Huron Frostmountain

Huron Frostmountain

In the rugged and untamed lands that would one day be known as Thesendarium, the legend of Huron Frostmountain, the original patriarch of the Frostmountain lineage, began. His story is a saga of courage, wisdom, and unification, marking the dawn of a kingdom that would stand as a testament to his vision and leadership.   Long before Thesendarium emerged as a realm of prosperity and strength, the region was a fragmented landscape of barbarian clans. These clans, fierce and proud, were constantly at odds with one another, their disputes over territory and resources leading to endless skirmishes and bloodshed. It was a land of warriors, where strength and valor were the currency of survival.   Into this world of strife and chaos, Huron Frostmountain was born, a member of one of the strongest clans. From a young age, Huron stood out. He was not only a formidable warrior, skilled in combat and strategy, but also a man of unusual insight and charisma. Huron envisioned a united land, where the clans could thrive together in peace rather than be weakened by constant conflict.   As he grew into a leader within his clan, Huron began to put his vision into action. He started by forging alliances with neighboring clans, using his skills in diplomacy to negotiate truces and mutual agreements. His reputation as a fair and honorable warrior preceded him, making even the most skeptical of clan leaders willing to listen.   Huron's greatest challenge, however, lay in convincing the clans to see beyond their ancestral feuds and embrace a larger identity. He traveled across the land, meeting with clan leaders, speaking at gatherings, and demonstrating through both word and deed the benefits of unity. His message was one of strength through solidarity, and prosperity through peace.   To solidify this newfound alliance, Huron proposed the establishment of a unified kingdom, a realm where all clans could have a voice and share in the land's riches. He envisioned a kingdom built on the principles of honor, strength, and community, a kingdom that would stand as a beacon in the midst of the chaos that surrounded it.   After years of negotiation, battles, and diplomacy, Huron's dream became a reality. The clans united under his leadership, forming the foundation of what would become Thesendarium. Huron was unanimously chosen as the first King, a role he accepted with a sense of grave responsibility.   As the ruler of the newly formed kingdom, Huron worked tirelessly to build a sense of national identity. He established a capital, where representatives from each clan could come together to govern. He created a system of laws that was fair and just, blending the various customs and traditions of the clans into a cohesive whole.   Under his rule, Thesendarium prospered. The people, once divided, now worked together, pooling their resources and knowledge. Trade flourished, arts and culture developed, and the kingdom grew in both wealth and power.   Huron Frostmountain's legacy was one of transformation and unity. He was remembered not just as a warrior and a King, but as a visionary who saw the potential in a divided land and turned it into a realm of greatness. The kingdom of Thesendarium, with its proud Frostmountain lineage, continued to thrive for generations, a living testament to the dreams and deeds of its founding patriarch.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The saga of Huron Frostmountain, the founder of the Kingdom of Thesendarium, is one steeped in turmoil, resilience, and a fierce determination to forge a new destiny. Born Huron Tedakis, the only son of King Erro Tedakis and Queen Mavis Sunspring of Lankhmar, his life took a dramatic turn from the paths of royalty to that of exile and eventual greatness.   Huron's life began under the shadow of tragedy. His mother, Queen Mavis Sunspring, a woman of unparalleled grace and compassion, tragically passed away giving birth to him. This loss cast a pall over his early years, though he was raised with love and care by his father and the royal court of Lankhmar.   As he grew, Huron displayed qualities of leadership and valor, embodying the best of both his parents. However, the dynamics of the royal court shifted dramatically when King Erro remarried. His second wife, Mandara Binder, bore him more children, and with these new heirs, the stability of the Lankhmar throne became a subject of intense debate.   A long and contentious deliberation ensued between King Erro and the City Council of Lankhmar. The conclusion reached was heart-wrenching: the throne would only be stable and the lineage secure with the younger sons from Erro’s union with Mandara Binder. The decision to exclude Huron from succession, favoring his half-siblings, was a move that shocked the kingdom.   For Huron, this decision was a deep humiliation and a source of burning anger. Once a prince destined for the throne, he was now an outcast in his own land. In a final decree, Huron was given a substantial amount of gold, a small battalion of loyal soldiers, and a royal ship. The message was clear and stark: leave Lankhmar immediately, or face the dire consequences of staying, including threats to his life from unseen enemies within the kingdom.   With a heavy heart and a spirit fueled by a mix of resentment and determination, Huron set sail from Lankhmar. The journey was long and fraught with reflection and a growing resolve. When he finally landed on the shores of what would become Thesendarium, his eyes were drawn to a magnificent sight – a towering mountain whose summit was crowned with a sparkling, brilliant frost. It was a vision so striking that Huron saw it as a sign, a symbol of the new legacy he was destined to build.   In that moment, Huron Tedakis shed the name of his past and adopted a new identity: Huron Frostmountain. Inspired by the majestic frost-capped mountain, he vowed to establish a house and a kingdom that would reflect its strength, resilience, and splendor. This marked the beginning of his journey to found Thesendarium, a realm that would rise to prominence under his leadership.   Huron Frostmountain’s story, from a prince of Lankhmar to the exiled founder of Thesendarium, is a tale of transformation driven by courage, vision, and an unwavering will to create a new destiny. His legacy would not only shape the kingdom he founded but also echo through history as a testament to the power of resilience and the indomitable spirit of a true leader.

Accomplishments & Achievements

In the tale of Huron Frostmountain’s exile, a crucial chapter unfolds with his perilous journey across the Rip, a treacherous stretch of water that had claimed many vessels and lives. This crossing, thought to be a certain doom by the City Council of Lankhmar, instead became a testament to Huron’s resilience and perhaps, a touch of divine providence.  

The Voyage Begins

Banished from Western Nehwon, Huron set sail with a heavy heart. His ship, loaded with gold, a small battalion, and the remnants of his shattered future, embarked on a journey fraught with uncertainty. The Rip, a notorious and feared part of the sea, lay in their path. Known for its violent currents and unpredictable whirlpools, it was a mariner's nightmare, an obstacle that seemed insurmountable.  

The Council's Calculations

The City Council of Lankhmar, in their scheming, had calculated that Huron's encounter with the Rip would be his end. They presumed that the treacherous waters would be the final chapter in the story of the ousted prince. As Huron's ship sailed towards its grim fate, those he left behind waited with bated breath, expecting never to hear from him again.  

Into the Maw of the Rip

As the ship approached the Rip, the sea began to churn with a ferocity that struck fear into the hearts of the most seasoned sailors. Massive waves crashed against the ship, and swirling eddies threatened to pull them under. The crew, loyal to Huron to the end, fought valiantly to navigate through the chaos. Huron himself took the helm, his determination unwavering, his eyes fixed on the horizon.  

A Stroke of Divine Providence

It was in these desperate moments that something inexplicable occurred. A sudden calm enveloped the ship, as if an unseen hand had stilled the waters. The crew, stunned, watched as the path ahead cleared, the once-violent waves now gently guiding them forward. Some whispered of divine intervention, others of fate’s unseen hand, but all knew that they were witnessing something beyond mortal understanding.  

The Crossing

Guided by this mysterious calm, Huron’s ship navigated through the Rip with an ease that was nothing short of miraculous. The treacherous waters that had been their expected grave became the cradle of their survival. As they emerged unscathed on the other side, a sense of awe and gratitude filled the hearts of Huron and his men. They had faced the impossible and emerged victorious. Legacy of the Crossing News of Huron's demise, presumed by those in Lankhmar, spread far and wide. Yet, unbeknownst to them, Huron had survived. This miraculous crossing of the Rip would become a cornerstone of his legacy, a story passed down through generations. It was a tale of courage in the face of certain death, of loyalty against all odds, and perhaps, of a destiny that was guided by forces greater than any council’s machinations.   In the lands that would become Thesendarium, Huron Frostmountain, once a prince of Lankhmar, now a survivor of the Rip, began to lay the foundations of a new kingdom. His journey across the Rip, marked by mystery and miracle, stood as a symbol of his new beginning, a sign that his story was far from over, and that his impact would be felt for ages to come.
Lawful Neutral
Date of Birth
14 Zepter
Date of Death
27 Walder
2799 RJ 2911 RJ 112 years old
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Long, salt and pepper
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
245 lbs

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character Portrait image: Huron Frostmountain by Chad Watson via Midjourney


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