

Soulrot by Chad Watson via Midjourney


Soulrot is a sinister, degenerative disease that slowly consumes the essence of its victim, both physically and spiritually. Believed to be a curse from the darker of The Gods of M'Brell, Soulrot manifests as a creeping affliction that gnaws away at the very soul of the infected.  


  Stage 1: The Whispering Shadows  
  • Subtle darkening of the skin, starting at the extremities.
  • Victims hear faint whispers, often described as distant and malevolent voices, especially at night.
  • Fatigue and mild aches in the joints.
  Stage 2: The Creeping Dread  
  • The darkened skin spreads, forming intricate, black vein-like patterns.
  • The whispers grow louder and more insistent, causing sleeplessness and paranoia.
  • Intense pain in the bones and muscles, accompanied by tremors.
  • Loss of appetite and gradual weight loss.
  Stage 3: The Hollowing  
  • The black patterns begin to pulse with an eerie glow.
  • Victims start to lose memories and their sense of identity, as if their very essence is being drained.
  • Severe muscle atrophy, leading to weakness and immobility.
  • Hallucinations of shadowy figures and twisted landscapes.
  Stage 4: The Final Void  
  • Complete loss of bodily functions, leaving the victim in a catatonic state.
  • The whispers become a constant, maddening cacophony.
  • The skin becomes entirely black and brittle, cracking open to reveal empty voids where organs once were.
  • Death follows swiftly, leaving behind a hollow, crumbling husk.


Soulrot is believed to be transmitted through cursed objects, ancient relics, or contact with certain dark creatures and places. Some say it can also be spread through the breath of the afflicted, making close contact dangerous.  


No known cure exists for Soulrot. Some believe that only powerful magic, a direct intervention from the gods, or a pilgrimage to the legendary Elara's Veil might save a soul from this fate. Priests and healers might delay the progression with rare herbs and rituals, but true salvation is exceedingly rare.

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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