Treatise Mythan

In the year AQ 15602, a team of archaeologists commissioned by the Royal Court of Horborixen made a groundbreaking discovery that would profoundly impact the arcane and medical knowledge of Nehwon. While exploring a vast underground burial catacomb located approximately 25 miles east of Mythan Belanore, the team unearthed an ancient scroll known as the Treatise Mythan. This scroll, hidden away for centuries, revealed secrets of alchemy, herbology, and the lunar cycles of Nehwon's moons, The Traveler and The Dark Lady.  

Contents of the Scroll

The Treatise Mythan is a comprehensive document that delves into several esoteric and practical disciplines:  


The scroll outlines various alchemical processes, including the transmutation of substances, the creation of elixirs, and the refinement of potent compounds. It provides detailed recipes for concoctions that can heal wounds, restore vitality, and enhance physical and mental capabilities.  


An extensive section is dedicated to the study of herbs and plants found across Nehwon. The Treatise describes their properties, uses in medicinal remedies, and methods for cultivating rare and powerful flora. It includes instructions on creating poultices, tinctures, and balms that can cure a wide array of diseases and ailments.  

Lunar Cycles:

The scroll offers an in-depth analysis of the lunar cycles of The Traveler and The Dark Lady. It explains how the phases of these moons influence natural and arcane phenomena, including the potency of certain magical practices and the optimal times for performing rituals.  


One of the most intriguing aspects of the Treatise is its discussion on the arts of predicting illness and avoiding sources of disease. It includes methods for reading omens, interpreting celestial signs, and understanding the interplay between the moons and health. This knowledge allows practitioners to foresee epidemics and take preventive measures.  

Impact on Nehwonian History

The discovery of the Treatise Mythan has had a profound and lasting impact on Nehwonian society, particularly in the fields of medicine, magic, and astrology:  

Advancements in Medicine:

The arcane methods of healing and disease prevention outlined in the Treatise revolutionized medical practices across Nehwon. Healers and alchemists, guided by the scroll's teachings, were able to cure previously incurable diseases and significantly reduce mortality rates. The practical applications of herbology and alchemy from the Treatise led to the development of potent new medicines and treatments.  

Enhancement of Magical Practices:

The detailed analysis of the lunar cycles provided magicians and sorcerers with deeper insights into the timing and efficacy of their spells. By aligning their magical practices with the phases of The Traveler and The Dark Lady, practitioners could enhance the potency of their enchantments and rituals. This newfound understanding of celestial influences also led to the creation of more precise and effective prognostication techniques.  

Prognostication and Disease Prevention:

The Treatise's teachings on prognostication allowed for the early detection and prevention of illnesses. Sages and seers trained in these arts could predict outbreaks and advise communities on how to avoid sources of disease. This capability was particularly valuable in urban centers like Lankhmar, where the dense population made the spread of disease a constant threat.  

Ongoing Study and Mystery:

Despite its many revelations, parts of the Treatise Mythan remain untranslated or beyond the grasp of contemporary scholars. These enigmatic sections continue to be a subject of obscure study for sages within the confines of Candlekeep, a renowned repository of knowledge. The ongoing efforts to unlock the scroll's remaining secrets keep the intellectual community of Nehwon engaged and ever-hopeful for new discoveries.   It is widely believed among the scholars of Nehwon that the Treatise Mythan was authored by none other than Melkor himself. This belief is supported by the intricate and advanced nature of the scroll's contents, which reflect a depth of understanding that few other than Melkor could possess. The Treatise is therefore considered a historic artefact, a source of scholarly research and a divine relic of Melkor. It is currently being stored in an undisclosed area within the Libraries of Candlekeep in Mythan Belanore.   Examples of some of the more interesting contents are as follows:   Alchemy: The Elixir of Eternal Youth In the Treatise Mythan, the most awe-inspiring alchemical revelation is the formula for the Elixir of Eternal Youth. This legendary potion, described in meticulous detail, requires a precise combination of rare and mystical ingredients gathered from the farthest reaches of Nehwon. Among these are the petals of the Midnight Bloom, a flower that only blossoms under the light of a full moon, and the tears of a Phoenix, distilled at the moment of its rebirth. The elixir, when correctly brewed, grants the drinker an ageless vitality, halting the ravages of time and preserving their youth indefinitely. This profound secret, attributed to the genius of Melkor, has tantalized and driven alchemists for centuries, though few have ever claimed to have successfully crafted it.   Herbology: The Moonshadow Fern Within the herbology section, the Treatise Mythan unveils the wonders of the Moonshadow Fern, a plant of extraordinary properties that only grows in the shadow of The Traveler during its waxing phase. This fern, with its luminescent leaves that glow faintly in the moonlight, possesses unparalleled healing capabilities. When prepared into a salve, it can mend even the most grievous of wounds, knitting flesh and bone with remarkable speed and minimal scarring. Additionally, a tea brewed from its leaves can cleanse the body of toxins and cure ailments that have long baffled healers. The Moonshadow Fern is a testament to the intricate and miraculous flora of Nehwon, its secrets preserved within the hallowed pages of the Treatise.  

Lunar Cycles: The Convergence of the Moons

The Treatise Mythan's section on lunar cycles details the awe-inspiring phenomenon known as the Convergence of the Moons, an event that occurs once every millennium when The Traveler and The Dark Lady align perfectly in conjunction at the convergence of M'Brell's celestial equator and ecliptic. This rare celestial event is said to open a conduit of immense magical power, amplifying all forms of arcane energy and allowing for feats of magic that are otherwise impossible. During the Convergence, sorcerers can cast spells of extraordinary magnitude, summon beings from other realms, and even glimpse into the fabric of time itself. The Treatise advises on how to harness this potent moment, describing rituals that can capture and store the lunar energy for future use, a practice that has fascinated and empowered generations of Nehwonian magicians.  

Prognostication: The Omens of the Twin Stars

Among the many methods of prognostication detailed in the Treatise, the reading of the Omens of the Twin Stars stands out as particularly awe-inspiring. These omens, which appear as two stars crossing paths in the night sky, are believed to foretell significant events of both personal and cosmic importance. The Treatise provides intricate guidelines on interpreting the various positions and movements of the stars, revealing insights into upcoming challenges, opportunities, and dangers. Those skilled in reading these omens can predict major shifts in power, impending natural disasters, and even the rise of great heroes or villains. The wisdom gained from the Omens of the Twin Stars has guided rulers and sages alike, allowing them to navigate the uncertainties of the future with a clearer vision.  

Physical Marvels

The Treatise Mythan is a scroll of seemingly unending length, an enigma to scholars and adventurers alike. At first glance, it appears to be a hefty, albeit unassuming, scroll. Its weight and thickness suggest a substantial length, yet nothing extraordinary. However, once unfurled, the true mystery of the Treatise Mythan reveals itself. The scroll extends far beyond what is physically possible, defying the constraints of physical space and logic.   Conversely, there are times when the scroll, when measured or examined, appears deceptively short, contradicting its previous state. This peculiar nature has puzzled many who have tried to understand its secrets. Adding to its mystery, scholars have observed that new writing occasionally appears on the scroll. These additions seem to materialize spontaneously, yet when sought out later, they can prove elusive, disappearing as mysteriously as they arrived. Other sections of the scroll remain unchanged, having preserved their original text for centuries.   The canvas material of the Treatise Mythan is another marvel. Unlike ordinary parchment or paper, it never grows delicate with age, maintaining its integrity and resilience. The inks used on this scroll are equally extraordinary, never fading or losing their vibrancy. These qualities ensure that the knowledge contained within the Treatise Mythan endures through the ages, untouched by time.
by Chad Watson
Study, Magical

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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