Tythol Frostmountain

In the shadow of the turbulent reigns of his father, Huron VI, and his brother, Huron VII, stands Prince Tythol Frostmountain, a figure of intrigue and complexity in the Kingdom of Thesendarium. Tythol's story is one of conflict, identity, and a relentless quest for his own place in the annals of his family's storied legacy.   Tythol, the younger son of Huron VI, was always seen as the more enigmatic of the two brothers. Where Huron VII showed a natural aptitude for leadership and diplomacy, Tythol was drawn to the more esoteric and scholarly pursuits. From a young age, he showed little interest in the politics or the military might that so consumed his family. Instead, he was often found in the vast libraries of the palace, pouring over ancient texts and lost histories.   As the controversy over Huron VI's mental state and rightful claim to the throne escalated, Tythol found himself at odds with the direction his family was taking. He watched with growing disquiet as his brother Huron VII navigated the treacherous political landscape, dealing with the machinations of their uncle Haldron Frostmountain of Minethol and the enigmatic Empress Lillith Maris of Tôp.   Tythol's detachment from the power struggles led many in the court to underestimate him, seeing him as an academic lost in his books, with no ambition for power. However, beneath this perceived passivity lay a sharp mind and a different kind of ambition. Tythol was driven by a desire to uncover the truths buried in history, truths he believed were key to understanding the present crises and perhaps even resolving them.   His research led him to delve into the darkest corners of Thesendarium's past, uncovering secrets that had been long buried. Among these was a forgotten prophecy, one that spoke of a "Scholar Prince" who would emerge in the kingdom's darkest hour to guide it back to the light. This discovery resonated deeply with Tythol, who began to see a potential new role for himself - not as a ruler, but as an advisor, a keeper of knowledge who could guide his brother and the kingdom towards a more enlightened path.   However, Tythol's quest for knowledge was not without its dangers. His investigations into the kingdom's past caught the attention of certain factions within the court, factions that feared what the young prince might uncover. There were attempts to dissuade him, and when those failed, more sinister plots were hatched to silence him.   Amidst these threats, Tythol’s resolve only strengthened. He began to form a clandestine group of scholars and loyalists who shared his vision. They worked in the shadows, gathering knowledge and uncovering truths that could be used to stabilize the kingdom and counter the manipulations of those who sought to exploit its vulnerabilities.   As the kingdom of Thesendarium continued to be rocked by political upheavals, Tythol Frostmountain emerged as an unlikely but pivotal figure. With each secret uncovered and each piece of ancient wisdom revealed, he moved closer to fulfilling the role foretold in the prophecy. In his hands lay not just the potential to change the course of his family's legacy, but also to steer Thesendarium towards a future of peace and enlightenment, a future that would stand in stark contrast to the tumultuous and shadowed chapters of its past.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
27 Walder
Current Residence
Castle Thesendarium
Dark Blue
thinning brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
205 lbs / 93 kg
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character Portrait image: by Chad Watson


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