Temple District

The temples and religions of Lankhmar have an old and honored history (see Lankhmar's Gods). A new religion entering Lankhmar usually starts out with a small building, stall, or portion of the street near the Marsh Gate. As the church gathers followers (and consequently more money), it moves along the street toward the Hlal River.   If attendance begins to slack off, a temple may start sliding back toward the Marsh Gate, eventually disappearing. The position of a temple along the street therefore indicates its relative size, influence, and importance. The grand temples at the far end of the street are patronized by wealthy Lankhmarian; their priests wield considerable power and are very difficult to dislodge.   At the Marsh Gate end of the street, crowds of individual priests, many with no congregation at all, preach and harangue in the hopes of attract­ ing a following. These small faiths are often preyed upon by church extortionists, criminals who squeeze protection payments out of temples which cannot afford to protect themselves. The short story "Lean Times in Lankhmar" describes both the church extortion racket and the fortunes of Issek of the Jug, a new god who grew too popular too fast.

All handwritten notes are from original building assignments as assigned ca. 1985. If there is a map pin on the Lankhmar Map that describes the building otherwise, the information from the Lankhmar Map is to prevail. If the DM desires to change the building's purpose in any way, the DM's desire prevails. I am primarily placing these notes here for historical and nostalgic purposes.

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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