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Amulet of the Four Seasons

Wondrous Item Legendary (this item requires attunement)

This item counts towards the Four Seasons set bonus. This amulet glows different colors depending on what the current Eladrin's season is. The amulet stays in state when the Eladrin removes the amulet, until a different Eladrin attunes to the amulet and dons it.
For non-Eladrin wearers this item has no effect.

Summer: The amulet glows a ruby red. Fire Bolt critically strikes on a 19 or a 20.

Autumn: The amulet glows a deep amber. When Friends ends, the creature must make a DC 15 intelligence saving throw to realize it has been manipulated.

Winter: The amulet glows a light blue. Chill Touch makes all creatures attack with disadvantage against you.

Spring: The amulet glows a vivid green. Minor Illusion can be used to sustain two illusory effects at once.


2Any damage you deal also deals 1d4 (Summer: Fire; Autumn: Force; Winter: Cold; Spring: Radiant) damage. This effect increases by 1d4 at 9th (2), 14th (3), and 20th (4) level.
3You can now change seasons by using a bonus action. This change lasts only one minute and can only be used twice per long rest.
4You can Fey Step twice per rest. Gain one additional use of Fey Step per rest at 12th level.

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