
The Kingdom of Iliria, a luminary realm within the New World, stands as a proud member of the Tôpian Empire. To its south, it shares a border with the independent kingdom of In-World, a relationship that has shaped much of its history and diplomacy. Iliria is known for its martial prowess and strategic acumen, having developed a culture that honors the art of warfare and the maintenance of a formidable defense, essential for its border position.   Iliria's landscape is a tapestry of rugged terrain, featuring rolling hills that gradually rise into the formidable Crestfall Mountains to the south, providing natural fortifications against potential incursions from In-World. The mountains are rich in minerals, making Iliria a key supplier of metals and precious stones within the empire. The Ilirian lowlands, meanwhile, are fertile and known for producing hearty grains and robust livestock, sustaining its population and contributing to the kingdom's self-sufficiency.   The capital city, Valedor, is a fortress-city renowned for its impregnable walls and its academy of military science, where strategy and leadership are taught alongside the wielding of sword and shield. The architecture of Valedor is both grand and functional, with buildings designed to withstand sieges, embodying the kingdom's resilient spirit.   Ilirians are a sturdy and disciplined people, with a societal structure that emphasizes duty, honor, and service to the realm. Their culture is steeped in traditions that celebrate military victories and commemorate the fallen, with annual festivals and parades that reinforce national pride and unity.   Despite its martial focus, Iliria is not without its finer pursuits. The kingdom's location has made it a crossroads of cultures, and as such, it has a vibrant marketplace where goods and ideas from across the empire and beyond are exchanged. Music, dance, and storytelling are interwoven with the martial chants and rhythms of the Ilirian way of life, creating a unique cultural blend that is both robust and refined.   Iliria's relationship with In-World is complex, characterized by a mix of historic rivalry and modern-day economic and diplomatic engagements. While tensions can run high, both kingdoms recognize the benefits of trade and the sharing of knowledge, leading to periods of prosperous peace.   As a vital piece of the Tôpian Empire's mosaic, the Kingdom of Iliria stands resolute, a bastion of strength and a testament to the endurance and courage of its people.


Iliria's organization structure is hierarchical and is characterized by a well-defined system that integrates its martial values with a functional societal governance. This structure is designed to maintain order, facilitate administration, and uphold the kingdom's military and cultural ethos.  

Monarchial Leadership:

At the top of Iliria's hierarchy sits the monarch, a King or Queen who serves as the head of state. The monarch is not only a political leader but also a symbol of Ilirian unity and strength. The royal family is revered and considered the embodiment of the kingdom's martial spirit and tradition.  

Council of Lords:

Beneath the monarch, there is a Council of Lords, comprising nobles who are often high-ranking military leaders or landowners. They provide counsel to the monarch on matters of state, defense, and international relations. The council plays a critical role in legislative matters and in the mobilization of the kingdom's military forces.  

Military Command:

The military command structure is a crucial component of Ilirian organization. It includes the General of the Armies, who oversees the kingdom's defense and military campaigns, and under whom serve various specialized commanders responsible for the different branches of the armed forces.  

Administrative Divisions:

Iliria is divided into administrative regions, each governed by a Lord Protector appointed by the monarch. These regions are further subdivided into provinces and districts, managed by local officials who oversee local governance, tax collection, and law enforcement.  


The judiciary is an independent arm of the government, with courts and judges that interpret and apply Ilirian law. Legal proceedings often reflect the kingdom's emphasis on honor and justice, with military service playing a role in legal status and citizen rights.  

Guilds and Commons:

Various Guilds exist within Iliria, representing the interests of artisans, merchants, and other professionals. These Guilds regulate trade practices, quality of goods, and training of apprentices. The Commons Assembly, consisting of non-noble citizens, has limited power but serves as a platform for voicing the populace's concerns and needs.  

Religious Orders:

Religious orders, dedicated to the worship of deities that align with Ilirian values, have their own hierarchy and influence within the kingdom. They often work in tandem with the state on matters of education, welfare, and moral guidance.  

Intelligence and Espionage:

A covert network of spies and scouts reports directly to the monarch or the Council of Lords, providing critical information on threats both within and beyond Iliria's borders.   In summary, Iliria's organization structure is an intricate system where each level has defined roles and responsibilities, ensuring the kingdom's security, order, and adherence to its martial and cultural principles.


The culture of Iliria is a rich amalgamation of martial valor and a deep appreciation for the arts, mirroring the kingdom's landscape of sturdy fortifications and fertile plains. Ilirians hold honor and duty in the highest regard, with societal norms heavily influenced by the ideals of service and defense. The kingdom's emphasis on military discipline is evident not only in its political and defense strategies but also in the daily lives of its citizens, who are often well-versed in the art of combat from a young age.   Festivals and public celebrations in Iliria frequently commemorate historical battles and heroes, blending remembrance with festivity. Parades and reenactments are common, serving as both entertainment and reminders of the sacrifices made for the kingdom's prosperity. These events are steeped in ritual, often beginning with solemn ceremonies and culminating in lively feasts and dances.   In Ilirian markets, the kingdom's crossroads status is on full display. Traders and artisans from across the Tôpian Empire and beyond offer a dizzying array of goods, and the exchange of ideas is as lively as that of merchandise. Ilirian cuisine, therefore, is as hearty as it is diverse, incorporating robust grains and meats from the lowlands with exotic spices brought by foreign merchants.   Music and storytelling in Iliria carry the rhythm of marching boots and the melodies of distant lands, a reflection of the kingdom's martial heartbeat and its interactions with neighboring cultures. Literature and folklore are often infused with themes of bravery and strategy, and children are raised on tales of legendary warriors and cunning leaders.   Despite its military focus, Iliria maintains a scholarly tradition, with its academies being centers of learning for strategy, history, and diplomacy. The respect for knowledge fosters a population that is tactically astute and politically savvy.   In essence, Ilirian culture is characterized by a harmonious balance between the rigors of military discipline and the expressive freedom of the arts, crafting a society that is as resilient as it is vibrant.

Public Agenda

Iliria's public agenda is focused on maintaining its status as a formidable military power within the Tôpian Empire, ensuring the security of its borders, particularly the one shared with the independent kingdom of In-World. The kingdom prioritizes the strengthening of its defense capabilities, the training of its armed forces, and the fortification of its cities, especially the capital, Valedor.   In addition to its military objectives, Iliria is committed to fostering economic stability and growth. It aims to capitalize on its rich mineral resources from the Crestfall Mountains and the agricultural output of its fertile lowlands to bolster trade and self-sufficiency.   Diplomatically, Iliria seeks to balance its historic caution towards In-World with constructive engagement, promoting trade, cultural exchange, and political dialogue to ensure peace and mutual prosperity. The kingdom also endeavors to contribute to the Tôpian Empire's overall strength and unity through loyalty and active participation in imperial affairs.   Culturally, Iliria encourages the preservation of its rich traditions while also embracing the diverse influences that come from being a cultural crossroads. It supports the arts and education, emphasizing the importance of history, strategy, and civic duty in its academic institutions.   Iliria's public agenda, while outwardly focused on strength and stability, also subtly underscores the importance of unity, culture, and progress for the enduring success of the kingdom and its place within the greater empire.


Iliria's assets are a combination of its natural resources, strategic location, robust military, and cultural wealth, which together bolster its stature within the Tôpian Empire:  

Geographic and Natural Resources:

  • The Crestfall Mountains provide natural defense and are rich in minerals, including iron and precious metals, which are essential for both trade and the kingdom's renowned armaments.
  • Fertile lowlands yield abundant crops and support livestock farming, ensuring food security and economic stability.

Strategic Position:

  • Bordering the independent kingdom of In-World, Iliria plays a key role in regional diplomacy and defense.
  • Its location as a crossroads enhances its importance in trade and cultural exchange, contributing to the kingdom's prosperity.

Military Strength:

  • A strong military tradition with a focus on strategy and leadership, underpinned by the esteemed academy of military sciences in Valedor.
  • Impenetrable fortress-city capital and well-trained standing army equipped with high-quality weapons forged from local mineral resources.

Cultural Heritage:

  • A vibrant marketplace that serves as a melting pot of cultures, offering diverse goods and fostering a lively intellectual and artistic scene.
  • Rich traditions of festivals and celebrations that reinforce national identity and pride.

Education and Scholarship:

  • Academies that not only teach martial skills but also encourage learning in governance, diplomacy, and history.
  • Scholars and tacticians contribute to the kingdom's strategies and policies, making it a hub of intellectual activity.

Political Influence:

  • Skilled diplomats and a history of both rivalry and cooperation with In-World position Iliria as a key player in regional politics.
  • Contributions to the Tôpian Empire's campaigns, both through resources and military support, leverage influence in imperial affairs.
  Iliria's assets are thus integral to its identity and influence, providing the kingdom with the means to pursue its objectives and maintain its sovereignty within the complex political landscape of the Tôpian Empire.


The history of Iliria is etched into the rugged landscapes of the Crestfall Mountains and echoed in the tales sung in the fertile valleys below. The kingdom's origins trace back to a confederation of warrior tribes that roamed the lowlands, each distinguished by their combat prowess and their deep reverence for the land.   Over time, these tribes united under a common banner, spurred by the need for mutual protection and the desire to harness the abundant resources of their territory. They forged a society that valued strength, discipline, and honor, laying the foundations for what would become the Kingdom of Iliria. The construction of Valedor, their fortress-city, marked the beginning of Ilirian might and the kingdom's commitment to safeguarding its people and interests.   As the Crestfall Mountains yielded their rich veins of ore, Iliria's power grew. Their smiths turned metal into art, crafting weapons that were both beautiful and deadly. Trade flourished as Iliria's reputation for quality goods spread, and its markets became crossroads of culture and commerce.   Iliria's strategic position made it a linchpin in the region's politics. The kingdom often found itself as a mediator between neighboring realms, particularly the independent In-World to its south. The Ilirians became adept at navigating alliances and rivalries, always with the foresight to ensure their own survival and prosperity.   Militarily, Iliria's history is marked by both grand victories and solemn losses, each battle and campaign woven into the fabric of the kingdom's identity. The military academies of Valedor have produced some of the most respected leaders and tacticians, whose strategies are studied far beyond the kingdom's borders.   Throughout its history, Iliria has faced and withstood various threats, from invasions to internal strife, each challenge reinforcing the kingdom's resilience. Its people have maintained a balance between the warrior's spirit and the artisan's creativity, leading to a society that is as culturally rich as it is militarily formidable.

"Swift as the Falcon to Foes, Gentle as the Dove to Friends."

Neighboring Nations

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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