
In the mystical world of Nehwon, a peculiar tradition known as the Zodak-no-Kara unfolds once every 140 years. It is a time when the great wizards of the land come together to select a band of heroes, imbued with exceptional abilities and determination, to embark on a quest of utmost importance. Their mission? To scour the vast expanse of Nehwon in search of rare and powerful magical artifacts, setting forth on a journey that amounts to a grand magical-item scavenger hunt.   The allure of this quest lies not only in the pursuit of honor and glory but also in the profound impact it has on the fabric of Nehwon society. Those fortunate enough to be chosen as champions in the Zodak-no-Kara earn immense respect and admiration amongst the population. Their names become legend, whispered in awe around campfires and taverns, and their deeds inspire countless others to aspire to greatness. The mere attempt, even in failure, bestows upon one a certain degree of fame, for the Zodak-no-Kara is a crucible where heroes are forged.   The traditional payment arrangement in the Zodak-no-Kara is one of the many aspects that make this tradition particularly intriguing. The heroes who partake in this extraordinary undertaking are allowed to keep all other treasures and spoils they may encounter during their perilous journeys, aside from the designated magical item itself. This generous reward serves as a potent motivator, enticing heroes with the promise of personal wealth and power, and ensuring that their dedication to the quest remains unwavering.   One institution that stands as the foremost proponent and practitioner of the Zodak-no-Kara is the revered Temple of Aarth. This sacred sanctuary pays homage to the god Aarth the All-Listener, whose divine sphere encompasses the magical balance within the land of Nehwon. The temple's guardians are steadfastly committed to maintaining this equilibrium, ensuring that the vast array of magical artifacts scattered throughout the realm are protected and nurtured.   The Temple of Aarth often plays a pivotal role in the Zodak-no-Kara by identifying those magical items that are being misused, drained of their powers, or damaged in some way. They hold a profound responsibility to safeguard the sentient qualities of these artifacts, for in Nehwon, magic is not merely an abstract concept but a living, breathing force that courses through the land.   Hence, the temple dispatches champions on quests specifically tailored to rectify these imbalances and preserve the magical heritage of Nehwon. These brave champions, chosen by the Temple of Aarth, embark on perilous journeys to retrieve these coveted items, often venturing into treacherous territories and confronting formidable adversaries.   As the countdown to the next Zodak-no-Kara approaches, heroes and adventurers across Nehwon sharpen their skills and aspirations. The chance to participate in this legendary quest, to seize magical artifacts, and to etch their names into the annals of history beckons like a siren's call. The Zodak-no-Kara is a testament to the enduring spirit of heroism in Nehwon, where bravery, honor, and the preservation of magic converge in an epic tale that repeats itself once every 140 years.  
Unknown by Fred Fields

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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