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world of excal-heim

Tchaikovsky's Cannon

Spellcasting Focus

Rare Charisma Based Spellcasting Requires Attunement

Ammo(Bullet x 4), Alluring, Heavy, Loading, Runic, STR 18

When used as a Spellcasting focus, you gain +3 to your Spell Attack Modifier And Spell Spell Save DC.

Complicated Properties

Ammo(Bullet x 4). Consumes 4 bullets per shot.

Alluring. You can use Charisma as the modifier for this weapon.

Runic. You can use this item as a Spellcasting focus.

STR 18. You have disadvantage to hit unless you have 18 or more Str.

Spell Boon

1812 Overture. you can cast a variant of Conjure Volley at 5th level without expending a spell slot.

This variant differs in that, the ammunition is bullets and creatures take 4d8+36 thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

When cast, the cannon section of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture must be played.

Rules for Catalyst Boon's can be found here: Spellcasting Catalyst

Base Weapon: Hand-held Canon

Type Damage Damage Range
None 4d6+5 Thunder 30/120

Weight: 20 lb

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