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Ionia, in original Vastayan nomenclature: The First Lands, is a land of unspoiled beauty and natural magic. Its inhabitants, living in scattered settlements across this massive archipelago, are a spiritual people who seek to live in harmony and balance with the world. There are many orders and sects across Ionia, each following their own (often conflicting) paths and ideals. Self-sufficient and isolationist, Ionia has remained largely neutral in the wars that have ravaged Valoran over the centuries - until it was invaded by Noxus Crest icon Noxus. This brutal conflict and occupation has forced Ionia to reassess its place in the world. How it reacts and the future path Ionia will follow is as of yet undetermined, however, animosity against Noxus has led to militarization and vigilantism. Thirst for the dark arts is on the rise.
ability score increase: +1 DEX or WIS
Size: Medium
speed: 30
Languages: Common, Ionian
parent race: [blocklink:


The humans. Adaptable, intelligent and numerous, the most predominant race of Runeterra continues to spread throughout Runeterra, establishing all sorts of civilizations whose variety represents the sheer flexibility of the human mind and body.

If there is to be one trait that can considered the definition of human, it would be their stubborness. They will fight for their beliefs, be it through speech or through force, and many of them will give their all to protect their home and kin.

Make no mistake. While other races may possess exotic features and powers, humans achieved their position in Runeterra for a reason. Within them runs ancient bloodlines that sometimes manifest themselves in extraordinary powers, while their ability to learn and master skills is unmmatched.
ability score increase: Two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1.
Size: Medium
speed: 30
Languages: Common
sub races:
race features:
- 1 skill proficiency, tool proficiency or instrument proficiency of your choice
  • you gain other features, depending on your Origin
  • ]
    race features:

  • Fleet of Foot: Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet.
  • Skill Proficiency: You gain Proficiency in Nature, Arkana, Insight or Religion
  • Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with Glaives, Longswords and all Finesse weapons
  • Nimble fighting: You gain +2 AC while you are not wearing Armor or Shields
  • Magic of the Land: When you are a Spellcaster, you can learn 1 additional Cantrip and 1 additional Spell from your Spell list

  • Created by


    Statblock Type

