Cosmology of Nehwon

The Cosmology of Nehwon has long puzzled even the most knowledgeable, as evident when the question perplexed a man-demon, who, after hastily consulting his book, inquired, "Are you aware of other worlds? Do you not think the stars are merely large jewels?" To this, Fafhrd retorted, "Clearly, the sky's lights are jewels, but we are no fools; we acknowledge other worlds' existence" - a passage from "The Swords of Lankhmar." In Nehwon, a realm abundant with thinkers like sages, priests, philosophers, and dreamers, numerous theories speculate about its structure and cosmic position. These ideas often conflict, leaving individuals to determine their own beliefs. The dominant theory posits Nehwon as a colossal bubble ascending through the eternal cosmic waters. On its inner surface lie vast continents, islands, and the magnificent jewels that become the starry sky. Glipkerio Kistomerces, the Overlord of Lankhmar, once commissioned a metal diving bell to explore these eternal waters and visit other bubbles, though the outcome of this journey is debated.   Most scholars and priests in Nehwon embrace this theory, believing the stars were crafted by gods from immense jewels and set in the night sky from Stardock mountain. The discarded gems on Nehwon are viewed as the gods' prototypes. They believe that the sun, after setting, traverses the eternal waters to reappear in the east, with its scattered rays causing the jeweled stars to sparkle.   However, a competing theory, championed by the infamous Gray Mouser—a known burglar and assassin—suggests a different narrative. He proposes that the sun, moon, stars, and possibly even nine planets, reside within immense waterspouts in the Great Equatorial Ocean or Sea of Stars, encircling the world bubble. When these waterspouts move across the bubble, their burning cores become visible as celestial bodies. Despite its intriguing premise, this theory, given its dubious source, remains highly controversial.


While very few sailors attempt to go beyond the region known as "the Dead Zone", an area reportedly filled with torrential and chaotic water spouts, some report that these water spouts, while they do exist, are sporadic and can be circumvented by a skilled crew.
Metaphysical, Elemental

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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