Astronomy and Astrology of Nehwon

by Chad Watson
  • Akul shines green and is visible from Lankhmar.
  • Ashsha, which is pale blue and the brightest.
  • Astorian, which is Nehwon’s greatest star.
  • The dim stars of the Ghosts.
  • The Star of the Ice Fields is the northernmost star.
  • The skinny long triangle of the Knife has a blood red star for the tip.
  • The star pairs of the Lovers.
  • The star Shadah twinkles blue. It also sets just before dawn in Cold Corner during winter.
  • The Seven Spiraled Stars of the Targe are Nehwon’s northernmost constellation. The Star of the Ice Fields is one of the seven of the Targe.


Astrological Symbols

Ram (Weißhexe 21 - Geister 19)

Element: Fire
Quality: Cardinal
Ruler: Inanna
The Ram embodies the fiery spirit of initiative and courage. As the first sign of the zodiac, Rams are natural leaders, bursting with energy and a pioneering spirit. They are known for their confidence, enthusiasm, and a tendency to act impulsively. A Ram's life is marked by their straightforward approach and a desire to conquer challenges head-on.  

Bull (Geister 20 - Mörder 20)

Element: Earth
Quality: Fixed
Ruler: Freya
The Bull is the epitome of strength and reliability. Grounded in the earth element, Bulls are practical, determined, and have a strong desire for security and the finer things in life. They value consistency and loyalty, and once they set their minds on a goal, they pursue it with steadfast determination. Their Freyan influence also endows them with a deep appreciation for beauty and sensuality.  

Doppelganger (Mörder 21 - Dröhnen 20)

Element: Air
Quality: Mutable
Ruler: Cernunnos
The Doppelganger symbolizes adaptability and duality. Like the twin figures they represent, those born under this sign are versatile, curious, and communicative. They thrive on exchange of ideas and are often skilled at juggling multiple pursuits at once. Their Cernunnian nature can sometimes make them seem inconsistent, but it's just their love for variety and intellectual stimulation.  

Crab (Dröhnen 21 - Satyr 22)

Element: Water
Quality: Cardinal
Ruler: The Traveler
The Crab is the guardian of the emotional realm, deeply intuitive and nurturing. They have a strong sense of home and family, and they cherish their close personal ties. Like their celestial spirit animal, Crabs have a hard exterior protecting their soft, sensitive inside. Their moods are as changeable as The Traveler, reflecting a deep connection with the emotional undercurrents of life.  

Sphinx (Satyr 23 - Ernte 22)

Element: Fire
Quality: Fixed
Ruler: Sonne
The Sphinx represents the flamboyant and dramatic aspects of existence, much like its mythological counterpart that is known for its riddles and strength. Those born under this sign are characterized by their exuberance, loyalty, and leadership qualities. Like the Sonne, they are bright, warm, and seek to be the center of attention, often inspiring others with their confidence and generosity.  

Abacus (Ernte 23 - Zepter 22)

Element: Earth
Quality: Mutable
Ruler: Cernunnos
The Abacus symbolizes meticulousness, intelligence, and practicality. Individuals under this sign are analytical and detail-oriented, always striving for perfection in everything they do. They possess a deep sense of humanity and duty, often serving others in quiet, yet meaningful ways. Their analytical mind and keen attention to detail make them excellent problem solvers.  

Hare (Zepter 23 - Schwarzhexe 22)

Element: Air
Quality: Cardinal
Ruler: Freya
The Hare embodies harmony, balance, and beauty. Like their animal symbol, those under this sign are sociable, gracious, and have a strong sense of fairness and justice. They strive for equilibrium in all aspects of life, including relationships. Their Freyan influence brings a love of aesthetics and comfort, making them excellent hosts and connoisseurs of art and culture.  

Scorpid (Schwarzehexe 23 - Walder 21)

Element: Water
Quality: Fixed
Ruler: The Dark Lady
The Scorpid signifies depth, transformation, and intensity. With a keen perception and a desire to explore life’s mysteries, Scorpids are known for their emotional depth and resilience. They are passionate, driven, and capable of profound changes and rebirths. Their presence is magnetic, drawing others into their complex inner world.  

Centaur (Walder 22 - Frosten 21)

Element: Fire
Quality: Mutable
Ruler: Thor
The Centaur represents the quest for knowledge and adventure. Optimistic, freedom-loving, and ever in search of truth, those born under this sign are known for their love of travel and exploration. Their philosophical nature drives them to seek the meaning of life, often making them the teachers and wanderers of the zodiac.  

Chimera (Frosten 22 - Wölfe 19)

Element: Earth
Quality: Cardinal
Ruler: Hecate
The Chimera stands for ambition, discipline, and pragmatism. With their mythical resilience and determination, Chimeras are focused on their goals, demonstrating remarkable endurance and leadership qualities. They are masters of self-control, often adopting roles of responsibility and authority. Their Chimeran influence grants them patience and a deep understanding of time and tradition.  

Mind-Flayer (Wölfe 20 - Samen 18)

Element: Air
Quality: Fixed
Ruler: Hecate
The Mind-Flayer embodies innovation, individuality, and close connection to the Arcane. Those under this sign are forward-thinking and unorthodox, often seen as the visionaries of the zodiac. They value independence and intellect, seeking to improve society through radical ideas and actions. Their Hecate influence encourages them to break free from conventional norms, making them pioneers of change.  

Seahorse (Samen 19 - Weißhexe 20)

Element: Water
Quality: Mutable
Ruler: Thor
The Seahorse is the symbol of imagination, compassion, and intuition. Mystical and elusive, those born under this sign are deeply emotional and empathetic, with a strong connection to the arts and the unseen realms of life. They are known for their adaptability and fluid nature, often feeling what others cannot see. Their Thor influence endows them with a rich inner world and a desire to escape into the realms of fantasy.


16 Zepter 3022 by Chad Watson

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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