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Ed the Bard

Compass of Vincula

Instrument Magical Uncommon (this item requires attunement) [Divination]

Wondrous Item, varies (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
An unremarkable bronze compass. It has cracked glass, some ever-present rust and various dint's and scratches along its surface. An intricate design is within the face of the compass though, several circles outline the centre of the compass, each filled with small unidentifiable symbols which appear to be etched into its surface. The centre piece is impossibly detailed, small golden trimmed lines curving around, forming irregular shapes. Inside these shapes are even smaller, much more ragged lines. Some curve, some are jagged, some are clustered together so heavily that it appears to be a single line. On a step back, this image is one of the world, all its islands, mountains and rivers in its entirety. The map is of the plane it was created. A golden needle is lazily pointing in a random direction.   Expending a charge allows the user to know the direction of a creature if it is on the same plane but not distance. The user is required to have on their possession an item of some personal significance to the creature that they are trying to track. The creature must be familiar to the user. This effect fails if the creature is underwater or underground by at least 50 feet. This lasts for 10 minutes and requires concentration.   Expending 5 charges does the same as above, however the effect lasts for 1 hour and doesn't require concentration, and the personal possession used to track the creature is destroyed.   The compass recharges 1d4 charges under the presence of moonlight (must be at night). The compass instantly recharges fully under a full-moon. On expending the last charge, the personal possession used to track the creature is destroyed. The effect still takes hold.   Whilst attuned to this item, the user gains proficiency in Survival. If the user was already proficient in Survival before attuning to this item, they instead get a +2 bonus to any Survival checks made using the compass whilst attuned.   Attuning to the Compass gives it 5 charges and it loses all previously stored ones.   Notes: Proficiency: Survival, spellcaster  

Cost: 1500GP


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