Session 0018 - The Owlbear

General Summary

  • Cathlynn, still wildshaped as a spider, pressed on, journeying past the ominous presence of the five-headed hydra, delving deeper into a hallway to the south. A corridor stretched out before her, guiding her onward until it veered sharply to the east. Just before the bend, a chamber nestled into the western wall caught her attention, its confines alive with the sounds of someone rummaging amidst a clutter of debris. Faint mutterings, spoken in a tongue unfamiliar to Cathlynn, filtered through the air, betraying the searcher's mounting frustration.
  • Intrigued, Cathlynn cautiously approached the source of the disturbance, discovering a troll ensconced within the chamber's squalid confines. The room itself exuded an air of neglect, littered with detritus and an assortment of seemingly worthless items strewn about haphazardly. It was evident that the troll's relentless search had thus far proven fruitless, leaving behind a scene of chaos and discontent.
  • Scurrying past the menacing troll in her nimble spider form, she swiftly located a door nestled into the western expanse of the chamber. Slipping through its narrow gap, she entered a modest antechamber, devoid of notable features save for yet another portal set into its western boundary. Pressing forward, she emerged into what seemed to be the troll's lair, unmistakably marked by a crude arrangement of furnishings—a sizable wooden chair positioned before a rudimentary table. The stench of troll excrement permeated the air, its repugnant presence not confined to the floors but grotesquely plastered along the walls, forming a grotesque amalgamation akin to crude plaster. Amongst this filth, remnants of bone littered the room, some strewn haphazardly, others arranged into macabre " shit shelves" by Cathlynn's unkind moniker. Skulls of various humanoid species adorned these shelves, each a grim testament to the troll's grisly habits.
  • In the southeastern recess, a mound of discarded cloth and leather scraps concealed yet another troll, blissfully asleep beneath the makeshift bedding. Resuming her explorations, she traversed through another antechamber before entering a larger space, its confines cluttered with a jumble of debris devoid of discernible value. Beyond lay a connecting hallway leading back to the chamber inhabited by the Owlbear, completing the circuitous path of her subterranean journey.
  • As Cathlynn strode into the hallway, her keen senses mapped out the paths ahead: to the north lay the Owlbear chamber, while to the south, a lengthy corridor wound its way westward. Maintaining her form as a spider, she pressed on past the formidable Owlbear, rejoining her companions further along the passage. Assuming her half-elven form once again, Cathlynn described her journey. The Heretic deduced that the optimal route forward involved passing the Owlbear, still tethered to a central ring in the chamber. Before proceeding, Cathlynn invoked the [Animal Friendship] spell, reaching out to the creature's essence while her comrades remained in the adjacent room. With gentle persuasion, she assuaged the Owlbear's fears, conveying their benign intentions.
by Chad Watson
  • Initially, the plan had been to simply bypass the Owlbear, leaving it restrained. However, Cathlynn's intrinsic connection to the natural world compelled her to take action. She couldn't bear to see the majestic creature confined within the chamber; her instincts insisted that it belonged in the wild. Sensing the Owlbear's docility, Cathlynn inspected the shackles binding its legs, signaling to Matteu to skillfully unlock them. With a deft touch, he freed the grateful creature, which expressed its gratitude with soft cooing directed at Cathlynn. Passing by the party, the Owlbear bounded up the ramp toward the surface, presumably returning to where it rightfully belonged, under the open sky.
  • Satisfied with their choice, the party retraced their steps through the hallway south of the Owlbear's chamber, advancing until they reached its terminus. Along the way, about halfway down, they encountered a door set into the western wall. Matteu, after a cautious listen, discerned no sounds emanating from within. Further along, near the end of the corridor, another door presented itself on the eastern side. Matteu, with his keen senses, detected voices beyond, though the language spoken remained unfamiliar. The cadence suggested revelry, likely fueled by drink.
  • Cathlynn, opting for stealth, reverted to her spider form and squeezed beneath the door, curious to investigate. Inside, she discovered a lounge-like room adorned with opulent furnishings—a stark contrast to the neglect evident in the dust and grime. Occupying the space were five Half-Orc soldiers engaged in some sort of drinking diversion. Additional exits led north and east. Choosing the latter, Cathlynn found herself in an antechamber leading to a barracks area. Ten more Half-Orc soldiers occupied this space, though they were sober and at rest. Among them, Cathlynn spied a dimly lit bedroom housing an Ogre in deep slumber.
The Heretic encounter bandits by Chad Watson via Midjourney
  • Returning to the initial chamber, Cathlynn relayed her discoveries to the party. After brief deliberation, they refocused on their primary objective: rescuing the missing children. Opting to avoid confrontation with the half-orcs, they retreated to the Owlbear's chamber to strategize. Recognizing the impracticality of confronting the five-headed hydra, they turned their attention to the large bronze double doors situated between the chambers of the Owlbear and the hydra. Despite their efforts, the doors proved impervious, meticulously sealed to preclude even the passage of a spider.
  • Intent on circumventing the hydra, the party revisited the hallway leading to the Half-Orc soldiers. This time, they halted at the previously inert door, where Matteu conducted a thorough examination for traps. Finding none, they ventured forth, revealing a stairwell descending deeper into the earth. At the base, another door awaited, its silence echoing the theme of secrecy. Exhausted, the party opted to rest in the stairwell, seeking rejuvenation before pressing onward.
  • The night passed uneventfully, and the party awoke refreshed, ready to confront the challenges that lay ahead.
Heretic down the stairs by Chad Watson via Midjourney
  • The following morning, The Heretic ventured into the chamber beyond the door nestled at the stairwell's base. Entering, they discovered an elongated, peculiarly shaped room. The floor lay blanketed with rich, nutrient-dense soil, meticulously tended with fertilizers and mulch, indicating its fertility. Orianna, taking the lead, was the first to step forward, prompting a cautionary voice to resonate within the chamber. "Stand still! Some of the fungi are dangerous! I know the path, and I will come to guide you," the voice directed. Orianna complied, and soon after, a striking elven woman approached. Clad in a flowing light blue gown and wearing a gold necklace with five Star Sapphire pendants; her beauty was remarkable. She revealed herself as the guardian of the garden, cautioning the party about the perilous fungi capable of inducing madness upon contact. Inquiring about their numbers, she offered to lead them through individually to avoid any inadvertent encounters. Cathlynn, speaking for the group, volunteered to be the first escorted to safety.
Fungal Garden by Chad Watson
  • Navigating a narrow, winding path, the elven woman guided Cathlynn to a hallway branching off to the east. Seizing the moment, Cathlynn queried about missing children. Initially hesitant, the woman eventually refused aid, transforming into a Lamia—a fusion of an elven torso and a lioness's lower half—and launched an attack. Hearing the skirmish, the rest of The Heretic followed the remembered path through the fungal garden, arriving to support Cathlynn. Together, they engaged the Lamia in battle. After 3 rounds of fighting, they drove her into a circular chamber found further down into hall.
Heretic encounter the Lamia by Chad Watson via Midjourney
  • In the chamber's expanse, nine statues encircled them: a Beholder, a Dragon, a Manticore, a Medusa, a Mummy, an Ogre Mage, a Rakshasa, and a Wight. Matteu meticulously searched the defeated Lamia, acquiring her Star Sapphire necklace valued at 15,000 GP,claimed by himself, and a pair of Bracers of Defense, claimed by Nebula.

Rewards Granted

  • Star Pendant necklace, claimed by Matteu
  • Bracers of Defense + 2, claimed by Nebula
Room of Statues
Report Date
10 Feb 2024
Primary Location

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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