The Cataclysm of the Shimmering Abyss: Birth of the Sea of Monsters

In Nehwon’s vast history, one event stands out as a cataclysmic turning point: the formation of the Sea of Monsters. This vast and treacherous body of water was created by a colossal earthquake that struck the land with unprecedented force, reshaping the geography and the destiny of its inhabitants.  
The Great Earthquake
The catastrophe occurred in 305 RJ, a year that would be forever etched in the memories of the people. Without warning, the ground beneath Nehwon convulsed violently. The quake lasted for days, its tremors felt as far as the distant reaches of the eastern deserts and the icy northern wastes. Cities crumbled, mountains split, and rivers changed their courses, but the most significant change was the creation of the Sea of Monsters.  
The Shimmering Abyss
At the heart of the Sea of Monsters lies the Shimmering Abyss, a monumental rift in the earth. Its walls are lined with strange, iridescent minerals that glow softly in the dark, giving the abyss its name. The Sea of Monsters, with its unfathomable depths, is theorized to cover vast underwater realms beneath M'Brell's crust. No one has ever been able to gauge the true depth of the sea, fueling legends that the abyss leads to unknown, subterranean worlds.  
Impact on Civilization
  1. Geographical Transformation: The formation of the Sea of Monsters divided the land, creating natural barriers that isolated regions from one another. Trade routes were severed, leading to the decline of once-thriving cities and the rise of new ones along the edges of the sea.
  • Cultural Shifts: The disaster sparked significant cultural changes. The peoples of Nehwon began to revere the Sea of Monsters and the Shimmering Abyss as both sources of danger and mystical entities. They became central figures in their mythology, symbolizing both the destructive and creative powers of the gods.
Changes in Magic
The release of the ancient powers from the depths of the Abyss had profound effects on the practice of magic in Nehwon. Arcane practitioners discovered new forms of magic, more potent and unpredictable than before. These powers, drawn from the Abyss, were both a boon and a curse, as they often exacted a heavy toll on those who wielded them.  
Centuries later, the Sea of Monsters remains a place of awe and fear. Its depths are still largely unexplored, and its mysteries continue to intrigue and terrify the people of Nehwon. The Abyss has become a pilgrimage site for those seeking enlightenment or power, and its influence can be seen in the art, literature, and architecture of the land.

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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