goodness of people and the importance of helping others, a principle that drives her to share her stories to uplift and educate. Honesty is paramount to her, and she ensures that even her embellished or fictional tales carry a core of truth and moral lessons. Her commitment to justice and fairness is reflected in her disdain for tales of betrayal and dark magic.  


Jessa's philosophy is deeply influenced by the traditions and wisdom of her Kleshite heritage. She views storytelling as a sacred duty, a means to preserve history, impart wisdom, and foster community. She believes in the power of stories to heal, inspire, and transform lives. Jessa emphasizes the importance of balance and harmony with nature, respecting all living beings and the spirits that inhabit the world. Her philosophy encourages living a life of purpose, guided by compassion, resilience, and a commitment to the greater good.


  • Never Tell a Story Without Meaning: Jessa believes that every tale she shares must carry a lesson or moral, ensuring her stories enrich her listeners' lives.
  • Avoid Stories of Betrayal: Due to the tragic history of her own village's demise from a plague and the subsequent mistrust they faced, she refrains from telling tales centered on betrayal and treachery.
  • Respect the Spirits: Jessa never speaks ill of spirits or otherworldly beings in her stories, honoring the deep cultural respect for these entities in Kleshite tradition.
  • No Dark Magic: She avoids any stories that glorify dark magic or malevolent sorcery, adhering to her family's principles of using knowledge and power for good.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes


Jessa has a natural talent for weaving engaging and memorable tales, captivating audiences with her expressive narration and vivid imagery.  
Language Skills:
She is proficient in both Kleshite and Lankhmarian, having learned from her earlier mistakes to master the nuances of translation and communication.  
Jessa's deep empathy allows her to connect with people from all walks of life, understanding their emotions and experiences, which she incorporates into her stories.  
Cultural Knowledge:
Her extensive knowledge of Kleshite folklore and traditions, as well as those of other cultures, enriches her storytelling, making her tales both educational and entertaining.  
Survival Skills:
Traveling alone has honed her ability to navigate the dangers of the road, from basic self-defense to finding safe places to rest.  
Jessa has a gift for mentoring young storytellers, passing on her skills and knowledge to the next generation with patience and enthusiasm.  


Jessa struggles with cooking, often relying on simple meals or the kindness of villagers who provide her with food during her travels.  
Mechanical Skills:
She lacks proficiency in repairing her cart or making mechanical adjustments, often needing assistance when her cart requires maintenance.  
Formal Negotiations:
Jessa is uncomfortable with formal negotiations or haggling, preferring straightforward and honest interactions, which can sometimes put her at a disadvantage in trades or agreements.

Likes & Dislikes


Jessa's greatest passion is storytelling. She loves weaving intricate tales that captivate and inspire her audiences.  
She has a deep appreciation for the natural world, finding peace and inspiration in the forests, rivers, and landscapes of Lankhmaria.  
Jessa enjoys the freedom of the open road and the adventures that come with her nomadic lifestyle.  
Cultural Exchange:
She loves learning about different cultures and incorporating their stories and traditions into her own repertoire.  
Jessa values the sense of belonging and connection she finds in the various villages she visits, appreciating the kindness and hospitality of the people she meets.  
She has a fondness for herbal teas, particularly those made from local herbs and plants, often enjoying a calming cup while reflecting on her travels.  


Due to her own experiences with mistrust and rejection, Jessa has a strong aversion to tales of betrayal and treachery.  
Dark Magic:
She dislikes stories that glorify dark magic or malevolent sorcery, preferring to focus on tales of courage and righteousness.  
Jessa is deeply troubled by any form of injustice or unfairness, both in her stories and in real life, often advocating for compassion and understanding.  
Urban Crowds:
While she enjoys community, she feels overwhelmed by large, bustling urban crowds, preferring the quieter, more intimate settings of villages and small gatherings.  
Jessa values honesty and integrity, disliking deceitful or dishonest behavior, both in the characters of her stories and in the people she encounters.

Personality Quirks

Storytelling Gestures:

When telling stories, Jessa has a habit of using her hands expressively, mimicking the actions of characters in her tales. This makes her storytelling more dynamic and engaging.  

Hair Twirling:

She often twirls a strand of her silver-streaked dark hair when she is deep in thought or listening intently to others.  


Jessa has a quirk of humming softly to herself, particularly old Kleshite tunes, while preparing her storytelling props or setting up camp.  

Touching Her Necklace:

She frequently touches or fiddles with the charms on her necklace, especially when she is about to begin a story or is feeling contemplative.  

Laughing at Inappropriate Moments:

Sometimes, Jessa lets out a soft laugh at seemingly inappropriate moments, not out of disrespect, but as a nervous tic when she’s in a tense situation or recalling a particularly emotional memory.   These tics and quirks add depth to Jessa's character, making her more relatable and endearing to those who meet her.


Given her nomadic lifestyle, Jessa maintains a practical approach to hygiene. She prioritizes cleanliness and takes advantage of natural resources along her travels. Here are some aspects of her hygiene routine:  


Jessa bathes in rivers, streams, and lakes whenever possible. She carries a small bar of soap made from natural ingredients, which she uses sparingly to avoid polluting the water.  

Personal Grooming:

She keeps her hair clean and manageable by washing it regularly and braiding it to keep it out of her face. She uses a wooden comb to detangle her hair.  


Jessa keeps her clothing clean by washing them in natural water sources and drying them in the sun. She has a few sets of clothing that she rotates, allowing her to always have a clean outfit ready.  

Teeth Cleaning:

She uses a twig brush, a common tool in many cultures, to clean her teeth. She also carries a small pouch of salt or herbal powder for oral hygiene.  

General Cleanliness:

Jessa is diligent about washing her hands, especially before meals and after handling her donkey, Branwen. She carries a small water skin and cloth for quick clean-ups when necessary.


Contacts & Relations

Fellow Storytellers:

Jessa has formed a network of fellow storytellers across Nehwon. These individuals share her passion for preserving cultural heritage and often exchange stories, techniques, and experiences, enriching their collective repertoire.  

Villagers and Travelers:

Throughout her travels, Jessa has built strong relationships with the villagers and travelers she meets. Many offer her food, shelter, and companionship in exchange for her captivating stories. These relationships are built on mutual respect and appreciation.  

Young Aspiring Storytellers:

Jessa mentors young aspiring storytellers, passing on her skills and knowledge. These students look up to her, and she provides guidance and support to help them develop their own storytelling abilities.  

Cultural and Historical Scholars:

Due to her extensive knowledge of Kleshite folklore and traditions, Jessa has connections with cultural and historical scholars who value her insights and often consult her for research and preservation efforts.

Family Ties

Elara Myriad (Mother, née Elara Thorne):

Elara was the village herbalist in Kernath, known for her healing abilities and wisdom. She played a significant role in instilling a love for storytelling and a respect for nature in Jessa. Elara passed away during the plague that devastated Kernath.  

Eamon Myriad (Father):

Eamon was a skilled hunter in Kernath, respected for his prowess and knowledge of the land. He taught Jessa survival skills and the importance of community. Like Elara, Eamon also succumbed to the plague.  

Extended Family:

Jessa had a few aunts, uncles, and cousins in Kernath, but many perished during the plague. The surviving relatives were scattered, and contact with them has been sporadic due to their fear of the plague's remnants and their own struggles.  

Adopted Family:

Through her travels, Jessa has formed close, familial-like bonds with some villagers and fellow travelers, who have become her surrogate family. These relationships provide her with emotional support and a sense of belonging.  

Religious Views

Tyr, the God of War, Justice, and Law:

Jessa holds a deep reverence for Tyr, the God of War, Justice, and Law. Tyr's dedication to justice and protection resonates with her own values, particularly in her commitment to preserving and sharing the stories and traditions of Klesh. She often invokes Tyr's name when telling tales of bravery and righteousness, finding strength and solace in his guiding principles.  

Freyja, the Goddess of Love, Fertility, and Magic:

Jessa also reveres Freyja, the Nordic goddess associated with love, fertility, and magic. Freyja's connection to storytelling and the mystical aspects of life aligns with Jessa's own use of stories to heal and inspire. She offers prayers to Freyja for safe travels and the ability to touch the hearts of her listeners.  

Oghma, the God of Knowledge and Inspiration:

As a storyteller, Jessa holds a special place in her heart for Oghma, the Faerûnian god of knowledge and inspiration. She believes that Oghma guides her in finding and sharing the wisdom embedded in her tales, ensuring that they are not only entertaining but also enlightening.   These deities reflect the multifaceted nature of Jessa's life and work, encompassing her dedication to justice, her connection to love and magic, and her passion for knowledge and storytelling. Through her reverence for Tyr, Freyja, and Oghma, Jessa finds guidance, protection, and inspiration in her journey across Nehwon.

Social Aptitude


Jessa has a profound ability to understand and share the feelings of others, making her deeply relatable and approachable. She listens intently and responds with genuine compassion, which endears her to many.  


Her natural charisma draws people to her. Jessa’s warm, friendly demeanor and engaging storytelling make her a beloved figure in the communities she visits.  

Communication Skills:

Jessa is an excellent communicator, able to convey complex ideas and emotions through her stories. She uses her expressive gestures, eye contact, and animated voice to captivate her audience.  


She is highly adaptable, able to adjust her storytelling style to suit different audiences and social situations. This flexibility allows her to connect with a wide range of people, from children to elders.  

Conflict Resolution:

Jessa has a talent for diffusing tension and resolving conflicts. Her wisdom and empathy enable her to mediate disputes and foster understanding among individuals.  


Her extensive travels and storytelling career have helped her build a vast network of contacts and friends. Jessa is skilled at maintaining relationships and fostering new connections wherever she goes.


Expressive Gestures:

Jessa uses her hands expressively when telling stories, mimicking the actions of characters and adding dynamism to her narratives.  

Eye Contact:

She maintains strong eye contact with her audience, drawing them into her stories and making each listener feel personally engaged.  

Warm Smiles:

Jessa often greets people with a warm smile, conveying her friendliness and approachability.  

Thoughtful Pauses:

She incorporates thoughtful pauses into her storytelling, building anticipation and allowing her audience to fully absorb the tale.

Hobbies & Pets

Branwen ("Branny"):

Branny by Chad Watson via Midjourney
Branwen, affectionately called "Branny" by Jessa, is her loyal and gentle female donkey. Branwen has a sturdy build with soft, light brown fur and a white muzzle. Her large, expressive eyes reflect intelligence and loyalty. Branwen’s mane and tail are dark brown, contrasting with her lighter coat. She wears a simple leather harness adorned with small charms and trinkets collected from various villages. Branwen is not just a means of transport but a beloved companion and confidante, providing emotional support and companionship on Jessa’s travels.


Tone of Voice:

Jessa's tone is warm and inviting, filled with enthusiasm and emotion. It varies to suit the mood of her stories, becoming soft and gentle for tender moments or rising to a commanding crescendo during exciting scenes.  


Her pitch is generally moderate but can fluctuate dramatically to convey different characters and emotions within her tales.  


Jessa has a slight Kleshite accent, characterized by lilting intonations and melodic speech patterns. This accent gives her stories an exotic and authentic flair.  


She speaks a mix of Kleshite and Lankhmarian dialects, seamlessly blending the two. Her vocabulary includes many traditional Kleshite terms that add depth and authenticity to her stories.  


Jessa has no significant speech impediments, though she sometimes laughs nervously at tense moments, which she tries to control.  

Catch Phrases:

Every story holds a truth, even if it's hidden in the weave of the words.
In the heart of every tale lies a lesson.

Common Phrases:

Gather 'round and listen well.
As my mother always said...
In the old days of Klesh...


Your kindness shines brighter than the stars.
You have the heart of a true hero.


Jessa rarely insults anyone but, when provoked, she might say:  
You tread on thin ice, my friend.
Your actions lack honor.


Warm greetings to you.
Hello, traveler. What tales do you bring?


Safe travels and may your path be clear.
Until we meet again, keep your stories close.


Jessa avoids swearing but uses mild exclamations when necessary:  
By the stars!
Great spirits preserve us!


Life is a tapestry, and each story a thread.
A good tale is like a river, flowing and ever-changing.

Wealth & Financial state

Jessa, living a nomadic lifestyle, does not possess significant material wealth. Her true wealth lies in her vast repertoire of stories, the respect and admiration of those she encounters, and the cultural treasures she preserves through her storytelling. Here are some key aspects of her wealth:  

Barter and Donations:

Jessa sustains herself through the generosity of her audiences, who often provide food, shelter, and small donations in exchange for her captivating tales. She accepts whatever her listeners can offer, never demanding a set fee.  

Gifts and Trinkets:

Over the years, Jessa has accumulated a collection of trinkets and small gifts from appreciative villagers and travelers. These items, while not monetarily valuable, hold sentimental value and serve as tokens of the lives she has touched.  

Living Essentials:

Her modest traveling cart and loyal donkey, Branwen, are her primary possessions, carrying her essentials and storytelling props. Jessa's minimalist lifestyle reflects her focus on experiences and connections rather than material wealth.  

Cultural Riches:

Jessa's true wealth is in her extensive knowledge of folklore and traditions, which she shares generously with others. This intellectual and cultural wealth is invaluable, preserving the heritage of Klesh and enriching the lives of her listeners.
Chaotic Good
Current Status
Telling her stories along King's Road on Lankhmaria
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
21 Geister
Kernath, Kingdom of Klesh
Current Residence
Slightly androgynous
Long black dreads with a bit of silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
125 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Jessa the Weave is known for her heartfelt and inspiring storytelling, often beginning or ending her tales with a famous quote that encapsulates her philosophy and approach to life:  
Every story holds a truth, even if it's hidden in the weave of the words.
  This quote reflects her belief in the power of stories to convey deeper meanings and truths, even when they are embellished or fictionalized. It emphasizes the importance of listening carefully and finding wisdom in every tale, a principle that guides Jessa in her travels and storytelling.
Tyr, Freyja, and Oghma
Known Languages
  • Kleshite: Native
  • Lankhmarian: Advanced
  • Quarmallian: Basic

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character Portrait image: Jessa of Klesh


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