Session 0010 - Cathlynn's Death

General Summary

Game Session 10 (1 Jul 2023)
  Roll 20, Discord, Syrinscape (not working for some reason)  
  • Verbena, Sken, Benneth, and Matteu all drive back to Karja Tal as quickly as possible, especially because they are driving a stolen carriage and want to get out of the area as quickly as possible. At nightfall, they stop at the intersection of the trading road (formally called "The Western") and the road leading north to Karja Tal (formally called "The Upside"). The party sets up camp just outside of the treeline south of this intersection. While setting up camp, they notice how wet the ground is and that is is becoming so saturated that it squishes when they walk.
  • The party sets up a night watch schedule. The night is uneventual until just before dawn during Matteu's watch. A butterfly-winged Pixie approaches Matteu and is frantically trying to get him to understand something. She flies to Matteu's face, then flies to the carriage, pointing in at Cathlynn's corpse. Matteu shrugs his shoulders, not understanding her gestures. The pixie gets angry after not being understood, and leaves, vanishing into the forest to their south after a hopeless attempt at communication with Matteu.
  • When the rest of the Heretic awaken, Matteu decides to keep his encounter with the Pixie to himself. The party silently picks up camp and is in Karja Tal a few hours later.
  • Cuuthalion is in Kleg Nar at the time of Cathlynn's death. She sensed her death while Cathlynn was dying, but went into shock upon detecting her death, denying its possibility. The next day, she awoke realizing and accepting that Cathlynn's death was indeed real. She scrys Cathlynn's location in Karja Tal and immediately teleports there.
  • Upon her arrival, she walks into the Black Swan to ascertain Cathlynn's whereabouts. She learns from one of the staff that the person she may be speaking about is in a carriage near the stables of the Inn. She immediately finds the Heretic disembarking the carriage, preparing to offload Cathlynn's body. Right as Verbena and Matteu are doing so, they see Cuuthalion appear on the opposite side of the carriage through the other door of said carriage. They both stare in disbelief as Cuuthalion is not only an identical twin, she looks exactly like Cathlynn, meaning one could literally not be able to tell them apart from one another.
  • Cuuthalion yells at the Heretic not to touch her sister. The party complies after learning about Cuuthalion's and Cathlynn's relationship (which is clearly obvious to them after Cuuth's brief explanation). While Cuuth is taking care of her sister's body, the Heretic takes Ikiri to the Temple of Tyr in Karja Tal and asks for the attending Sisters' help in reviving Ikiri. Ikiri is alive but unconscious (having made her death saving throws ). The Sisters agreed to help and take Ikiri in, reviving her shortly after covering her with healing mud.
  • Ikiri thanks the Heretic for helping her and decides to stay with the Sisters until she feels fully healed and better The party goes to see where Benneth is. Benneth decided that he too needed rest as he checked into the Inn and immediately went to his room to sleep.
  • Cuuthalion approaches the Heretic and says that she plans to bury her sister on the small island that is just off the coast from Karja Tal, to the north. The island is barren save for seagulls and seals, so she feels it would be a quiet place connected to nature, as her druid sister would love. Cuuthalion invites them to attend the burial and to say their goodbyes. Everyone agrees to meet Cuuthalion on the small island the next day at sunrise.
  • The next morning, Matteu, Verbena, and Sken go to meet Cuuthalion on the island. Benneth had already checked out of the Inn before everyone else awoke, with no note left indicating his whereabouts. Ikiri was still with the Sisters healing and thus did not attend either.
  • Verbena sings a song of departure, sending everyone into tears.
  • During the ceremony, the same Pixie that met with Matteu a few nights prior appears. She flies to Matteu staring at him angrily. She then flies to Cuuthalion and telepathically communicates with her, saying that she can take Cuuthalion back to The Feywild to see what they can do to help her. Cuuthalion agrees.
  • At this, a murder of crows appears and lands on Cathlynn's body. They begin to peck and shred at her body. As the body is torn apart, these torn bits of clothing and flesh fade from reality ( or at least the prime material plane). A few short minutes later, Cathlynn is no longer.
  • Emotionally exhausted, the party heads back to the Black Swan to gather their composure and just rest. Cuuthalion teleports, presumably back to Kleg Nar.

Character(s) interacted with

Cathlynn's Burial Site by Chad Watson via Inkarnate
Report Date
01 Jul 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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