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Chain of Avgymuz

Tool Magical, Two Handed Legendary (this item requires attunement) [Any lawful alignment]

As an action, the user may speak the command word for this item and target a demon within 120ft. The character must have line of sight and the ability to speak to use this item. The demon must make a DC 23 Charisma saving throw or be magically bound by the chain. While chained, the demon must obey any commands the user gives. On the user's turn, without using an action, the user can command the demon to do any of the usual actions. The demon will attempt to complete the action during it's turn to the best of its ability within 120ft of the user. If the demon takes damage from any source, the demon may make a DC 22 Strength (Arcana) check as a reaction to attempt to break out of it's bonds. A creature can also attempt to target the magical bond between the user and the demon. Each 5ft length of the chain has 5 hit points and an AC of 10. At the start of each of the user's turns, the chain regains all lost hit points at every length. If the bond is destroyed, then the item becomes dormant for 1d4 days

Type Damage Damage Range Properties
Simple Ranged None 120ft Magical, Two Handed


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