Astalon, Sky Lord of Law (AZZ-tuh-lonn)

Astalan, the Sky-Lord of Law: Guardian of Order in the Land of Nehwon

  In the mystical realm of Nehwon, where the boundaries between gods and mortals blur, there exists a deity of unparalleled majesty and honor—Astalan, the Sky-Lord of Law. As a divine being who often takes the form of a majestic pegasus, Astalan is revered as the steadfast guardian of order, justice, and the celestial realms.  

Origins and Mythos

  Astalan's origins are shrouded in celestial mystery. Legends of Nehwon suggest that he was born from the first rays of sunlight that pierced the primordial darkness, imbued with the essence of order and righteousness. As the embodiment of celestial law, Astalan's creation marked a pivotal moment in the cosmology of Nehwon, ensuring that the forces of chaos would never fully overtake the world.  

The Pegasus Form

  Astalan's favored form is that of a resplendent pegasus. With glistening ivory wings that span the heavens and a coat that shimmers like the constellations themselves, he exudes an aura of celestial grace. His eyes, like twin stars, radiate wisdom and clarity. In this form, he soars across the skies of Nehwon, a symbol of both freedom and divine authority.  

Guardian of the Celestial Realms

  Astalan's primary responsibility is the protection of the celestial realms, where the stars, moons, and heavenly bodies reside. He keeps a vigilant watch over these sacred domains, ensuring that they remain undisturbed by the chaotic forces that seek to disrupt the cosmic balance. It is said that the twinkling of the stars is the celestial choir singing his praises.  

Bearer of Justice

  As the Sky-Lord of Law, Astalan is the arbiter of justice in Nehwon. Mortals and immortals alike turn to him when seeking resolution to disputes and the righting of wrongs. His judgments are as unerring as the passage of time itself, and his presence often brings a sense of divine clarity to those embroiled in conflicts.  

The Cult of Astalan

  Astalan's worshippers are known for their unwavering dedication to the principles of order and righteousness. The Cult of Astalan reveres the Sky-Lord through rituals that involve offerings of white feathers, the symbol of purity and enlightenment. They believe that by aligning themselves with Astalan's divine guidance, they can strive for a more just and orderly world.  

The Balance of Nehwon

  In the world of Nehwon, where the forces of chaos and order are in perpetual flux, Astalan's presence serves as a crucial stabilizing force. His role as the Sky-Lord of Law ensures that even in a realm of magic and uncertainty, there exists a beacon of righteousness and order, guiding mortals and immortals alike toward a harmonious coexistence.  


  In the land of Nehwon, Astalan, the Sky-Lord of Law, is a symbol of celestial splendor and unwavering justice. His graceful presence, often embodied by the magnificent pegasus form, embodies the enduring pursuit of order and righteousness in a world where chaos and darkness persist. As long as Nehwon endures, the name of Astalan will be invoked by those who seek the path of law, justice, and celestial clarity in their lives, reminding them of the enduring power of divine order in a realm of endless wonder and mystery.
Lawful Good

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character Portrait image: Astalon by Chad Watson via Midjourney


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