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The humans. Adaptable, intelligent and numerous, the most predominant race of Runeterra continues to spread throughout Runeterra, establishing all sorts of civilizations whose variety represents the sheer flexibility of the human mind and body.

If there is to be one trait that can considered the definition of human, it would be their stubborness. They will fight for their beliefs, be it through speech or through force, and many of them will give their all to protect their home and kin.

Make no mistake. While other races may possess exotic features and powers, humans achieved their position in Runeterra for a reason. Within them runs ancient bloodlines that sometimes manifest themselves in extraordinary powers, while their ability to learn and master skills is unmmatched.
ability score increase: Two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1.
Size: Medium
speed: 30
Languages: Common
sub races:


The Tribe of the Avarosans is named after Avarosa, one of the legendary 3 Iceborn Sisters and is one of the oldest and largest Freljordian Tribes. They are currently led by Ashe and live in the southern Parts of the Freljord, where they are able to build settlemends and herd animals. They are rather peaceful and follow Ashes goal of reuniting the tribes of the Freljord. They are often raided by other tribes and the Frost Guards.
ability score increase:
Size: Medium
speed: 30
Languages: Common, Freljordian
parent race: ]
race features:

  • Ability Score Improvement: +1 STR, DEX oder CON
  • Skills: Proficiency in Animal Handling or Survival and another skill of your Choice
  • Furry Friends: you can use Find Familiar once per Long Rest without expending a spell slot to summon a Poro.
  • When you reach Level 5 you can also use Find Steed once per Long Rest without expending a spellslot to summon an Elnük.
  • High Quality Hide: when you are wearing Hide, your Bonus to AC from your Dexterity modifier is not limited at +2.
  • ]

    Winters Claw

    The Winters Claw is a tribe led by Sejuani, who is a decendant of Serylda, one of the 3 legendary Iceborn Sisters.
    Death stalks the Freljord in a thousand guises—with fangs, blades, numbing frostbite, and bitter starvation. To survive is to fight every death, crush every threat, steal every advantage, and each new dawn brings a choice to the Winter's Claw: do whatever it takes to survive, or die.
    ability score increase: +1 in STR or CON
    Size: Medium
    speed: 30
    Languages: Common, Freljordian
    parent race: ]
    race features:

  • Northern Toughness: Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level. Beast Companions, Beasts you conjure and your Wild Shape Beast Forms also gain this Bonus, depending on your level.
  • Relentless Endurance: When you are reduced to 0 HP, but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You cant use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
  • Survival-Expert: You gain Expertise in the Survival Skill.
  • Enraged: If you took damage since your last turn, your attacks deal extra damage equal to your proficiency modifier that turn.
  • High Quality Hide: when you are wearing Hide, you Bonus to AC from your Dexterity modifier is not limited at +2.
  • ]

    Free Tribe

    You are from a smaller free Tribe on the northern Continent, either from the Freljord, the Demacian Wilderness or somewhere between Freljord, Noxus and Demacia.
    ability score increase: Two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1.
    Size: Medium
    speed: 30
    Languages: Common 2 other lenguages of your choice from Frljordian, Demacian or Noxian
    parent race: ]
    race features:

  • skill proficiency: gain proficiency in Stealth, Survival, Animal Handling, Nature or Insight.
  • Proficiency: gain 1 weapon or instrument proficiency of your choice.
  • Freedomfighter: you have Advantage on Saving Throws against being charmed.
  • ]


    You are an Iceborn, which allows you to touch True Ice and wield magical Weapons made out of True Ice. You are either from the Winter Claw, The Avarosans or one of the smaller Freljordian Tribes. The Ice in your veins makes you more resistant to the Cold and harsh enviroment in the Freljord.
    ability score increase: +1 CON
    Size: Medium
    speed: 30 ft
    Languages: Common, Freljordian
    parent race: ]
    race features:

  • Icy Veins: You have resistance against cold Damage and Advantage on Saving Throws against being frozen. Snow and Ice are no difficult Terrain for you.
  • True Ice Weapon: You can choose a True Ice Weapon of your Choice when you choose this Origin. You are proficient with it and it counts as magical. The Weapon has a +1 to attack rolls you make with it, increasing at Lv 6, Lv 12 and Lv 18 and deals Cold Damage instead of its normal Damage. Creatures that are not Iceborn take 1D10 Cold Damage each turn they hold a True Ice Weapon.
  • Kryomancy: Your Spells that deal Cold Damage gain a Bonus to Attack Rolls equal to your Ice Weapons Bonus and your Spell Save DC for Spells that deal Cold Damage increases by the same amount.
  • Iceborn usually have white hair.


    Noxus is a powerful empire with a fearsome reputation. To those beyond its borders, Noxus is brutal, expansionist, and threatening, yet those who look beyond its warlike exterior see an unusually inclusive society, where the strengths and talents of its people are respected and cultivated. Its people were once a fierce reaver culture until they stormed the ancient city that now lies at the heart of their empire. Under threat from all sides, they aggressively took the fight to their enemies, pushing their borders outward with every passing year. This struggle for survival has made the Noxians a deeply proud people who value strength above all, though that strength can manifest by many different means. Anyone can rise to a position of power and respect within Noxus if they display the necessary aptitude, regardless of social standing, background, homeland, or wealth.
    ability score increase: +1 in STR or CHA
    Size: Medium
    speed: 30 ft
    Languages: Common, Noxian
    parent race: ]
    race features:

  • Weapon Proficiency: You gain proficiency with 1 Weapon of your Choice.
  • All In: When you make a weapon or spell attack, you can choose to add your Proficiency Bonus to all attack rolls you make until the start of your next turn. You can decide, after you made the attack roll. If you do so, your AC is reduced by the same amount until the start of your next turn.
  • Savage Attacks: When you score a critical hit, you can roll on of the damage dice one additional time and add its extra damage to the critical hit.
  • Deep Wounds: When you score a critical hit, you inflict deep wounds, that make the Target bleed of it has blood, making it unable to regain HP until the start of your next turn.
  • You have Advantage on attack rolls against bleeding creatures.


    A strong, lawful kingdom with a prestigious military history, Demacia's people have always valued the ideals of justice, honor, and duty most highly, and are fiercely proud of their cultural heritage. But in spite of these lofty principles, this largely self-sufficient nation has grown more insular and isolationist in recent centuries.
    The capital, the Great City of Demacia, was founded as a refuge from sorcery after the nightmare of the Rune Wars, and built upon the riddle of petricite—a peculiar white stone that dampens magical energy. It is from here that the royal family has long seen to the defense of the outlying towns and villages, farmland, forests, and mountains rich with mineral resources.
    Those who dwell beyond the heavily guarded borders are increasingly viewed with suspicion, and many former allies have begun to look elsewhere for protection, in these uncertain times. Some dare to whisper that the golden age of Demacia has passed, and unless its people are willing to adapt to a changing world—something many believe they are simply incapable of doing—the kingdom's decline may be inevitable.
    And all the petricite in the land will not protect Demacia from itself.
    ability score increase: +1 STR, CON or WIS
    Size: Medium
    speed: 30
    Languages: Common, Demacian
    parent race: ]
    race features:

  • Petricite Armor: If you start with Heavy or Medium Armor with a base AC of 14 or higher, you can choose to have it made out of Petricite, a hard metal-like wood, that absorbs magic. Petricite Armor is only crafted and sold in Demacia.
  • While you wear Petricite Armor, you have Advantage on Saving Throws against magical effects, Spell Attacks against you have Disadvantage and you can't use Spells, that are not on the Cleric or Paladin Spell list.
  • Petricite Proficiency: While you Petricite Armor, you gain +1 AC
  • - Silent Casting: You can cast Spells without using any verbal or somatic components.
  • Righteous Protector: Once per Long Rest you can use your Reaction to give Creature that you can see within 30 ft of you a number D4s of temporary Hit Points equal to your proficiency modifier.
  • ]


    Ionia, in original Vastayan nomenclature: The First Lands, is a land of unspoiled beauty and natural magic. Its inhabitants, living in scattered settlements across this massive archipelago, are a spiritual people who seek to live in harmony and balance with the world. There are many orders and sects across Ionia, each following their own (often conflicting) paths and ideals. Self-sufficient and isolationist, Ionia has remained largely neutral in the wars that have ravaged Valoran over the centuries - until it was invaded by Noxus Crest icon Noxus. This brutal conflict and occupation has forced Ionia to reassess its place in the world. How it reacts and the future path Ionia will follow is as of yet undetermined, however, animosity against Noxus has led to militarization and vigilantism. Thirst for the dark arts is on the rise.
    ability score increase: +1 DEX or WIS
    Size: Medium
    speed: 30
    Languages: Common, Ionian
    parent race: ]
    race features:

  • Fleet of Foot: Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet.
  • Skill Proficiency: You gain Proficiency in Nature, Arkana, Insight or Religion
  • Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with Glaives, Longswords and all Finesse weapons
  • Nimble fighting: You gain +2 AC while you are not wearing Armor or Shields
  • Magic of the Land: When you are a Spellcaster, you can learn 1 additional Cantrip and 1 additional Spell from your Spell list
  • ]


    Piltover, also known as the City of Progress, is a thriving, progressive city whose power and influence is on the rise. It is Valoran's cultural center, where art, craftsmanship, trade and innovation walk hand in hand. Its power comes not through military might, but the engines of commerce and forward thinking. Situated on the cliffs above the district of Zaun Crest icon Zaun and overlooking the ocean, fleets of ships pass through its titanic sea-gates, bringing goods from all over the world. The wealth this generates has given rise to an unprecedented boom in the city's growth. Piltover has - and still is - reinventing itself as a city where fortunes can be made and dreams can be lived. Burgeoning merchant clans fund development in the most incredible endeavors: grand artistic follies, esoteric hextech research, and architectural monuments to their power. With ever more inventors delving into the emergent lore of hextech, Piltover has become a lodestone for the most skilled craftsmen the world over.
    ability score increase: +1 INT or CHA
    Size: Medium
    speed: 30
    Languages: Common Piltovan
    parent race: ]
    race features:

  • skill proficiency: You gain Proficiency in Investigation, Arkana, History, Slight of Hands or Nature
  • Educated: you can Choose 2 Proficiencies out of any Instrument, Language, Tool or Fire Arms
  • Hextech Craft: You learn one Artificer Infusion of you Choice, that you fit the requirements for. You can create or enhance an item with the Infusion and replace the Infusion after a Long Rest. You need the neccessary tools.
  • When you use Hextech modified Weapons, your Attacks deal +1 extra Damage. This Damage increases at level 5, 10, 15 and 20.


    Rakkor are the main tribal faction of Mount Targon. Solari and Lunari religious orders originate from this tribe.
    ability score increase: +1 STR or WIS
    Size: Medium
    speed: 30 ft
    Languages: Common, Targonian
    parent race: ]
    race features:

  • weapon proficiency: You are Proficient with Shields and one Weapon of your choice
  • Martial Training: On your Turn, you can do a single additional weapon attack. You cant use this feature again until you finish a Short or Long Rest.
  • Defensive Stance: While Wielding a Shield, you can use your Bonus Action, to enter a defensive Stance. Your AC gains a Bonus equal to your proficiency Bonus and Damage you take is reduced by an amount equal to your Level until the start of your next turn. You cant use this feature again until you finish a Short or Long Rest.
  • ]


    Zaun, also known as the City of Iron and Glass, is a large undercity district lying in the deep canyons and valleys threading Piltover Crest icon Piltover. What light reaches below is filtered through fumes leaking from the tangles of corroded pipework and reflected from the stained glass of its industrial architecture. Zaun and Piltover were once united, but are now separate, yet symbiotic societies. Though it exists in perpetual smogged twilight, Zaun thrives, its people vibrant and its culture rich. Piltover's wealth has allowed Zaun to develop in tandem; a dark mirror of the city above. Many of the goods coming to Piltover find their way into Zaun's black markets, and hextech inventors who find the restrictions placed upon them in the city above too restrictive often find their dangerous researches welcomed in Zaun. Unfettered development of volatile technologies and reckless industry has rendered whole swathes of Zaun polluted and dangerous. Streams of toxic runoff stagnate in the city's lower reaches, but even here people find a way to exist and prosper.
    ability score increase: +1 INT or DEX
    Size: Medium
    speed: 30 ft
    Languages: Piltovan (Zaunite dialect)
    parent race: ]
    race features:

  • skill Proficiency: You gain Proficieny in Investigation, Nature, Slight of Hands, Stealth or Deception
  • Zaunite Resiliance: You have Resistance to poison damage and Advantage on Saving Throws against being poisoned.
  • Tool Proficiency: You are Proficient with two of your choice: any Instrument, any Gaming Set, any Tool or Fire Arms
  • Chemtech Craft: When you deal Damage with Alchemist Fire, Poisons or Acids you crafted, you can add your Proficiency Modifier to each Damage Roll.
  • When you use Chemtech modified Weapons or Limbs, your Attacks deal +1 extra Damage. This Damage increases at level 5, 10, 15 and 20.


    Solari are an ancient organization and religious order which task is to venerate the Aspect of the Sun of Mount Targon.
    ability score increase: +1 STR, CON or WIS
    Size: Medium
    speed: 30 ft
    Languages: Common, Targonian
    parent race: ]
    race features:

  • Solari Resilience: You are resistant to Radiant Damage.
  • Armor proficiency: you are proficient with Shields, Medium and Heavy Armor
  • In the Light: While you are in direkt Sunlight, you add half your proficiency modifier to all skill checks, saving throws and attack rolls.
  • Sunlight Ray: You call a Beam of Sunlight down from above, to a point you can see within 30 ft of you. The Beam has a Radius of 5 ft and heals allies within it for 2D4 each turn they are within it for the first time. Hostile Creatures take 1D6 radiant Damage instead. The beam lasts a number of Rounds equal to your proiciency modifier and disappears, when you end your turn after that amount of Rounds. You cant use this feature again until you finish a Long Rest.
  • ]


    Lunari are an ancient organization and religious order which task is to venerate the Aspect of the Moon of Mount Targon.
    ability score increase: +1 DEX, INT or CHA
    Size: Medium
    speed: 30 ft
    Languages: Common, Targonian
    parent race: ]
    race features:

  • Lunari Resilience: You are resistant to Radiant Damage.
  • Stealthy: You have Advantage on Stealth checks at night and when you are lightly or heavily obscured
  • In the Shadows: While you are lightly or heavily obscured, you add half your proficiency modifier to all skill checks, saving throws and attack rolls.
  • Darkvision: Acustomed to operating at night, your eyes adapted. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Moonlight Ray: You call a Beam of Moonlight down from above, to a point you can see within 30 ft of you. The Beam has a Radius of 5 ft and heals allies within it for 1D4 each turn they are within it for the first time. Hostile Creatures take 2D6 radiant Damage instead. The beam lasts a number of Rounds equal to your proiciency modifier and disappears, when you end your turn after that amount of Rounds. You cant use this feature again until you finish a Long Rest.
  • ]


    The empire of Shurima was once a thriving civilization that spanned a vast desert. After an era of growth and prosperity, the fall of its gleaming capital left the empire in ruins. Over millennia, tales of Shurima's glorious city became myth and religion among the descendants of the scattered survivors.   Most of the nomadic inhabitants of Shurima search for basic sustenance in an unforgiving land. Some defend small outposts built around a few oases. Others hunt buried riches among the ruins of the fallen empire, or obtain mercenary work, taking coin for their deeds before disappearing back into the sands. Now, the tribes are stirred by whispers from the heart of the desert: the city of Shurima has risen again.
    ability score increase: +1 DEX, INT or CHA
    Size: Medium
    speed: 30 ft
    Languages: Common, Shuriman
    parent race: ]
    race features:

  • Sand Walker: Sand is no dificult terrain for you.
  • Shuriman Resiliance: You are resistant to Fire Damage and have Advantage on Saving Throws to withstand the effects of heat.
  • skill proficiency: Choose one from History, Survival, Deception or Persuasion
  • Sand Weaving: If you are a Spellcaster, you learn Mold Earth.
  • Slingshooter: Your Weapon Attacks with a Sling deal 1D6 instead and the Range is increased by 50%. You can Choose to use STR or DEX for the Attack.
  • ]


    Icathia is a lost city bordering Shurima in the southeast part of the Southern Continent.
    A rebellious vassal-state of ancient Shurima, Icathia is now a barren and forbidding wasteland. And yet, amid the ruins, unspeakable horrors of the Void are beginning to stir once more...
    You are a decendant of a Surviver of Icathia or maybe you survived the horrors of Icathia yourself and prolonged your Life in some way. You could also be someone from the border Region, fighting back the Void or perhaps use its powers to your advantage.
    ability score increase: +1 INT, WIS or CHA
    Size: Medium
    speed: 30 ft
    Languages: Common, Shuriman
    parent race: ]
    race features:

  • Skill Expertise: You gain one additional skill proficiency as well as expertise in one skill you are proficient in.
  • Icathian High Magic: You gain one additional Lv 1 Spellslot, that refills on Short Rest. The Level of that Spellslot increases, when you reach level 4, level 8, level 12, level 16 and level 20. If you dont have a spellcasting class yet, you choose one and use its spellcasting ability. You can learn a number of spells from that list equal to your proficiency modifier.
  • Void Adaptation: Your encounters with the Horrors of the Void made you resilient. Whenever you take Damage from a Void creature, reduce the damage you take by 1.
  • ]


    Renowned for its mastery of elemental magic, Ixtal was one of the first independent nations to join the Shuriman empire. In truth, Ixtali culture is much older—part of the great westward diaspora that gave rise to civilizations including the Buhru, magnificent Helia, and the ascetics of Targon—and it is likely they played a significant role in the creation of the first Ascended.
    But the mages of Ixtal survived the Void, and later the Darkin, by distancing themselves from their neighbors, drawing the wilderness around them like a shield. While much had already been lost, they were committed to the preservation of what little remained...
    Now, secluded deep in the jungle for thousands of years, the sophisticated arcology-city of Ixaocan remains mostly free of outside influence. Having witnessed from afar the ruination of the Blessed Isles and the Rune Wars that followed, the Ixtali view all the other factions of Runeterra as upstarts and pretenders, and use their powerful magic to keep any intruders at bay.
    ability score increase: +1 DEX, WIS or INT
    Size: Medium
    speed: 30
    Languages: Common, Ixtali, Shuriman
    parent race: ]
    race features:

  • skill proficiency: you are proficient in Nature, Arkana, Stealth or Survival, Investigation
  • Control Elements: You learn one Cantrip of your Choice from: Shape Water, Mold Earth, Control Flames, Gust or Druid Craft and can use it as a Bonus Action.
  • Elemental Affinity: When you deal Damage with a Spell or a Weapon Attack, you can choose to change the Type of the Damage to Lightning, Fire or Cold Damage for this Round. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, and cant do so again until you finish a Long Rest.
  • ]


    Bilgewater is a haven for smugglers, marauders, and the unscrupulous, where fortunes are made and ambitions shattered in the blink of an eye. For those fleeing justice, debt, or persecution, it is a city of new beginnings; no one on the twisted streets of Bilgewater cares about your past. It's a melting pot of cultures, races, and creeds, alive with activity at all hours.   While incredibly dangerous, Bilgewater is also ripe with opportunity, free from the shackles of government, regulation, and moral constraints. If you have the coin, almost anything can be purchased in Bilgewater, from outlawed hextech to the favor of local crime lords. Nevertheless, come daybreak, the unwary are found floating in the harbor, their purses empty and their throats slit.
    ability score increase: + 1 STR, DEX or CHA
    Size: Medium
    speed: 30 ft
    Languages: Common, Buhuru
    parent race: ]
    race features:

    - Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with Firearms and Nets. Nets have triple range for you, you can make multiple attacks when you attack with a net and you can add your proficiency Bonus to the DC for a creature to free itself from your net.
    - skill proficiency: Gain proficiency in one: Deception, Slight of Hands, Perception, Persuasion or Intimidation
    - Good Swimmer: you have a swim speed of 20 ft
    - Offensive: While you are not wearing medium or heavy armor and no shield, you gain +2 on your attack rolls
    - Smells Fishy: You have Advantage on Insight checks when someone is trying to make a deal with you.


    Buhru is an island and coastal settlement which is part of the larger Serpent Isles. Here battle isn't considered a test of strength, but of will. These Isles are the location from which the religion of Nagakabouros and its priestess originate from.
    ability score increase: +1 STR or WIS
    Size: Medium
    speed: 30 ft
    Languages: Common, Buhuru
    parent race: ]
    race features:

  • Faithful: you gain proficiency in Religion
  • Gift of the Depth: You learn the Tentacle Whip Cantrip (Thorn Whip, but its a tentacle and deals bludgeoning damage instead). When you reach Lv 3 you can cast Entangle (but with tentacles) once per Lond Rest, without expending a Spell Slot. When you reach Lv 5, you can cast Grasping Tentacle (Grasping Vine, but with Tentacle) once per Long Rest, without expending a Spell Slot. When you reach Lv 7 you can cast Nagakebouros Tentacles (Black tentacles) once per Long Rest, without expending a Spell Slot
  • Powerful: When you try to Push, Pull, Grapple or restrain someone or something, you can add half your proficiency Bonus to any skillcheck or Saving Throw DC to do so or to keep them in the condition
  • Good Swimmer: You have a Swim speed of 20 ft.
  • ]
    race features:
    - 1 skill proficiency, tool proficiency or instrument proficiency of your choice
  • you gain other features, depending on your Origin

  • Created by


    Statblock Type

