Nehwon Astrology 16 Zepter 3022.jpg

In the celestial dance of Nehwon, the intricate configurations of planets and points cast a vivid tale of potential, challenge, and magical resurgence. As the Sonne in Virgo forms a Square to the Midheaven in Gemini, and a Sextile to Inanna in Scorpio, the cosmos whispers of a period of vigorous economic growth and a pervasive sense of well-being across the lands. This alignment signifies a time when the analytical and methodical approach of Virgo harmonizes with Scorpio's transformative energy, catalyzing prosperity and fostering a collective sense of optimism.   The presence of The Traveler in Virgo in its balsamic phase, directly opposing The Dark Lady in Pisces in her gibbous phase, weaves a thread of uncommon magic through the fabric of the mundane. This opposition beckons a surge in the occult and mystical explorations, suggesting that the veil between the known and the unknown is thinner than ever, offering unparalleled opportunities for those willing to explore the depths of their own psyche and the mysteries of the universe.   Meanwhile, Cernunnos in Libra forming a Trine to Hecate in Aquarius paints a picture of a society at its zenith of intellectual and diplomatic prowess. This harmonious aspect promotes a flow of energy that enhances communication, understanding, and cooperation both within and across borders, strengthening the foundations of peace and mutual respect among the nations of Nehwon.   The intricate dance between Freya in Scorpio, The Traveler in Virgo, and The Dark Lady in Pisces intensifies the esoteric currents coursing through the era. Freya, with her dual aspects of connection to The Traveler and The Dark Lady, infuses the collective consciousness with a profound magical potency, elevating the spiritual and mystical pursuits to new heights.   However, the celestial tableau is not without its challenges. Inanna in Virgo at the apex of a T-Square with Hecate in Aquarius and Thor in Leo foretells a period of potential unrest and conflict. This precarious configuration suggests that only through significant concessions and the sharing of resources can harmony be restored, averting the brewing storm of war.   In these times of tumult, Hecate's trine to the Midheaven in Gemini serves as a beacon of hope, leveraging the powers of law, order, and communication to maintain a fragile peace amidst the undercurrents of discord.   The celebration of Yavieba from 18 to 24 Zepter emerges as a pivotal moment in this complex astrological narrative. This festival, aligning with the cosmic energies at play, promises to be a powerful conduit for unity, healing, and the dissipation of civil unrest. It is a time for all of Nehwon to come together in joy and celebration, channeling the potent energies of the cosmos towards a future of peace, prosperity, and magical awakening.

Original Title
16 Zepter 3022
Chad Watson


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