The Silver Shadows of Lankhmar


The Silver Shadows is a clandestine organization dedicated to combating corruption within the city of Lankhmar and across the broader realm of Nehwon. Operating from the shadows, this group consists of skilled operatives who utilize intelligence, stealth, and precise strikes to dismantle corrupt officials, criminal syndicates, and any entities that threaten the stability and fairness of society.  

Founding and History:

The Silver Shadows was founded by a coalition of disillusioned nobles, former thieves, and exiled mages who recognized the pervasive corruption festering within Lankhmar's ruling class and criminal underworld. United by a common goal of restoring justice and order, they combined their diverse skills to form an organization that could operate outside the constraints of traditional law enforcement.  

Structure and Membership:

The organization is structured into various cells, each operating independently to ensure secrecy and minimize the risk of exposure. Membership is by invitation only, and prospective members undergo rigorous vetting to ensure loyalty and competence. The ranks within the Silver Shadows include:  
  • Shadows: The operatives who carry out missions. They are experts in various fields, including espionage, combat, and magic.
  • Whisperers: Intelligence gatherers and informants who infiltrate different levels of society to obtain crucial information.
  • Guides: Senior members who provide strategic direction and oversee the operations of the cells.
  • The Silver Hand: The mysterious leader of the organization, whose identity is known only to a select few.
Code of Conduct:
Members of the Silver Shadows adhere to a strict code of conduct that emphasizes integrity, secrecy, and dedication to the cause. Key tenets include:  
  • Justice over Law: The Shadows prioritize true justice over the often-corrupt laws of Lankhmar.
  • Secrecy: Members must maintain the utmost secrecy about the organization's existence and operations.
  • Honor Among Shadows: Members are expected to support and protect one another, fostering a strong sense of camaraderie.
Operations and Tactics:
The Silver Shadows employ a variety of tactics to combat corruption:  
  • Espionage: Whisperers infiltrate the ranks of the corrupt, gathering intelligence that can be used to expose and undermine them.
  • Sabotage: Shadows carry out surgical strikes against key targets, disrupting operations and dismantling power structures.
  • Public Exposure: When possible, the Silver Shadows use their gathered evidence to publicly expose corrupt individuals, leveraging public opinion against them.
  • Alliances: The organization forms temporary alliances with other groups and influential individuals who share their goals, though they remain wary of betrayal.
Symbol and Identification:
The Silver Shadows' symbol is a silver crescent moon partially obscured by shadow. Operatives often carry a silver coin stamped with this symbol, which they can use to signal their affiliation when necessary.  
Notable Achievements:
  • The Purge of the Black Network: The Silver Shadows orchestrated the downfall of a powerful criminal syndicate known as the Black Network, freeing several neighborhoods from their control.
  • The Expose of Duke Raval: By exposing the corrupt dealings of Duke Raval, a high-ranking noble, the organization successfully sparked public outrage and led to his removal from power.
  • The Rescue of the Silver Mage: In a daring raid, the Silver Shadows rescued a powerful mage imprisoned for refusing to cooperate with corrupt officials, gaining a valuable ally in the process.
Current Challenges:
Despite their successes, the Silver Shadows face ongoing challenges. The corrupt forces within Lankhmar are relentless, and the organization's secrecy must be maintained at all costs. Additionally, internal conflicts occasionally arise as members with different backgrounds and motivations must find common ground to achieve their goals

Foreign Relations

In Darkness we Illuminate

Founding Date
1375 RJ
Social, Activist
Alternative Names
The Silvers, The Shadows, Moon Blades (referring to their crescen moon symbol and their precise, cutting operations), The SS, The Crescent League
Leader Title


The Silver Shadows of Lankhmar and the Order of Ix have a complex and multifaceted diplomatic relationship, marked by mutual respect, cautious mistrust, and pragmatic cooperation.  

Shared Goals and Collaboration

Ixian Goals:
The Order of Ix is dedicated to thwarting the malevolent schemes of Kult Drachen, a sinister cult intent on summoning and breeding a fleet of evil dragons and wyverns. This formidable force is to be wielded by King Edwynn Werrish II in his bid to conquer the kingdoms of Western Nehwon.  
Silver Shadows' Goals:
The Silver Shadows focus on eradicating political corruption and combating nefarious political machinations within Lankhmar and beyond.   These overlapping goals naturally align the two groups, prompting them to collaborate. The Order of Ix's efforts to prevent the rise of a draconic army dovetail with the Silver Shadows' mission to thwart political corruption and tyranny, leading to a synergistic partnership.  

Dynamics of the Relationship

Mutual Respect:
Both organizations recognize and respect each other's strengths. The Order of Ix values the Silver Shadows' expertise in espionage and covert operations, while the Silver Shadows appreciate the Order's arcane prowess and strategic insights.  
Cautious Mistrust:
Despite their collaboration, both groups maintain a degree of wariness. The Order of Ix's rigid, mystical doctrines sometimes clash with the Silver Shadows' more pragmatic and flexible approaches. Additionally, both organizations are inherently secretive, which can hinder open communication and trust.  

Key Interactions

Alliances of Convenience:
The Silver Shadows and the Order of Ix have formed several temporary alliances to address immediate threats posed by Kult Drachen. These alliances are often short-lived and focused on specific objectives, such as preventing a summoning ritual or dismantling a cult stronghold.  
Information Exchange:
On occasions where their interests align, the two groups exchange vital information through secure channels. This collaboration ensures they remain one step ahead of their common enemies.  
Conflict Mediation:
High-ranking members from both organizations periodically meet in secret to mediate conflicts and negotiate terms, ensuring their cooperation remains productive and avoiding unnecessary confrontation.

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character flag image: The Silver Shadows of Lankhmar by Chad Watson via ChatGPT


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