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Spear of the Righteous

Weapon Magical, Thrown, Versatile Very Rare (this item requires attunement)

You can forgo an attack to instead make an attack role with the spear and then place it somewhere within the total x 3 feet. While the spear is placed your Paladin auras are also emitted by the spear, you can cast your chanel divinities through the spear and as a bonus action you can invoke the righteous soul causing a draconic visage of the wielder to appear in spectral gold around the spear, this lasts until the end of your next turn and once you invoke the righteous you can't do so again until you complete a long rest or kill something with more hit points than the wielder. While the righteous soul is active it mimics your attacks, when you roll to hit choose a target for the righteous soul to hit you both use the same roll and total. The soul halves non-radiant damage and then converts it into radfinat and nullifies any necrotic damage. When determining line of sight the soul has the same visual capabilities as the wielder and it cannot effect anything further than 30ft from it. As a bonus action you can recall the spear if it is within 100ft, it returns to your hand automatically, you gain temporary hit points equal your charisma modifier times the number of enemies the soul slew.

Type Damage Damage Range Properties
Simple Melee 1d6 / 1d8 Piercing 5ft, 60/100ft Magical, Thrown, Versatile

Weight: 4lbs


Created by

Noble 7.

Statblock Type

