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Clear Water Shard

Wondrous Item Rare (this item requires attunement)

A translucent blue gem that always seems to be dripping water, enough to fill a small cup everyday. Being attuned to a clear water shard allows a creature to cast shape water and minor illusions cantrips at will. In addition if the creature needs water to survive, the amount of water they need to survive is reduced by half. The water shard has 9 charges which can be used to cast the following spells at their base levels; Aqua Jet (1 Charge), Hold Person (2 Charges), Tidal Wave (3 Charges). These spells are casted with a DC of 15 or a +7 spellcasting bonus. When the last charge is used up, roll a d10, on a 1 the shard starts to melt, turning into a small puddle of water.

Weight: 0.2lb


Created by

Spike of the Bastion.

Statblock Type

