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Air Crystal Bearer - Rage

Must be holding the Air Crystal shard of Rage

This Air Crystal Shard is colored by the emotion of Robin Weiss' Rage. Holding the crystal gives the bearer immense power, but at the cost of losing onesself to the emotion it possesses.   The crystal bestows the following abilities:   Emotion Dominion - Rage: Emotion Wraiths that feed off Rage will do your bidding, and will follow verbal commands to the best of their ability.   Blinding Rage: You are immune to enchantment spells that will pacify your rage, or affect your mind in a way that prevents you from feeling rage. Spells such as Friends, Dominate Person, or Suggestion spells worded as to calm down will not work.   Elemental Immunity: You are immune to Lightning damage.   Spellcasting: you gain the ability to cast Call Lightning at will. You can cast Lightning Bolt once per turn, which recharges on a d6 roll of 5-6 at the end of your turn. These spells use your Charisma spellcasting modifier.   Lair Actions: The area within a mile of you becomes charged with electricity. Static cling occurs more frequently, and the air smells of ozone. Once initiative is declared, the the Crystal activates its Lair. On Initiative Count 20, you may roll 1d4 and activate the following:   1 - Any enemies within ten feet of you that is wearing metal armor or has metal weapons or items must make a Strength Saving Throw (DC 12). On a failed save they are pushed back 20 feet and take 1d6 Lightning damage. On a save they are not affected.   2 - Lightning wells up in a 20 foot radius circle within 100 ft of you. At the start of your initiative turn, it activates, and anyone in that circle must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 4d6 Lightning Damage (no damage on a success). The area of effect dissipates immediately after it activates.   3 - A beam of lighting connects you to someone you can see within 100 ft. You choose who that is, and on your initiative you can appear anywhere on that line at the start of your turn, at no cost to your movement.   4 - Lightning empowers your being and strengthens your fighting prowess. Until the end of your next turn, you can deal an additional 2d6 Lightning damage to any attacks that hit. This includes magical and ranged attacks.   The crystal bestows the following curse:   Rage is an emotion that necessitates control, lest it get out of hand. When initiative is set, at the end of your turn, you take 5d6 necrotic damage if you have not harmed another person.

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