Heave- ho, my Lads!

Oh, hoist the sails and catch the breeze, We're off to Lankhmar, through the seas. Where towers rise and mysteries swarm, In that old city, my love was born.   Heave-ho, my lads, let's sail afar, To the winding streets of Lankhmar. With a heart so brave and a sword so sharp, I'll find my love in Lankhmar's heart.   Through mists and shadows, tales untold, Where fortunes are lost and secrets sold. Through taverns loud and alleyways dim, I search for her, on a whim.   Heave-ho, my lads, we'll roam the night, In Lankhmar's alleys, hidden from sight. With a heart so true and a will so stark, I'll roam for my love in the city's dark.   In the city of thieves, where magic lies, Under the moon and starry skies. Her eyes like gems, her hair like silk, Her voice, a melody, her skin like milk.   From the wharfs where the salty breezes blow, To the guilds where the hidden rivers flow. I'll search each corner, each shadowed nook, For that one glance, that one look.   Heave-ho, my lads, our journey's not in vain, For love, we brave the storm, the wind, the rain. With a heart so bold and a dream so sharp, I'll find my love in Lankhmar's heart.

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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