Black Wizard

Black Wizard by Chad Watson via Midjourney
  Black wizards tend to be greedy, selfish, and arrogant individuals with truly narcissistic and sociopathic behavior disorders. As such, they are extremely adept at manipulating others for their own personal benefit. Black wizards must be either lawful-evil or neutral-evil.   Black wizards can grow to extreme power which is due in large part to the fact that they have access to the Sorcerer, Warlock and Wizard spells lists.   This heightened power comes at a cost, however. Starting at level 5, each time a black wizard gains a level, one effect from the following Malevolent Effects table takes place (DM rolls 1d20 to determine). Each effect explains stacked consequences, if any, for die rolls that are duplicated (e.g. at 5th-level, Mortimer the Black Wizard rolls a 2, causing him to lose sight in his right eye. At 9th-level, Mortimer once again rolls a 2, however this time he loses the eye altogether). If a die-roll lands on an outcome that has already been stacked to its maximum then the effect is transferred to the next individual or creature that strikes the black wizard physically (no saving throw for that individual or creature). Since some effects do not happen immediately, it may be unknown to the black wizard whether something is coming for them and if they will act as a contagion to their next foe. Note that any detriments also stack. In Mortimer's example, he has a disadvantage to his Perception checks when he loses sight in his eye, and once he loses his eye altogether, he has disadvantage on Charisma checks in addition to having disadvantage on Perception checks.   These effects reflect the fact that the black wizard's commitment to evil, while it can provide them with considerable power, tends to make them in-human(oid).   These effects are permanent short of a wish spell, or in some cases a greater restoration spell (if applicable).



Black wizards must have an Intelligence score of 15 or greater. They cannot rise in level without the assistance and tutelage of another black wizard of higher level, and cannot rise higher than fifth level unless Intelligence is their highest score.   Black wizards can be of neutral alignment for the first four levels. Before attaining fifth level, a black wizard must shift to evil alignment. This makes black wizards of fifth level or higher poor player characters.

Career Progression

Black Wizards join the Sorcerers' Guild. This guild is hated and feared by most of the citizenry of Lankhmar. The sorcerers in the guild are true black wizards. White wizards are not allowed into the guild. Since they spend most of their time practicing their spells and investigating ancient arcana, they leave Lankhmar alone. Once, hundreds of years ago, an ambitious guildmaster tried to gain political power in the city. The Overlord and all of the larger guilds immediately hired top level assassins to eliminate him. Legend has it that 101 assassins were given the assignment. The bodies of 43 were never found, 27 others were maimed beyond recognition, 13 committed suicide, 7 were found insane. The remaining 11 assassins filled the guildmaster with enough poison to kill 30 men. It took him 14 days to die.   Guild Entrance Fees & Dues: 80 GR / 15 GR
  • Attached Guilds: Extortionists' Guild
  • Apprentice: 2nd Social Rank
  • Journeyman: 3rd Social Rank
  • Master: 4th Social Rank
  • Guild Official: 5th Social Rank

Payment & Reimbursement

Black Wizards that have attained higher skill levels are paid very handsomly for their services, which usually involves darker goals. As such, only those who have money are able to secure their services, unless of course, they have something more valuable than money to exchange.

Other Benefits

Black Wizards have acces to the Sorcerer, Warlock, and Wizard Spell lists.



A Black Wizard's workplace is a very sacred and special place. They keep it in a very hidden place and only allow very trusted individuals in, or victims they don't plan on letting out once they enter. This workplace is much the same as any typical Wizard's workshop in content and materials, but as expected, has a much more sinister and dark theme.

Dangers & Hazards

Black Wizard Malevolants
"None can use black magic without straining the soul to the uttermost-and staining it in the bargain. None can inflict suffering without enduring the same. None can send death by spells and sorcery without walking on the brink of death's own abyss, aye, and dripping his own blood into it. The forces black magic evokes are like two-edged poisoned swords with grips studded with scorpion stings. Only a strong man, leather-handed, in whom hate and evil are very powerful, can wield them, and he only for a space."   -From Glavas Rho's "The Unholy Grail"

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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