
The material known as "Starsteel" is a rare and highly coveted substance due to its remarkable resistance to decay.  
Starsteel by Chad Watson via Midjourney

Origins of Starsteel

Starsteel is said to originate from the very stars that dot the night sky of Nehwon. According to legend, fragments of ancient, dying stars fell to the earth, embedding themselves deep within mountains and caverns. These star fragments are incredibly dense and possess an ethereal, otherworldly sheen. Over millennia, the intense pressure and unique minerals within the earth transmuted these fragments into Starsteel, imbuing them with their exceptional properties.  

Users of Starsteel

Foremost among those who seek Starsteel are sorcerers. These arcane practitioners value Starsteel for its ability to conduct magical energies without deteriorating, making it ideal for crafting powerful wands, staffs, and other magical implements. The material's resistance to decay also means that such items can last for centuries, becoming treasured heirlooms or legendary artifacts.  
Elite warriors and blacksmiths have also discovered the benefits of Starsteel. Weapons and armor forged from this material are not only incredibly durable but also resistant to the rust and wear that would normally plague lesser metals. This makes Starsteel armaments highly sought after by the rich and powerful who can afford their creation.  

Uses of Starsteel

Magical Implements
As mentioned, Starsteel is prized for the creation of magical tools. Wands made of Starsteel can channel and amplify a sorcerer's power, while staffs can store and release potent spells. Even mundane-looking objects such as rings or amulets crafted from Starsteel can serve as powerful magical foci.  
Weapons and Armor
In the hands of a skilled blacksmith, Starsteel can be forged into weapons of unmatched sharpness and resilience. Swords, daggers, and axes made from this material can cut through conventional armor with ease, while armor forged from Starsteel can withstand blows that would shatter other materials. The Knights of the Marches, an elite order of warriors, are rumored to equip their champions with full suits of Starsteel armor, rendering them nearly invincible in battle.  

Misuse of Starsteel

Dark Sorcery
The very properties that make Starsteel so valuable also make it dangerous in the wrong hands. Black Wizards and Necromancers have been known to use Starsteel to create cursed items and powerful dark artifacts. A Starsteel blade, for example, can be enchanted to drain the life force of those it strikes, transferring it to the wielder.  
Unethical Trade and Theft
The rarity and value of Starsteel have also given rise to unethical practices. Bandits and thieves often target caravans and shipments rumored to carry even small amounts of the material. There are also whispers of unscrupulous merchants and nobles who employ mercenaries to raid the mines and workshops of their rivals, seeking to monopolize the trade of Starsteel. Moreover, in their relentless pursuit of profit, some powerful figures resort to enslaving individuals to toil in the hazardous conditions of the Starsteel mines. These enslaved workers are forced to extract the precious material under brutal and inhumane conditions, with little regard for their safety or well-being, highlighting the dark side of the Starsteel trade.  
Ecological Consequences
There are tales from the more druidic cultures of Nehwon that the mining and extraction of Starsteel disturb the natural balance of the earth. These druids claim that the removal of Starsteel from its resting places can lead to unnatural phenomena, such as earthquakes or the awakening of ancient, slumbering beasts that dwell deep beneath the mountains.



Starsteel's unique properties make it a crucial component in various compounds and alloys. These compounds are used for a wide range of applications, from powerful magical artifacts to advanced weaponry and armor. Here are some notable compounds that incorporate Starsteel:  
1. Starsteel Alloy
Components: Starsteel, Mithril, Adamantine   Properties: The Starsteel Alloy combines the unmatched durability of Starsteel with the lightweight nature of Mithril and the unbreakable toughness of Adamantine. This alloy is highly sought after for forging the finest weapons and armor, providing exceptional protection without compromising on mobility.   Uses: Elite warriors and high-ranking knights often use weapons and armor made from Starsteel Alloy. It is also used in the construction of fortified gates and enchanted barriers.  
2. Starfire Crystal
Components: Starsteel, Elemental Fire Essence, Dragon Glass   Properties: The Starfire Crystal is a potent magical compound that harnesses the raw power of elemental fire. The infusion of Starsteel enhances its stability and amplifies its magical properties, making it an excellent conductor of fiery spells.   Uses: This crystal is commonly used in the crafting of powerful wands, staffs, and amulets that focus fire magic. It is also utilized in alchemical concoctions and explosive devices.  
3. Lunarsteel
Components: Starsteel, Moonstone, Silver   Properties: Lunarsteel possesses a luminous quality, reflecting the light of the moon. It has the unique ability to enhance spells related to illusion, protection, and healing. The Starsteel component ensures its durability and resistance to magical corrosion.   Uses: Lunarsteel is favored by sorcerers and healers for creating magical tools and talismans. It is also used in the construction of sacred relics and ceremonial armor for high priests and priestesses.  
4. Astralglass
Components: Starsteel, Quartz Crystal, Starmetal Dust   Properties: Astralglass is a transparent, glass-like material that incorporates the reflective properties of Starsteel and the clarity of quartz. It is highly resistant to magical and physical damage, making it ideal for creating enchanted mirrors and lenses.   Uses: Enchanted mirrors made from Astralglass are used for scrying and communication across vast distances. Lenses crafted from this compound enhance the accuracy of ranged weapons and are used in telescopes for astronomical observations.  
5. Etherium
Components: Starsteel, Aetherium, Pure Gold   Properties: Etherium is a rare and precious compound that combines the magical conductivity of Starsteel with the ethereal properties of Aetherium and the malleability of pure gold. It is known for its ability to store and channel vast amounts of magical energy.   Uses: Etherium is used in the creation of powerful magical artifacts, such as enchanted rings, crowns, and scepters. It is also employed in the construction of magical engines and reactors that power large-scale enchantments and city defenses.  
6. Shadowsteel
Components: Starsteel, Obsidian, Shadow Essence   Properties: Shadowsteel is a dark, almost black compound that absorbs light and magic. The Starsteel component grants it exceptional strength, while the shadow essence gives it the ability to cloak the user in darkness and silence.   Uses: Assassins and rogue sorcerers favor weapons and armor made from Shadowsteel. It is also used in the creation of stealthy constructs and traps that require concealment and magical dampening.


400.50 u
Blue, Silver, and Blue-Silver combinations
Melting / Freezing Point
5,000 F
25 g/cm3
Common State

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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Aug 11, 2024 16:17

A very informative article and I like how the different alloys are presented at the end. I could imagine that it would be a nice addition if you told a little more about the culture and its interaction with the metal by adding a few more quotes or little stories to give your material more credibility.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 13, 2024 15:01

Great suggestions, I'll do just that. Thanks!!

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