Wood Warden

The Wood Warden is a rare and powerful magical item, meticulously crafted from the cross-section of a tree trunk that exhibits a naturally occurring, mesmerizing pattern of rings and swirls. The art of selecting the perfect tree is an ancient and intuitive skill, known only to a few master crafters who can sense the latent potential within these unique specimens.   Once the ideal wood is chosen, a series of intricate enchantments are woven into the Wood Warden, imbuing it with its formidable protective abilities. This enchanted artifact serves as a potent deterrent, warding off unwanted trespassers from areas designated by its possessor. It is often hung in a conspicuous area near the area or entrance the possessor of the Wood Warden wishes to protect (e.g. on a door at typical eye level). Anyone who comes near the Wood Warden must make a Wisdom (Perception) check at disadvantage against a DC of 18. Those who pass their check perceive the intricate natural artistry of the Wood Warden and feel an inexplicable unease, compelling them to avoid the area.   However, those who fail the check become utterly entranced by the intricate patterns of the wood grain. They stand motionless and unblinking, completely captivated for 1d4 rounds. At the end of this period, they must make another saving throw or remain in this mesmerized state for an additional 1d4 rounds. The trance can only be broken if the affected individual is harmed during this period.   While entranced, those affected by the Wood Warden report vivid and emotionally charged psychodelic visions within the wood's patterns. These visions often depict scenes of profound personal significance, such as the visage of a recently lost loved one in apparent distress, or a traumatic event from the viewer's past. These haunting images evoke intense emotional reactions, leaving the affected individuals deeply moved and mentally shaken.   Upon breaking free from the trance, whether by passing the saving throw or being harmed, the individuals are left emotionally drained. For the next 8 to 24 hours, any actions they take are done so at a disadvantage, as if their spirit has been sapped of its vigor. This includes all rolls for initiative, melee, ranged attacks, and other actions, reflecting the lingering emotional impact of the Wood Warden's enchantment.
Wood Warden by Chad Watson , using Midjourney AI

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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Aug 22, 2024 02:30 by Marjorie Ariel

I love the creative stuff that people do with wood grain patterns in worldbuilding. I think I'll avoid knocking on any doors that have a bit of tree on them from now on.

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