The Plague of Apples

In the year 2966 RJ, the bustling city of Lankhmar faced a crisis unlike any it had ever seen. One fateful night, an apple farmer from the outskirts brought a bountiful cartload of apples into the city. These apples, seemingly ripe and luscious, were in fact the carriers of a deadly toxic mold. Unbeknownst to the farmer or the eager citizens, these apples would soon become the harbingers of a devastating plague.   The apples were quickly bought and consumed by the people of Lankhmar, who delighted in their juicy sweetness. Street vendors sold them by the dozen, children munched on them as they played, and households stored them for future feasts. Within days, the first signs of illness began to appear. Initially mistaken for a common cold, the symptoms rapidly escalated. Victims experienced severe headaches, high fevers, and uncontrollable bouts of vomiting. Panic spread as the affliction claimed its first lives.   The Plague of Apples, as it came to be known, swept through Lankhmar with terrifying speed. Hundreds fell ill within the first week, and the death toll mounted daily. The city’s healers and herbalists worked tirelessly, but their remedies were powerless against the virulent mold. The streets, once vibrant with the chatter of merchants and the laughter of children, now echoed with the cries of the suffering and the mournful wails of those who had lost loved ones.   As fear gripped the city, Lankhmar's social fabric began to unravel. People barricaded themselves in their homes, unwilling to risk contact with the outside world. Markets stood empty, businesses shuttered, and the once-bustling docks were eerily silent. The few brave souls who ventured out wore makeshift masks and gloves, hoping to stave off the invisible enemy.   The ruling council of Lankhmar convened an emergency meeting to address the crisis. They enacted strict measures, including a citywide quarantine and the immediate destruction of any remaining apples. The city’s gates were closed, and no one was allowed to enter or leave until the plague was contained. Despite these efforts, the mold continued to claim lives, and despair settled over the city like a suffocating fog.   In the midst of this turmoil, a glimmer of hope emerged from an unexpected quarter. Elara, a young scholar who had recently arrived from Hedeby, had been studying ancient texts in the Great Library of Lankhmar. She discovered a forgotten manuscript detailing a similar plague that had struck a distant land centuries ago. According to the text, the mold could be neutralized by a rare herb known as Silverleaf, which grew only in the frozen reaches of The North.   With the city’s fate hanging in the balance, a desperate expedition was organized. A group of hardy adventurers, led by Elara and a seasoned ranger named Thorin, set out for The North. They braved treacherous terrain, fierce snowstorms, and dangerous beasts in their quest for the elusive herb. The journey was arduous, but the thought of saving Lankhmar spurred them onward.   After weeks of perilous travel, they finally located a grove of Silverleaf deep within the frozen wilderness. Harvesting as much as they could carry, they raced back to Lankhmar, praying they were not too late. Upon their return, the Silverleaf was quickly distributed to the healers, who began preparing a potent antidote. The effects were immediate and miraculous. The afflicted began to recover, and the spread of the mold was halted.   The Plague of Apples left an indelible mark on Lankhmar. The city mourned its dead, but it also celebrated the bravery and resilience of those who had fought to save it. The ruling council established new protocols to prevent such a catastrophe from happening again, including stringent inspections of all food brought into the city.
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Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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