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Demetrius Demarcus Bartholomew James lll Jr

Small Sentient Antimatter Rifle, Firearm, Lawful Evil

Armor Class
Hit Points
Speed: 60 ft


( -5 )


( -5 )


( -5 )


( +0 )


( +1 )


( +4 )

Languages Common
Challenge Rating doesnt need one its a gun


Demetrius as his most dangerous experiment yet decided to delve into the dark arts. His ideas had been getting more dangerous for the past 4 or so years, but tonight he would try something few can come out of and live without being turned into mere shells of their former selves or beings of pure evil. The wizards experiments were known to fail but when they succeeded they were a sight to behold, from almost god like abilities to feats of performance that Hlal herself would have gazed upon in awe. The news of his plan spread quickly with people eagerly waiting for his demise or prosperity, more so for his end.   Demetrius usually stayed away from the public in a hut outside the nearest city, as to avoid paparazi and on the other end of things, mobs as results of damage from one of his many failed experiments. To ensure there wouldn't be mobs for this he stayed up day and night working endlessly until it was perfect. To create life out of nowhere and make a fully living object out of something that was soulless. Animation magic wasn't what he was looking for, he wanted it to be able to talk, have personality,

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