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Soul Signature

6-level Necromancy

Casting Time 1 special
Range Unlimited
Duration Until Dispelled or Triggered
Components V, S, M
Materials quality ink, 3 drops of blood from each of the dealers

Soul Signature binds a piece of the two willing dealers souls to a contract. Neither individual can be under the effects of any other spell while the ritual is being performed and the contract is being signed. The caster and dealer must both willingly put three drops of blood into a one-ounce pot of ink worth at least 10 GP. Upon casting the spell a parchment and quill appear, it will write verbatim as the caster dictates the terms of the agreement. When the terms have finalized both parties of the agreement need to shake hands and say "I agree to these terms (name) or my soul be yours." On successful completion, both parties are paralyzed for 1 min as a piece of their souls are pulled into the parchment and is marked as a distinguishable seal of the signatories. The contract is then duplicated and bound to within 30 feet of each participant until the completion of the task.   If the task isn't completed to the stipulated terms or either party member dies the failing party loses their soul completely and is now owned by the other. The soul can be sold on to someone else or transferred to an item or a non-humanoid creature challenge rating 0. The owner can communicate with the soul and it can communicate back if the owner wills it. The soul's host body if alive has the following effects. These effects cannot be removed unless the owner of the soul willingly sells the soul back or is killed and the soul is reunited with its body. If the soul is abandoned for over 100 years it is pulled into hell and reborn as a Lemure.   SOULLESS EFFECT   The victim's alignment is changed to True Neutral The victim's Wis and Cha becomes 8 Animals are afraid of the victim The victim can no longer benefit from divine magic eg: Cure Wounds, Aid Each month without a soul the victim must make a Con Save DC 10 increasing by 1 each month after or turn into a zombie

Class(es): Soul Manipulator

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