The End, as told by the cultures of Western Nehwon


The most popular end-of-the-world myth is known as "The Shroud of Eternal Night." According to this tale, a colossal black dragon named Skarthan will rise from the depths of the Outer Sea. Its wings will blot out the sun, plunging the world into eternal darkness. This perpetual night will usher in an age of chaos where monstrous creatures roam free, and the very fabric of reality unravels. Only a hero wielding the ancient Sword of Dawn, forged by the gods themselves, can defeat Skarthan and restore light to M'Brell.  


Among the Elves, the prophecy is called "The Weeping of the Stars" or "Teushtasa Ath Tel' Daoine." It is said that when the world is nearing its end, the stars will begin to weep, their tears falling to as shards of divine power. These tears will awaken an ancient evil, long imprisoned beneath the roots of the Great Tree Elorithil. This entity, known as "The Devourer", will consume the magic of the world, causing the natural order to collapse.  


In the deep halls of the Dwarves, the story of "The Great Sundering" is told. The legend warns of a time when the Heart of the Mountain, a massive gem of unimaginable power, will shatter. This event will cause the mountains to crumble and the earth to split open, releasing the fiery wrath of the underworld. Rivers of molten rock will consume the land, and the sky will be choked with ash.  


The Kleshites speak of "The Return of the Serpent." Their ancient texts describe a colossal serpent deity named Sslarith, who was banished to the Abyss by the first Kleshite priests. At the end of the world, Sslarith will break free, bringing with it storms, floods, and a plague of venomous creatures.  


In the dark, subterranean realms of Quarmall, the legend of "The Shadowed Sun" prevails. It is believed that the sun will be consumed by a great shadow, cast by a celestial being known as ""The Voidbringer". This entity will siphon the life force of , causing all living things to wither and die.  


The Maruk people tell the tale of "The Great Thirst." According to their prophecy, the world will end when the skies cease to rain, and the rivers dry up. This will herald the arrival of the Sand King, a giant being made of shifting sands, who will devour all moisture and life.  


Among the Nordic tribes, the end of the world is known as "The Reckoning." It is foretold that an endless winter, called the Frostveil, will envelop , plunging the world into perpetual darkness and cold. From this icy abyss will emerge the Ice Wyrm, a colossal serpent of frost and rime, whose breath will freeze entire lands.  


The Horborixen speak of "The Doom of the Deep." According to their ancient legends, the end of the world will be heralded by the awakening of the Kraken Father, an ancient and monstrous entity that slumbers in the Abyssal Trenches in an underground ocean beneath the continent of Western Nehwon.   The Kraken Father, said to be as large as an island and covered in writhing tentacles, will rise from the depths when the stars align in a cursed formation known as the "Serpent's Eye." This alignment will occur only once in ten thousand years. As the stars shift into position, the seas will begin to boil, and monstrous storms will sweep across the oceans, devastating coastal cities and sinking ships.   The Horborixen believe that the Kraken Father's awakening will summon all manner of sea beasts to his side, creating an unstoppable force of destruction. Tidal waves the height of mountains will crash upon the shores and all Humanoid life will cease to exist.

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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