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Stormkey of Saint Nelera

Wondrous Item Magical Legendary (this item requires attunement) [Divine]

Description: This item appears to be an over-sized iron key with a lightning bolt in the place of the blade. It lacks rust, but otherwise looks to be normal. When using the key's ability it feels either hot or cold, depending on if you are using it to take or give health.

  The Stormkey has four charges, restoring 1d2 at dawn every morning.

  Healing Use: As an action the user takes 1d10 necrotic damage, which is not reducable in any way. Then the user touches the key to another and grants them 1d4 HP and 1d4 Temporary HP. While under the effect of the temporary HP, the creature looks like they are being pelted by rain, though the effect is completely illusory. Using the key this way costs one charge.

  Leeching Use: As an action the user touches the key to another creature. That creature must pass a DC 11 Constitution check or take 1d8 necrotic damage. If the attack succeeds then the user gains 1d4-1 HP and 1d4-1 Temporary HP. While under the effect of the temporary HP, the user appears to be covered in a thin sheet of oil, though the effect is completely illusory. Using the key this way costs two charges.   History: This holy relic once belonged to Saint Nelera, a follower of Artival, God of Storms who sacrificed her own life force to give it to others. As the legend goes, after her death the stormkey was found to have the same abilities she once possessed, and has been kept in several churches and museums over the last several centuries.

Cost: 2000 gp Weight: 6 lbs


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