The Great Agricultural War

The Prelude to War

In the year 212 RJ, tensions between The Ilthmarian Empire and the Kingdom of Sarheenia reached a boiling point. The fertile lands that spanned from the northernmost part of the Mountains of the Inner Voice to the Eldenwood Forest had once been the agricultural heart of both kingdoms. This region, now known as the Desert of Sighs, was then a verdant expanse yielding bountiful crops. Wheat fields produced double the grain per acre compared to other regions, and the vegetables were both succulent and enormous, fueling the prosperity of both nations.   However, starting in 207 RJ, the fertility of this land began to diminish. Year after year, crop yields fell, and by 212 RJ, the once-abundant fields produced only a fraction of their former bounty. Panic gripped The Ilthmarian Empire, whose survival depended heavily on these crops. Sarheenia, with more fertile lands still within its borders, fared better, but the loss of the prime agricultural zone was still a significant blow.  

The Spark of Conflict

Facing starvation and economic collapse, Ilthmar decided it must seize the fertile lands still under Sarheenian control, along with the city of Sarheenmar, to ensure its survival. The emperor of Ilthmar mobilized his armies, preparing for a swift invasion.   Sarheenia, aware of the growing threat, fortified its borders and called upon its own troops. King Zarath of Sarheenia, a shrewd and seasoned ruler, understood that the fertile lands were not just a source of food but a strategic asset crucial for the kingdom's future.  

The War Unfolds

The Ilthmarian armies, known for their discipline and relentless tactics, marched north, crossing the Keruvian River and entering the contested lands. Their initial assaults were fierce, aiming to quickly overwhelm the Sarheenian defenses. The fertile fields, now battlefields, became the stage for brutal skirmishes and large-scale engagements.   The Sarheenians, however, were not easily subdued. Utilizing their knowledge of the land, they engaged in guerrilla tactics, ambushing Ilthmarian supply lines and harassing their flanks. The dense vegetation of the region provided ample cover, allowing Sarheenian scouts and archers to strike from the shadows.  

The Battle of the Eldenwood

One of the most significant clashes occurred near the southern edge of the Eldenwood Forest. The Battle of the Eldenwood saw both armies committing their full might. Ilthmarian phalanxes clashed with Sarheenian cavalry, and the air was thick with the cries of battle and the scent of blood.   King Zarath himself led a daring charge against the Ilthmarian center, breaking their lines and forcing them into a retreat. The victory at Eldenwood was a turning point, bolstering Sarheenian morale and demonstrating that the Ilthmarians could be defeated.  

The Siege of Sarheenmar

Undeterred, the Ilthmarians regrouped and set their sights on Sarheenmar. The siege that followed was grueling, lasting several months. Ilthmarian trebuchets hurled stones and flaming projectiles at the city walls, while Sarheenian defenders fought valiantly to repel the invaders.   Inside Sarheenmar, the situation grew dire as supplies dwindled. Yet, the Sarheenians' resolve did not waver. King Zarath's leadership and the unity of his people turned the city into a fortress of defiance. The Ilthmarian forces, stretched thin and plagued by supply issues, began to falter.  

The Turning Point

The tide of the war turned when an unexpected alliance formed. The nomadic tribes of the Eldenwood, long neutral, decided to support Sarheenia. Their knowledge of the terrain and unconventional warfare tactics wreaked havoc on Ilthmarian forces. Ambushes and raids by the tribes disrupted Ilthmar's siege efforts and cut off their supply lines.   Faced with mounting casualties, dwindling resources, and the unyielding defense of Sarheenmar, the Ilthmarians were forced to retreat. The final blow came when Emperor Thari was killed in a skirmish, leaving the Ilthmarian forces leaderless and demoralized.  

The Aftermath

The war ended with Sarheenia emerging victorious, securing control over the contested fertile lands. However, the victory came at a great cost, with both sides suffering immense losses. The fertile lands, once the heart of prosperity, now bore the scars of battle. Despite their triumph, Sarheenia faced the continued decline in the fertility of these lands, which eventually turned into the barren Desert of Sighs. The mysterious blight that had sparked the war worsened, transforming the lush fields into desolate wasteland. This transformation remained a mystery, fueling legends and superstitions among the survivors. The Great Agricultural War left an indelible mark on Sarheenia, serving as a grim reminder of the fragility of prosperity and the devastating consequences of desperation and ambition. With the Desert of Sighs now fully under their control, the Sarheenians focused on rebuilding and understanding the enigmatic changes that had forever altered their world.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
29 Walder 212 RJ
Ending Date
22 Geister 214 RJ


Ilthmarian Empire


1. Discipline and Training:
The Ilthmarian military was renowned for its rigorous training and discipline. Soldiers were well-trained in formation fighting and strategic maneuvers, making them a formidable force on the battlefield.
2. Advanced Siege Capabilities:
Ilthmarian engineers were skilled in constructing siege engines such as trebuchets and battering rams. Their expertise in siege warfare allowed them to effectively assault fortified positions, exemplified during the Siege of Sarheenmar.
3. Strategic Coastal Position:
The capital, Ilthmar, and its coastal territory provided the empire with strategic advantages in terms of supply lines and naval support. Control of the coastline facilitated easier movement of troops and resources.
4. Economic Resources:
Despite the agricultural decline, Ilthmar had access to other economic resources, including trade routes and wealth accumulated from its coastal dominance. This economic strength supported prolonged military campaigns.
5. Experienced Leadership:
Emperor Thari, a seasoned and ambitious ruler, provided strong leadership and strategic direction. His determination to secure fertile lands drove the empire's aggressive expansionist policies.
6. Robust Supply Lines:
Ilthmar’s efficient logistical network ensured a steady flow of supplies to the front lines. Their ability to maintain supply lines was crucial in sustaining their military efforts during the prolonged conflict.
7. Loyal and Cohesive Military Units:
The loyalty and cohesion among Ilthmarian military units fostered a strong sense of camaraderie and dedication. This unity enabled effective coordination and resilience in the face of adversity.
8. Innovative Tactics:
Ilthmarian generals were known for their innovative tactics and adaptability on the battlefield. They could adjust strategies swiftly to counter Sarheenian guerrilla tactics and exploit weaknesses in enemy defenses.
1. Fertile Lands:
Abundant Crops: Despite the declining fertility in the contested region, Sarheenia still possessed substantial fertile croplands within its borders. This ensured a stable food supply for its population and army, maintaining morale and resilience. Resource Surplus: The surplus of food and other agricultural products allowed Sarheenia to sustain prolonged military engagements without facing the immediate threat of famine.
2. Strategic Terrain Knowledge:
Home Field Advantage: Sarheenian forces had an intimate knowledge of the local terrain, allowing them to utilize it effectively for defensive purposes and guerrilla tactics against the invading Ilthmarians. Natural Defenses: The proximity to the Eldenwood Forest provided natural cover and strategic defensive positions, making it difficult for Ilthmarian forces to penetrate deeply without facing significant resistance.
3. Skilled Cavalry:
Expert Riders: Sarheenia boasted a highly skilled cavalry known for their agility and combat prowess. These riders could conduct swift raids and harassing attacks on Ilthmarian supply lines, disrupting their logistics. Mobility: The mobility of Sarheenian cavalry allowed them to strike quickly and retreat before Ilthmarian forces could effectively counter, wearing down the enemy over time.
4. Unified Leadership:
King Zarath's Command: King Zarath was a shrewd and experienced leader who inspired loyalty and unity among his troops. His strategic acumen and decisive leadership were crucial in organizing effective defenses and counterattacks. Cohesive Strategy: The Sarheenian military operated with a cohesive strategy under the king’s guidance, ensuring coordinated efforts and efficient use of resources.
5. Support from Local Populace:
Civic Support: The local populace, motivated by the defense of their homeland and livelihoods, provided vital support to the Sarheenian military through supplies, intelligence, and occasional participation in combat. Moral High Ground: Defending their homeland against an invader gave Sarheenian forces a moral high ground, boosting their resolve and willingness to fight.
6. Alliances with Nomadic Tribes:
Tribal Allies: The nomadic tribes of the Eldenwood, initially neutral, eventually allied with Sarheenia. Their knowledge of the terrain and unconventional warfare tactics greatly enhanced Sarheenia’s defensive capabilities. Guerrilla Warfare: These tribal allies excelled in guerrilla warfare, conducting ambushes and raids that disrupted Ilthmarian advances and supply chains.
7. Economic Resources:
Trade Networks: Sarheenia’s established trade networks provided access to resources and reinforcements, helping to sustain the war effort and mitigate the economic impact of the conflict. Resource Management: Efficient management of resources and logistics ensured that the Sarheenian army remained well-supplied and capable of enduring a prolonged conflict.


1. Military Casualties:
Frontline Soldiers: Approximately 15,000-20,000 Ilthmarian soldiers were killed in battle. The heavy losses occurred during major engagements such as the Battle of the Eldenwood and the Siege of Sarheenmar. Injured and Disabled: An estimated 10,000 soldiers sustained injuries, many of whom were left disabled and unable to return to combat.
2. Civilian Casualties:
Displacement and Starvation: The war caused widespread displacement of civilians from the contested fertile lands. Thousands of Ilthmarian peasants faced starvation and disease due to the collapse of their agricultural base and the ongoing conflict. Collateral Damage: Civilian casualties due to collateral damage from sieges and skirmishes numbered in the thousands, particularly in border towns and villages caught in the crossfire.
3. Economic Impact:
Economic Losses: The economic toll of the war was immense. The destruction of farmland and infrastructure led to a significant decline in Ilthmar’s economic stability. This indirectly caused suffering and deaths among the population due to famine and lack of resources.
4. Leadership and Nobility:
Loss of Leadership: The death of Emperor Thari in a skirmish was a significant blow to the morale and leadership of the Ilthmarian forces. Several high-ranking generals and nobles also perished, leading to a leadership vacuum and further weakening their military command structure.
5. Psychological Impact:
Trauma and Disillusionment: The prolonged conflict left deep psychological scars on the survivors. Soldiers and civilians alike suffered from trauma and disillusionment, which had long-term effects on the social fabric of the empire.
1. Military Casualties:
Frontline Soldiers: Approximately 10,000-15,000 Sarheenian soldiers were killed in action. The heaviest losses occurred during major battles such as the Battle of the Eldenwood and the Siege of Sarheenmar. Injured and Disabled: Around 8,000 soldiers were wounded, many of whom were left with permanent disabilities, affecting their ability to return to active duty or civilian life.
2. Civilian Casualties:
Collateral Damage: Several thousand civilians were killed or injured due to collateral damage from battles, particularly those living in the contested fertile lands and border regions. Displacement and Hardship: The war caused significant displacement of civilians from their homes, leading to overcrowded refugee camps and increased strain on resources. Many faced starvation, disease, and harsh living conditions.
3. Economic Impact:
Destruction of Infrastructure: The prolonged conflict led to the destruction of farmland, villages, and infrastructure, disrupting the local economy and agricultural production. Rebuilding Costs: The need to rebuild towns, fortifications, and farms placed a heavy financial burden on the kingdom, diverting resources from other essential areas.
4. Leadership and Nobility:
Loss of Key Figures: Several high-ranking officers and members of the nobility perished in the conflict, causing temporary disruptions in military and administrative functions. King Zarath’s Strain: Although King Zarath survived, the constant pressure and demands of wartime leadership took a toll on his health and energy, affecting his ability to govern effectively in the immediate aftermath.
5. Psychological Impact:
Trauma and Grief: The war left deep psychological scars on the survivors, both military and civilian. Many suffered from trauma and grief, which had long-term effects on the social fabric of the kingdom. Community Disruption: The loss of loved ones and the displacement of families disrupted community structures, leading to social instability and increased crime in some areas.


The primary objective of the Ilthmarian Empire during the Great Agricultural War was to seize control of the fertile croplands in the region that is now known as the Desert of Sighs, and potentially to capture the city of Sarheenmar itself. This objective was driven by several key factors:  
1. Securing Agricultural Resources:
Restoring Food Supply: The fertile lands in the contested region were once highly productive, yielding double the amount of crops per acre compared to other regions. With the mysterious decline in their own agricultural productivity, Ilthmar sought to secure these lands and the still fertile lands to the north of this region to restore their food supply and prevent widespread famine. Economic Stability: Control over the fertile lands would provide a steady supply of crops, ensuring economic stability and preventing the collapse of the Ilthmarian economy, which was heavily reliant on agricultural output.
2. Expanding Territory:
Territorial Expansion: By annexing the fertile region and potentially the city of Sarheenmar, Ilthmar aimed to expand its territorial boundaries. This expansion would not only provide immediate resources but also strengthen the empire’s strategic position in the region. Dominance over Sarheenia: Capturing Sarheenmar and the surrounding fertile lands would weaken Sarheenia significantly, establishing Ilthmar as the dominant power in the area and reducing the threat from their northern neighbor.
3. Ensuring Long-term Security:
Strategic Advantage: Control over the fertile region and Sarheenmar would give Ilthmar a strategic advantage, allowing them to control key supply routes and resources. This would enhance their military and economic power, ensuring long-term security against future conflicts. Buffer Zone: The annexation of the fertile lands would create a buffer zone, providing a defensive barrier against potential invasions from the north.
4. Political and Social Stability:
Appeasing the Population: By securing the fertile lands, the Ilthmarian leadership aimed to appease the population and prevent unrest due to food shortages and economic hardship. Success in the war would boost morale and support for the ruling regime. Leadership Legitimacy: A decisive victory and the acquisition of new lands would enhance the legitimacy and prestige of Emperor Thari and his government, consolidating their power and influence.
1. Defending Territorial Integrity:
Protecting Borders: Sarheenia's primary objective was to defend its borders against Ilthmarian aggression. Maintaining control over its territories, especially the fertile lands, was crucial for the kingdom’s sovereignty and stability. Preserving Homeland: Protecting the fertile lands from invasion ensured the continued livelihood of its people and prevented the displacement of its population.
2. Securing Agricultural Resources:
Maintaining Food Supply: The fertile lands provided a significant portion of Sarheenia's food supply. Securing these areas was essential to prevent famine and ensure the kingdom’s self-sufficiency. Economic Stability: Control over the productive croplands was vital for sustaining the kingdom’s economy, supporting trade, and providing resources for future growth.
3. Repelling Ilthmarian Aggression:
Defending Against Invasion: Sarheenia sought to repel Ilthmarian forces and prevent the annexation of its lands. By successfully defending its territory, Sarheenia aimed to weaken Ilthmar’s military capabilities and deter future aggression. Demonstrating Strength: Successfully repelling the invasion would demonstrate Sarheenia’s military strength and resolve, deterring other potential aggressors and solidifying its regional influence.
4. Maintaining Political Stability:
Protecting Sovereignty: Defending the kingdom’s territory was crucial for maintaining political stability and preserving the authority of King Zarath. A successful defense would reinforce the legitimacy of the Sarheenian government. Preventing Unrest: By ensuring the continued prosperity of its people and preventing economic collapse, Sarheenia aimed to prevent internal unrest and maintain social order.
5. Strategic Alliances:
Gaining Allies: The war provided an opportunity for Sarheenia to strengthen alliances, particularly with the nomadic tribes of the Eldenwood. Securing these alliances enhanced Sarheenia’s military capabilities and regional influence. Strengthening Regional Position: By successfully defending its territory and gaining allies, Sarheenia aimed to bolster its strategic position in the region, ensuring long-term security and influence.
6. Exploring the Mystery of Agricultural Decline:
Investigating the Blight: While primarily focused on defense, Sarheenia was also keen to understand the mysterious decline in agricultural productivity. Securing the fertile lands provided the opportunity to investigate and potentially resolve the blight affecting crop yields.


  • Lankhmar Region
    Sundered from us by gulfs of time and stranger dimensions dreams the ancient world of Nehwon with its towers and skulls and jewels, its swords and sorceries. Nehwon's known realms crowd about the Inner Sea: northward the green-forested fierce Land of the Eight Cities, eastward the steppe-dwelling Mingol horsemen and the desert where caravans creep from the rich Eastern Lands and the River Tilth. But southward, linked to the desert only by the Sinking Land and further warded by the Great Dike and the Mountains of Hunger, are the rich grain fields and walled cities of Lankhmar, eldest and chiefest of Nehwon's lands. Dominating the Land of Lankhmar and crouching at the silty mouth of the River Hlal in a secure corner between the grain fields, the Great Salt Marsh, and the Inner Sea is the massive-walled and mazy-alleyed metropolis of Lankhmar, thick with thieves and shaven priests, lean-framed magicians and fat-bellied merchants—Lankhmar the Imperishable, the City of the Black Toga. (From "Induction" by Fritz Leiber)   (Note: For real world size reference, the Island of Lankhmaria is roughly the size of South Korea)

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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