Glipkerio Kistomerces

Overlord Glipkerio Kistomerces

Glipkerio Kistomerces' life was marked by a series of dramatic and tumultuous events, set against the backdrop of Lankhmar's rat plague. As ruler, Glipkerio faced the challenge of maintaining control in a city increasingly overrun by intelligent rats, a threat that gradually spiraled out of control under his watch.   His rule was characterized by personal excesses and a predilection for cruelty, as evidenced by his treatment of his maids and the slave Reetha. Glipkerio's interest in the darker aspects of power was evident in his anticipation of Reetha's punishment and his interactions with Samanda, the mistress of the kitchen known for administering whippings.   Glipkerio's leadership was further complicated by the presence of Hisvin, a figure who claimed to have a solution for the rat plague. Despite Hisvin's dubious astrological claims, Glipkerio, lacking in discernment, was swayed by his assurances. This gullibility highlighted a critical flaw in his rule – an inability to see through deception, which ultimately contributed to his downfall.   The situation in Lankhmar worsened as the rat plague intensified, with the rats displaying alarming levels of intelligence. Glipkerio's desperation for a solution grew, but his reliance on Hisvin's promised spell left him ineffective and passive in the face of the escalating crisis.   Glipkerio's personal life was also turbulent, marked by trysts and a fascination with sadistic pleasures. His relationship with Samanda and their shared interest in cruelty further alienated him from the suffering of his subjects.   As the rat plague reached its peak, Glipkerio's rule began to unravel. The city was thrown into chaos, with citizens and even his own family members falling victim to the intelligent rats. His cousin Radomix Kistomerces-Null, seen as a potential successor, retreated to the slums, garnering support and positioning himself as a rival for power.   The climax of Glipkerio's reign came amidst a massive conflict within his palace. The freed slaves, led by Reetha, revolted against their oppressors. Glipkerio found himself beset by enemies on all sides, including the Gray Mouser, who had been transformed to rat size but remained a formidable opponent.   As the city descended into chaos, with gods, ghouls, and human-sized rats battling in the streets, Glipkerio's grip on power weakened. The arrival of Fafhrd, the blowing of a whistle summoning War Cats, and the ensuing battles marked the end of his rule.   In a final, desperate act, Glipkerio fled the city by boat, escaping the mayhem he could no longer control. His departure signified the end of his era and the rise of Radomix as the new Overlord. The Black Kitten, becoming the thirteenth War Cat, symbolized the change in Lankhmar's leadership and the end of Glipkerio's tumultuous and ultimately doomed reign.


Family Ties

Lawful Evil
Date of Birth
29 Satyr
Date of Death
Year of Birth
2831 RJ 191 Years old
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Long, gray hair with beard of same color
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
311 lbs / 141.1 kg
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character Portrait image: Glipkerio Kistomerces by Chad Watson via Midjourney


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