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Death Wave

6-level Necromancy

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 90ft
Components: Somatic
Duration: Up to 10 minutes
You release a wave of necromantic energy outwards, causing all creatures, other than Undead and Constructs within 30ft of you to take 6d8 necrotic damage. Creatures can make a Constitution saving throw, taking half damage on a success. Humanoids and Beasts with a maximum hitpoints of 4 or more killed by this spell are raised as Zombies at the start of your next turn. They will take their turn in combat directly after yours. The Zombies are friendly to you and your allies and will follow your verbal commands. After 10 minutes have passed, the Zombies are reduced to 0 hitpoints and die. The Zombies have the same statistics of the Zombie found in the monster manual. The exception is the Zombie’s hitpoints are either 22 (as per the Zombie statblock) or the hitpoints of the creature killed, whichever is less.
Available for: Wizard

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