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Stinky Salve

Potion Mundane, Alchemic (common) Common

A dried stick of cinnamon wrapped in stinkweed and dipped in Beast urine that, when burned, produces a wide spreading, horrific stench. Once burning, the stick can be smeared on a surface, leaving it there, and the stench will continue to emanate from that area and not from you.  

Game Statistics

Creatures within the effected area that have the Keen Senses trait have disadvantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks that require scent   Creatures within the effected area that are stable but unconscious awaken with 1 HP   Creatures within the effected area that are asleep awaken

Type Damage Damage Range Properties
None None 120 ft Mundane, Alchemic (common)

Cost: 10 GP Weight: 0.1 lbs


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Statblock Type

