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School of the Cat

The teachings of the School of the Cat focus on two things. Precision and speed. As a result, they produce fast and fierce fighters capable of whirling through masses of enemies in seconds. They roam the forests of Doran, with the HQ being now Fort Gezras.    

Masters of Blizzard Potion

Starting at 3rd level you can create an Enhanced Blizzard and then at 8th level, you can create Superior Blizzard.      

School Proficiency

When you take this school at 3rd, you gain proficiency in Stealth or expertise if already proficient and Thieves tools. In addition, as a result of your training, you have become more dexterous than most Witcher's, giving you proficiency in Acrobatics.    

Lion’s Pounce

Starting at 7th level you gain the ability to dash as a bonus action. If you dash at least 20 feet in a straight line you can leap at a target and attempt to do a pouncing strike. Make a melee attack against the target, if the attack hits the target must succeed a Strength saving throw against your Sign save DC or be knocked prone. The attack deals an extra 2d8 damage even if the target is not knocked prone. In addition, if the target is knocked prone, you may take an extra attack against that creature. This attack has advantage to hit.    

Masters of the Dragon Dream

Starting at 11th level, you can crate Enhanced Dragon Dream and then at 13th level you can create Superior Dragon Dream.    

Mind Blast

Starting at 18th level you can overclock your Axii sign at a cost of 4 vigor points with Trickery of the Cat. You channel and cast a pure white explosion with a radius of 30ft. All non-allies caught in the blast must make a Wisdom saving throw versus your Sign save DC. Upon a failed save the creature believes they are being mauled by lions and suffer 6d8 psychic damage every turn at the start of their turn. This effect lasts 1d4 turns. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turn. A successful save ends the effect. If the target saves from the initial effect, they are only dealt half of the psychic damage. Due to the extremely taxing nature of this ability, you cannot use the Axii sign again until you take a long rest.

Created by

Lord Mcberry.

Statblock Type

