Slang Words Used by Worshipers of the Gods of Lankhmar

A relatively new and secretive religion has begun to take root among those who dare to seek the favor of The Gods of Lankhmar. These deities, who dwell within the ominous Black Temple, are shrouded in mystery and wield a power that is both revered and feared. As this hidden faith grows, so too does its unique lexicon of slang, a coded language that allows worshipers to communicate their devotion and knowledge without revealing their secrets to outsiders. Below is a list of 30 slang words commonly used by the followers of The Gods of Lankhmar, each with a brief definition to provide insight into their clandestine world.  
  • Blackshade - Refers to the protective shadow cast by The Black Temple, believed to shield true believers.
  • Nightcall - The act of praying or summoning the gods during the darkest hours of the night.
  • Veilwalk - The journey taken by worshipers to The Black Temple, often seen as a pilgrimage.
  • Shadowblood - A term for the most devout worshipers, believed to have a special bond with the gods.
  • Gloomsigil - A protective charm or amulet blessed by the priests of The Black Temple.
  • Duskmantle - The robes worn by the high priests, symbolizing their authority and connection to the gods.
  • Ebonchant - A specific prayer or incantation used to invoke the gods' favor.
  • Templewhisper - Rumors or secrets shared among worshipers about the inner workings of The Black Temple.
  • Darkshrine - A small altar or place of worship dedicated to the gods, found in homes of devout followers.
  • Shadowkin - Fellow worshipers, often used to signify a close, familial bond within the faith.
  • Eclipsebrew - A ceremonial drink consumed during certain rituals, believed to enhance spiritual connection.
  • Doomsigil - A cursed mark believed to be placed by the gods on those who betray the faith.
  • Nightfall - A term for the end of a sacred ceremony or ritual, when the gods' presence is strongest.
  • Shadewalk - Moving stealthily or unseen, as the gods are believed to travel in shadows.
  • Veilkin - Creatures or beings associated with the gods, often seen as their emissaries or messengers.
  • Blacktide - A wave of divine power or influence from The Black Temple, often felt during major events.
  • Shadebound - A term for those who have dedicated their lives to serving the gods.
  • Midnight's Call - The moment of deepest prayer, when worshipers feel closest to the gods.
  • Ebonveil - A mystical barrier or protection believed to be granted by the gods.
  • Nightbrand - A symbol or scar given to those who have undergone significant trials in the name of the gods.
  • Darktongue - The sacred language used in rituals and prayers.
  • Nightwatcher - A sentinel or lookout, often referring to those who keep vigil over the temple.
  • Veilshadow - A spiritual guide or mentor within the faith.
  • Gloomseer - A priest or seer who interprets the will of the gods.
  • Duskweaver - One who crafts or maintains the ceremonial garb and artifacts of the faith.
  • Nightforge - The sacred place where weapons and artifacts are blessed by the gods.
  • Ebonflame - A sacred fire used in rituals, symbolizing the eternal presence of the gods.
  • Shadowflame - A rare and powerful blessing or curse from the gods, manifesting as a dark, ethereal fire.
Root Languages

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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