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Keriss Entheless

Ranger 4 Class & Level
City Watch / Investigator Background
Wood elf Race
Any Alignment

Strength 12
Dexterity 18
constitution 14
intelligence 0
wisdom 14
charisma 8
Total Hit Dice 10
Hit Die 1d10+2
3 proficiency bonus
15 Passive perception
4 Strength
7 Dexterity
2 Constitution
0 Intelligence
2 Wisdom
-1 Charisma
saving throws
4 Acrobatics
2 Animal Handling
0 Arcana
4 Athletics
-1 Deception
0 History
5 Insight
-1 Intimidation
3 Investigation
2 Medicine
0 Nature
5 Perception
-1 Performance
-1 Persuasion
0 Religion
4 Sleight of Hands
7 Stealth
5 Survival
Hit Points
Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields

Martial Weapons, Simple Weapons


Common, Deep Speech, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Sylvan
Eye of the Night*[roll 1d20 + 10] 1d8+5 Piercing
Eye of the Night*on night hit 1d4necrotic Necrotic



Personality Traits



Ranger Features
Favored Enemy PHB91
You have advantage on Survival checks to track your favored enemies, as well as on INT checks to recall information about them. You also learn one language of your choice that is spoken by your favored enemies, if they speak one at all.

Dragons are large reptilian creatures of ancient origin and tremendous power. True dragons are highly intelligent and have innate magic.


Natural Explorer PHB91
You have a favored terrain type. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for proficient skills when you make an INT or WIS check related to it. While traveling for an hour or more in your chosen terrain, difficult terrain doesn’t slow your group’s travel, your group can’t become lost except by magical means, you remain alert to danger even when you are engaged in another activity, you can move stealthily at a normal pace (while alone), you find twice as much food while foraging, and while tracking creatures, you learn the exact number, sizes, and how long ago they passed through the area.


Fighting Style PHB91
You adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty.

You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.

Spellcasting PHB91
You can cast known ranger spells using WIS as your spellcasting modifier (Spell DC 13, Spell Attack +5).

Ranger Archetype PHB92
Monster Slayer
Primeval Awareness PHB92
As an action, you can expend one ranger spell slot (1 minute per level of spell slot) to sense whether any aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, or undead are present within 1 mile of you (or within up to 6 miles if you are in your favored terrain). This feature doesn’t reveal the creatures’ location or number.

Primeval Awareness: 1 Action
Monster Slayer Magic XGtE43
You learn additional spells based on your level that count as ranger spells but don't count against the number of spells you know.

Protection from Evil and Good(1st)
Zone of Truth(2nd)
Hunter’s Sense XGtE43
As an action, choose one creature you can see within 60 ft. You immediately learn whether the creature has any damage immunities, resistances, or vulnerabilities and what they are if the creature is not hidden from divination magic. You can use this feature +2 times per long rest.

Hunter’s Sense: 1 Action
Uses: 2 / Long Rest
Slayer’s Prey XGtE43
As a bonus action, you designate one creature you can see within 60 ft. and the first time each turn that you hit that target with a weapon attack, it takes an extra 1d6 damage. This benefit lasts until you finish a short or long rest or if you designate a different creature.

Slayer’s Prey: 1 Bonus Action
Extra Attack PHB92
You can attack twice whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Darkvision PHB23
You can see in darkness (shades of gray) up to 60 ft.

Keen Senses PHB23
You have proficiency in the Perception skill.

Fey Ancestry PHB23
You have advantage on saves against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.

Trance PHB23
You don't need to sleep, but meditate semiconsciously for 4 hours a day. While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.

Elf Weapon Training PHB24
You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.

Fleet of Foot PHB24
Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet.

Mask of the Wild PHB24
You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured.

Manage Feats
Elven Accuracy XGtE74
Increase your DEX, INT, WIS, or CHA score by 1. Whenever you have advantage on an attack roll using one of those modifiers, you can reroll one of the dice once.

Dexterity Score
Features & Traits

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Statblock Type

Character Sheet (2018)
